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if there must always Stark in Winterfall why Bloodraven call last stark (bran) beyond the wall !

Mehmet Eren

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Maybe it is promise to the Children about pack they made against others The others gods have similar pro with old gods ( maybe they don't have god) or they have The great other In shortly they probably have someone / something like Bloodraven and Bran so I think they know time where there will be no more stark in winterfall

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Before I realize this I was sure in the bloodraven in the realm of man side working to stop other now I don't know he is definition of shady guy for overall good he did lots of bad things and he has power hunger so maybe he intend to take bran use him different purpose (there are lots of theories about it ) open the way for others

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Also, during Bran's dream with the 3 eyed raven, (BR), he said, "now you know why you must live."  "Why?" asked Bran.  "Because Winter is coming!"



yes, maybe he sacrifice Winterfall good of realm I really want him to good guy but this GRRM world

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People that have read some of GRRM's other works (specifically The Ice Dragon) are hung up on the idea of Winterfell having a special significance beyond being symbol of strength, and a building where the Stark's live.

I haven't read ANY of GRRM's other works (aside from Dunk&Egg) and I believe there is significance to the phrase "There must always be a Stark in Winterfell." Idk why yet, but it isn't a stretch to assume WF has magic along with The Wall & Storms End.
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But personally, I wouldn't rate a "bigger plan" which necessitates a continent-destroying war as positive.


I think you are putting a lot of stock into BR ability to alter events. There are multiple players, some are in Westeros where he maybe able to effect events but some of them are in areas that don't have weirwood trees and have a lack of animal life. Some of the players are in Essos where I doubt BR has any resources at all.


The CotF have been making plans around Bran for over two hundred years if Leaf is to be believed, BR may be only a puppet, a place holder or temporary repository of the greenseer skills, preserved by the CotF until Bran came into the picture. I imagine if he were on a ranging and wounded that the CotF help might not be questioned, hell they may have used a previous greenseer to attract him far north and then replace the old greenseer with the new (BR) just like it seems they have been doing to Bran.

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Why is the question asked as if the place that we get "there must always be a stark in Winterfell" in the story is from Bloodraven?  Its not as if h's contradicting himself, it doesnt come from this storyline.  Not discounting a possible signifigance of there not being a Stark, but the whole notion of asking why Bloodraven would do such a thing is just an opening for a fanfiction conversation.  He could not even know, he could not give a damn about it, he could be doing it purposefully for some reason.  Nobody even fully understands why he was called beyond the wall anyway, nevermind why he was in conjunction with a broken principle completely un-commented on by Bloodraven

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People that have read some of GRRM's other works (specifically The Ice Dragon) are hung up on the idea of Winterfell having a special significance beyond being symbol of strength, and a building where the Stark's live.


It's no accident that at the point in the story when Winterfell gets sacked and burned that most of Westeros sees them as a house with falling fortunes and on the verge of extinction. As the Starks regain their power as a family, I think you'll see Winterfell regain it's old image.




Maybe the twincest was a necessary thing to occur within the bigger plan. In regards to BR we just don't know enough about his end game to make a judgement, it could be as simple a get a Targaryen back on the throne, who knows. 

1. What a nonsense twisting within your own parameters. No sh** as soon as Winterfell is sacked and destroyed the Starks are seen as a house on the fall, if any house had its castle destroyed and family near-eradicated thats what would be percieve, thats how it works.  That doesnt begin to discount any and all magical signifgance. I.e just because your put forth a simple truth doesnt mean anything to the point your pretending to actually respond too. 


2. Your whole comment on the twincest really goes to show how little you actually understand about the storyline or just how deep in your own fanfic you are at this point.  "Maybe the twincest was a neccessary thing...... blah" Do you even understand the point your responding too? BR making Bran not remember the fall and the cause isnt what initiated Cersie and Jaime having sex from what i remember.  Br just doent want bran harping on that, which i dont begin to want to get into here of all places.  And he was in the cave decades while targaryens still ruled but sure

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I think the phrase "There must always be a Stark in Winterfell" is a clear example of GRRM foreshadowing and will be super important for the story. My personal theory is that the phrase is derived from some sort of prophecy that says something along the lines of "when Azor Ahai comes back to fuck shit up in 5000 years, the Stark in Winterfell needs to be in WF to harness some sort of magic to counter AA". I think Jon will end up being the Stark in WF, and I think perhaps you need to be in WF to use the Horn of Winter. I don't have much evidence at all to back that up, just a theory.

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I think there's a specific reason for there always to be a Stark in Winterfell. It isn't said over and over for the fun of it. Unfortunately, I don't know the reason.


1. To guard Lightbringer.


2. To guard the underground tunnels that run north of the Wall.


3. To keep them from harassing the Others.


4. It was part of the treaty that ended the War for the Dawn, and was included because no one thought there would EVER be a time without Starks in Winterfell.  Now the treaty's broken and everybody's in big trouble.


5. To guard Night's King's corpse.


6. To guard Night's Queen's corpse.


7. To keep the dead Stark kings and lords from rising...cause we all know that sword thing wasn't going to work, the things are rusting away.


8. Bloodmagic somehow keeps Winterfell from being destroyed as long as there are Starks physically present in the keep itself.  Note that Bran and Rickon were in the crypts, not the castle, when Ramsay sacked and burned it.

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Because BR is evil and he sucks.  His goal is to destroy the world, and part of his plan is to eliminate the last Stark by turning him into a tree.


I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here and assume that was tongue-in-cheek.


Bloodraven saw this shit coming a century ago.  If he wants or needs Bran, so be it.

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Why do you assume BR to have positive intentions?
He hushed up the twincest in the first place, in the best situation to discover and deal with it. And he personally broke guestright earlier in his career.

I agree on not being sold on him having positive intentions. Did he break guestright though? I don't remember if there was any time for food or drink to be served. Seem to recall the beheading the second he landed. Lied about safe passage for sure, just not sure guestright was ever established.
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I agree on not being sold on him having positive intentions. Did he break guestright though? I don't remember if there was any time for food or drink to be served. Seem to recall the beheading the second he landed. Lied about safe passage for sure, just not sure guestright was ever established.

To my knowledge we have no confirmation about bread and salt or any other form of refreshment having been provided.  


If BR is a sticker for meaning, technically the guy got safe passage into KL.  We don't know that anything more was promised.

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