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Would a Dothraki invasion work?

Brony Stark

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Would Illryio's and Vary's original plan (in Visery's and Dany's eyes at least) of leading '40 thousand Dothraki Screamers' had worked. Most likely not. The Dothraki have no siege craft, and I doubt that most of the lords (not including Edmune Tully) would stay in their castles and simply wait out the Dothraki, picking them off with arrows. Also they wouldn't fare well when trying to get past the Neck. Next is the amount of troops. Assuming that Westeros bands together to fight them you have 40 000 against about 200 000.

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But if they had Dany with them I would assume Dorne would declare for her and the rest would follow suit.

Ok. Dorne declares, the Reach declares but there, Vale stays neutral and the rest support Bob. It'd be about even then.

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Drogo moving his entire Khalasar to Westeros is a massive project that would require alot of time for preparations, giving the Westerosi lords the opportunity to prepare. My guess is that they would try to attack the Dothraki during their naval voyage across the narrow sea, since the Dothraki are probably the worst sailors in the world.

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Drogo moving his entire Khalasar to Westeros is a massive project that would require alot of time for preparations, giving the Westerosi lords the opportunity to prepare. My guess is that they would try to attack the Dothraki during their naval voyage across the narrow sea, since the Dothraki are probably the worst sailors in the world.

Im assuming this is if they made it :) :)

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Interesting question. Most castles could hold out if they are well-provisioned. However I think that most Westerosi armies would be outmatched in the field given that the majority of their forces are part-time soldiers who would be fighting on foot. ALL the the Dothraki warriors fight on horseback and that would be a considerable advantage. I also agree that Dorne amongst others would declare for Dany thus providing the invaders with valuable intel, siegecraft, and knights to supplement their mounted forces.

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And I´m not really certain that anyone would declare for the Targaryens under these circumstances, do you think that the nobles of the Reach and Dorne would be ok with inviting a massive Dothraki horde that after the war would engage in rape, pillaging and warfare all over Westeros?

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Yes but now they do have Siege weapons and the others would have no choice but to face them in open battle or die after a siege.

Of course, isn't the saying '1 men on the top of a wall is worth 10 below it' and that's with Westerosi who use shields and are slightly armoured. I doubt the Dothraki would dismount to join the siege and even if they did then they'd be mince meat.

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Of course, isn't the saying '1 men on the top of a wall is worth 10 below it' and that's with Westerosi who use shields and are slightly armoured. I doubt the Dothraki would dismount to join the siege and even if they did then they'd be mince meat.

Yes but the men of Dorne, the reach etc would Siege, whilst the Dothraki would plunder the small towns and villages living off their supplies.

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Yes but the men of Dorne, the reach etc would Siege, whilst the Dothraki would plunder the small towns and villages living off their supplies.

That would work until they get to the North. Most likely any lords not destroyed or supporting will head there, boosting the Stark's army. There aren't as many resources for the Dothraki and Moat Cailin and the Craggonmen would decimate the Dothraki/Dornish/Reach army. Then there are the Iron Islands...

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Assuming they manage to convince the screamers to board the ships, avoid the Redwyne and Royal navies and land the whole dothraki army on Westeros, they would probably manage a short-term success, kill Robert when he rode to fight them and any other army sent against them, and ravage the countryside, but I think the Targayren reclamation would fail in the long run.

The dothraki wouldn't be fighting to put Dany on the throne, and much less Viserys (assuming Drogo didn't crown him "king" of Mantarys or Lhazaar and left him behind; he promised "a crown" not "the Crown of Westeros"), they would be fighting to take vengeanze on Robert for sending assassins after Dany and to ravage, loot, rape and burn, as they always do. Any lords who sided with Dany would stop supporting her once the dothraki horde started burning their land, enslaving their men and raping their women and demanding tribute every time they passed near their castle and town; many would be too afraid to fight back, but many others would run to join any lord who managed to gather a sizeable army to stop them.

We have to take into account that Westeros is full of great rivers, swamps, mountains, woods and isles, many favourable places were to mount a stand against the dothraki cavalry.

Even if the dothraki won every battle, eventually they would lose enough people that they couldn't hope to hold Westeros, and even if some miracle allowed them to destroy all their enemies and retain enough strength to dominate Westeros, Dany would be just as before, the wife of a Khal, only that instead of riding the plains of Essos and demand tribute from the Free Cities they would roam the Reach and Riverlands and demand tribute from the surviving cities and towns...

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That would work until they get to the North. Most likely any lords not destroyed or supporting will head there, boosting the Stark's army. There aren't as many resources for the Dothraki and Moat Cailin and the Craggonmen would decimate the Dothraki/Dornish/Reach army. Then there are the Iron Islands...

By then KL may have fallen and most of the other major houses declaring for Dany... Except the Lannisters they would have been screwed. They could then send ships to the North and march a full Westerosi+ dothraki army north.

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This has been discussed several times and the general consus seems to have been that the Dothraki can ravage the countryside but be unable to take on the larger castles and cities, and hence they wouldn't be able to defeat the Westerosi in the long run. In a field battle the Dothraki would of course have an advantage but the Westerosi are no walk-over even for the horsemen due to their, relatively, sophisticated military. For example the use of longbows and armour on a large scale would be difficult for the Dothraki to handle. Or at the least I imagine so.

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Thing is, most nobles wouldn't just sit in their castles. Westeros would send several armies against the barbarians, which'd be annihilated (due to the usual underestimation). Westeros may have more men, but I'd suspect 80-90% of those are poorly trained footmen, which'd risk swift annihilation by the Dothraki. I'd expect large numbers of knights to be killed or captured before they realize these barbarians can fight.

The big issue, people agree, are the castles. The solution to that are birds and snakes. Dorne and the Golden Company can mop up the rest afterwards. The real issue is that Viserys would soon become another mad king, completing the circle.

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