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The Younger More Beautiful Queen....

The Snowman

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Now we have numerous...numerous candidates for Cersei's 'usurper' as queen.

  • Queen Margaery Baratheon (Tyrell), the wife of the boy King Tommen Baratheon. She is known for her profound beauty and is believed to be the YMBQ by Cersei. You could say Marg is leading the race as she has caused Cersei to blunder even though she is herself imprisoned.

  • Queen Daenerys Targaryen; the conqueror of Astapor, Yunkai and ruler of Meereen. Also known as the Mother of Dragons, Dragon Queen and most beautiful woman in the known world. She is also the self-stylised Queen of the 7 Kingdoms and wants revenge upon those who usurped her family’s throne.

  • Lady Sansa Stark; was to be Queen of the 7 Kingdoms beside Joffrey Baratheon but was made ‘political prisoner’ when her father Lord Eddard Stark was imprisoned for treason and then beheaded. Sansa was held at King’s Landing as a hostage while her brother Robb Stark, then Lord of Winterfell and later The King in the North and the Trident rebelled against the Iron Throne. She was in all essence a princess during this time. She escaped King’s Landing after the death of King Joffrey with the help of Lord Petyr Baelish and became his bastard daughter Alayne Stone while in the Vale. She has as much cause for revenge upon Cersei as anyone could wish for. She could become Queen of the North and Riverlands in her own right or perhaps marry Aegon Targaryen or Edric Storm (Baratheon)

  • Lady Arya Stark; upon her brother’s rise to Kingship over the North and Riverlands, she became Princess Arya of Winterfell. This doesn’t mean much in the scheme of things as she is well on her way to becoming ‘no one’. What is interesting is Arya’s supposed likeliness to her aunt Lyanna Stark who is remembered as being a beautiful young woman. Also Lyanna Stark features in Cersei’s paranoia, Cersei has a very very high opinion of herself and she believed she was to marry Prince Rhaegar Targaryen and become queen. Rhaegar however was married to Princess Elia Martell and then to the shock of half the kingdom he ran away with the ‘Winter rose of Winterfell’. She ‘took’ Rhaegar away from his own wife. This is important because Lyanna is the ghost that haunts her marriage with King Robert. So to have a lookalike of Lyanna Stark coming for her would make sense and also be pretty bloody awesome. She could become Edric Storm (Baratheon)’s or Gendry Waters (Baratheon) Queen just to add to the technicality.

  • Princess Arrianne Martell; a princess of Dorne whom is described as quite the stunner is quite possibly going to marry Aegon Targaryen to unite Dorne, the Stormlands and the Golden Company. She certainly fits the bill when describing beautiful and possible queen. She does also want revenge for Oberyn Martell’s death along with that of Elia Martell and Rhaenys Targaryen.

  • Lady/Princess Asha Greyjoy; Ironborn, enough said. She will just tear down King’s Landing haha. She’s not the most beautiful she’s a certified ass kicker just like Arya.

  • The bolter in the group is ‘Princess’ Val of the Free Folk who could become Jon’s Queen. A total black horse and would just be so cool if this happened. She is very beautiful, Jon is kinda smitten and she seems to like Jon quite a bit. Even referring to Jon as Lord Snow instead of Crow. She even kneels to Selyse to help him out. So yeah totally coming from another ballpark, but again I like it because it’s completely out there.
  • Lady Brienne of Tarth, fierce and honourable character. An ugly woman whom can outfight most men and has essentially stolen Jaime from Cersei. So there’s certainly something in it.
  • Princess Myrcella Baratheon, is described as pretty but still young. Could become a younger queen if Tommen dies. She might disown herself from her mother (emancipation) if she finds out what she has done.
  • Queen Jeyne Stark (Westerling), is descrined as pretty and comely. Has reason to hate the Lannisters and Cersei as they killed her husband and king.
  • Lady Merra Reed, a total dark horse…more than Val but hey Cersei might piss off Bran and Merra will get cranky to.

So have your say? Who is your favourite contender? Who is your dark horse and who would be the best for revenge etc?

Add in extra contenders if you think of any. Also I have them numbered but they just go to 1 and that it for some odd reason. Anyway...

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If we are talking Show wise its clearly Margeary and Dany. But I would like to See Sansa as a queen somehow to kinda rub it in Cerceis face and I think Sansa will a Beautiful Lady Or Queen. As she gets older.

Well I think it's obvious that Sophie Turner is going to be a very beautiful woman. So going on that assumption she could eclipse Day and Marg.

My personal favorite is Arya Stark. Not only do I think she'll be the one who is more beautiful to take all Cersei holds dear, but she's also the valonqar.

Yes that would very cool as valonqar is little sibling and Arya is certainly that, she also has to avenge Syrio, Ned, Robb, Cat.....oh the list goes on without her own kill list.

Asha Greyjoy Queeeeeeeeeeeeeen of the Iron Islands and the Reach (once Euron's conquered it all and dies in the process)

Forgot about Asha, cheers for that
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Going with Arya, because it's how the prophesy impacts Cersei, and she actually is not that impressed by either Sansa, or Marge, (the latter I personally believe to be her Karma in the way she haunted, and hunted Elia Martel when Tywin had her at Court, besides the fact that she compared Marges beauty to that of a pretty peasant girl).

But, Arya would look like the woman, a wild beauty who in fact did take all from her in the two men she wanted, though I think it will be Jaimie who kills her.

There is also the naming of her Direwolf after a warrior Queen.

And, Arya barely wants to be a Lady, so in Martins irony-laden world, Arya is the least expectd though she is already blossoming into a beautiful woman, to the point the FM were willing to see her become a Courtesan if she chose.

Bravassi Courtesan= the famous Venetian Courteans of the sixteenth Century.

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Arya resembles Lyanna; Lyanna took the prince Cersei wanted to marry. It seems symmetric if Arya was the more younger more beautiful queen to take everything from Cersei. Just need to work on the queen part, but something is telling me that part may not be as obvious as it seems.

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Actually, this discussion has been done before. Let me add a couple of the longshots from the last time:

- Brienne of Tarth (beautiful on the inside is the argument here)

- Myrcella

Remember the wording - it does not speak of a rival queen, only one who is younger and more beautiful taking all that she holds dear.

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I'm a huge fan of Arya Stark and would love to see her as the next Queen. Preferably taking over Westeros herself. I know the idea is too far fetched, but that's what I want! Haha. My second option would be Daenerys Targaryen, the poor girl has been through a lot in trying to get back her kingdom, plus, her conquest has made her very wise, if nothing else.

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