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Lord Varys

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Everything posted by Lord Varys

  1. If you make somebody your voice they are not 'a field agent'. They speak for you, and their words are your words, even if they say stuff you wouldn't have said. That concept is very well-known in this world, in fact, with the office of Hand of the King. When the Hand speaks with the King's Voice he is, effectively, the king. His decrees, rulings, sentences are as binding as if the king himself had issued them. The king could eventually countermand them if and when he hears about them and doesn't agree ... but that would then be a new legal act, akin to the king changing his own mind on a matter he has ruled upon before. It is also quite silly to even question that Arianne is the one making the decision there. She has been asked to check out Aegon and to instruct the armies afterwards. We can expect her to also write to her father because she loves him and wants to keep him up to date ... but she doesn't have to. Her job is to check out Aegon and then decide whether there will be war or not. It is only her call.
  2. Sorry, now you are just making scenarios up. Sure enough, some could be seen as acts of war, but the Prince of Dorne could also just shrug and say what some bastard nieces of his did is not the will of Dorne. It still could cause King Tommen (or his government) to declare war on Dorne ... but good luck with that. They don't actually want that right now as they are surrounded and challenged by other enemies. They don't have the resources or manpower or money to invade Dorne - especially not while two Dornish armies are assembled in the two big passes in the Red Mountains. You are also kind of acting childish by wanting to ignore that Doran has given Arianne authority to make the decision whether the two Dornish armies should start a war or not. That will be the moment when Tommen's government can't ignore the Dornish issue anymore, not when some bastards try or don't try to murder some people. Not sure why you are obsessed with modernistic nonsense talk like 'commander-in-chief'. Such a title is never mentioned in this setting, and even if we were pretending that a king or ruling prince was a 'commander-in-chief' - which we don't actually know as there is obviously no clear military hierarchy in this feudal world - then that could only have practical consequences if the king or ruling prince was actually commanding the troops personally we talk about. Which Doran simply does not. What he did, though, was hand the authority to decide whether the armies that were assembled in his name are going to start a war or not. Which puts all the real authority in Arianne's hands. Nobody also said he was stepping down as Prince of Dorne - but he handed a crucial part of his authority and power as Prince of Dorne to his heir - the decision over war and peace. And he did that because he thinks his daughter is ready for that. Nobody also said he couldn't take that back by way of, say, sending letters to his generals in the passes to ignore any letters coming from Arianne or by changing the code phrases without telling her. But that could, obviously, only work before Arianne does send her letters to the generals. And there is not the slightest indication that he is going to have second thoughts like that. If he had wanted to control things he would have either gone to the Stormlands himself or he would have joined one of his armies personally or he would have not granted Arianne the authority to make the decision of war or peace. But he did what he did. And that puts all the crucial authority in Arianne's hands. It is also not that unlikely that Doran might know or think his days are numbered. His gout is very bad already and continuously drinking strong wine makes even worse. He could still live for some years, to be sure, but he is prepared and willing to slowly (or now somewhat faster) hand over power to his heir and successor. That seems to have been part of the reason why he brought her into his plans earlier and it is clearly the reason why he sent her to the Stormlands. To be sure - the loss of Oberyn would also be part of his reason there. His trusted brother and co-conspirator is gone and he is bound to a wheelchair and could not possibly go to the Stormlands himself. Arianne was the best choice there. But his decision to allow her to make the war-or-peace call shows that he trusts her more than he most likely would have trusted Oberyn in her stead. Hard to say. We could also just ask why Illyrio didn't just send Aegon and Connington to Qarth to fetch Dany or why Barristan was not presented to Aegon before he went to Qarth so he could give her a good reason to come with her to Pentos. The best in-universe answer for that kind of thing is likely the need for secrecy. Illyrio planned to have Dany to return to him unseen and in secret and have her to stay at a hidden place (with Aegon, perhaps) while her dragons grew large enough to mount a proper invasion. There is also little reason in context why Dany shouldn't go straight to Illyrio. Groleo and Barristan went to Qarth with three ships and she actually agreed to go back to Pentos with them. It was only after Jorah intervened, feeding her stories about the Unsullied, that she decided to take the Astapor detour. And that only became the longer detour after she hatched a plan to acquire all the Unsullied, making her army to large to fit on the three ships. Had she just gotten a couple of hundred or a thousand to not show up like a beggar in Pentos she could have continued with the three ships. Golden Company talk would have just confused everyone as they were the Blackfyre company once, and without the revelation about Aegon this would have just not made much sense. Especially since Viserys III apparently was ignorant about them, too. There are some hints that, behind the scenes, Varys did take steps to ensure that Dorne would join the Targaryens once they mounted their invasion. It seems clear that Varys fed Doran some information - either directly or through middle men - that he trusted, most notably the information about Cersei's plan to murder Trystane on the way back to KL. Cersei is no fool, she wouldn't have entrusted such knowledge to a large circle of people. Actually only Ser Balon Swann. But she may have told him in the White Sword Tower or the throne room or council chamber and not in the security (from little birds) of Maegor's Holdfast. If Varys is Doran's source on this then he would only trust him if he had fed him credible information in the past. It is also possible that Doran exchanged letters with Illyrio during the preparation of the Dothraki invasion plan. There might even have been closer interaction between Illyrio and Doran when the exiled Targaryens were younger as Viserys III surviving as long as he did from as young an age as he was when Willem Darry died is nothing short of a miracle. He and Dany must have been shielded by wealthy benefactors from the start, and Illyrio and Doran both certainly could have been among them. The fact that a brother to the Archon of Tyrosh is in Pentos at the reception where Dany is presented to Drogo could indicate that Doran is following the Targaryens-in-exile more closely than it seems. We do know that Arianne was to meet Viserys in secret while a ward in Tyrosh, and that could have only worked if there influential people in the Free Cities Doran trusted to keep such things from Robert. Doran may have gotten a close report from the Archon's brother about Dany's wedding and Targaryen-Dothraki invasion plans. But it is equally clear why Doran would have kept the marriage pact a really closely guarded secret. First because it was apparently made directly through Ser Willem Darry and Prince Oberyn while he was yet in Essos - that is, very shortly after the beginning of the exile, possibly before Oberyn even returned from his time in Essos where he was during the Rebellion - and second because it was a very dangerous thing to entrust to other people, even people who he knew or suspected had similar interests. In general, though, Dorne joining a promising looking Targaryen restoration attempt is something that Varys/Illyrio can take as a given. Recent events ensured they would not stand with the Baratheon-Lannister regime. In that sense this is similar to them having good reasons to expect a succession war in the Baratheon camp due to the twincest and other friction among the former rebels. But, of course, it is clear that Doran is so good at keeping secrets that even Varys/Illyrio never suspected or expected him to send his son to Dany in secret to try to marry her. They might have figured out why Doran is reluctant to give Arianne permission to marry ... but if they did they also never suspected or knew that he was daring and sly enough to actually arrange a marriage contract involving Viserys' hand. Which also makes sense as Darry's early death prevented him from telling Viserys in time. We can almost see that one reason Viserys III agreed to marry his little sister to Drogo was that Illyrio told he should give up the idea to marry his sister and instead remain free to marry a powerful heiress from Westeros - Arianne Martell - to secure Dornish support. Things only get complicated there if and when two Targaryen pretenders show up, and Dorne has to or already is firmly connected to one of them. If Quentyn had been successful and if Arianne and Doran would learn about that - which they still actually could learn in time in-universe if Quentyn had been successful - then Aegon would already be lost and little more than a distraction. Dorne would never declare for him.
  3. We can just stop it here. If Dorne attacks because Arianne's message tells the generals to attack then she - and she alone - will start this war. Doran Martell can't - and doesn't want to - stop that. And once fighting starts it will hard to stop. The one scenario I could see is that Arianne pretends to join Aegon only to double cross and kill him and Connington as I laid out above. That is a possibility how she could yet end up in King Tommen's camp. But even that is something she will have to decide. Doran Martell himself is out of the game entirely. He handed Dorne's fate and future to Arianne, his heir and successor. He doesn't want to be the 'commander-in-chief'. And of course Arianne is aware of the order Doran earlier gave to the generals of the armies. She would also know what castles/regions they are to attack and, of course, if Arianne were to want the Boneway (and the Prince's Pass's) army to help them at Storm's End she would also add that to her message(s) - or they would have been informed that this would be their goal when/before she set out to the Stormlands. Anything else would be strategic nonsense.
  4. The point is that he doesn't want to countermand anything. That is why he gave Arianne the authority she has. She will decide if and how and with whom Dorne goes to war, not Doran Martell. He trusts her to make the right call. If he wanted to make the final decision he would have not have given Arianne the code phrase and he would have told her to send a raven to Sunspear once she made up her mind on Aegon, so he, Doran, could make the final call. But that isn't the case. George has been asked if Varys/Illyrio knew about the marriage pact, and he said that they didn't know. That Doran has no clue about Aegon is also very obvious as Aegon and Quentyn would not have been rivals for Dany's hand if the men behind them had known about the plans of the other faction. And neither Connington nor Varys/Illyrio would expect that there is a chance that Dorne would join them if they had known or suspected that Quentyn Martell went secretly to Meereen and might, right now, actually be married to Daenerys Targaryen. Doran and Arianne deliberately kept the Quentyn plan from the Sand Snakes ... but it is clear that the war will start once Dany and Quentyn arrive at the latest. It could also mean war if/when the powers in KL find out about what exactly happened to Myrcella and why. Of course, your notion that Myrcella is dead is nonsense, but once Myrcella is back home with Tommen and Cersei and the Tyrells she might tell the true story ... and that could definitely trigger a war between the Iron Throne and Dorne declared by King Tommen. It would have, back when Cersei was still running the government. Now the Tyrells might have other priorities. The Sand Snakes, Doran, Arianne, etc. finding out the truth about Gregor Clegane's current state could also be the final straw to break the camel's back, but considering the time line Arianne might already be at Storm's End by that time, so this might be more fuel to the fire, but not necessarily something that has a direct effect on Dorne's decision to go to war (Nym and Tyene likely have no chance to directly contact Arianne at Storm's End since they don't even know she went to the Stormlands). However, it certainly could cause open violence or deadly schemes in KL. It is also a stretch to assume that Lady Nym and Myrcella will definitely make it to KL. With the current time line it is not impossible that the Golden Company chanced on and captured their party on the way to KL while they were crossing the Stormlands. Doran's entire policy of postponing the war revolves around waiting for a time when the damage for Dorne and the suffering of the Dornish people can be kept to a minimum. He doesn't want to do shit like some Sand Snakes and Arianne planned, provoking the Iron Throne into invading Dorne. He wants to create a scenario where Dornishmen will fight outside Dorne to accomplish what he wants - revenge on the Lannisters and a restoration of a Targaryen monarch with a Martell consort at their side.
  5. I guess you didn't read the sample chapters? They confirm that Arianne Martell has been granted authority by her lord father, the Prince of Dorne, to decide what Dorne is going to do with this Aegon situation. She will send back ravens to the two armies in the passes, telling their generals to either stay out of the war or to attack. They even chose code phrases which do ensure that she can't be forced to write anything against her will as the words one would expect her to write if the armies where to attack will tell the generals to do exactly the opposite. Doran Martell put himself out of the game and ceded authority to decide what Dorne should do to his daughter and heir. And he would only do that if he (1) trusted Arianne's judgment, and (2) felt the need to have a person he trusts to check out this Aegon chap. If he felt differently he could have just commanded his two armies to join Jon Connington at Griffin's Roost rather than sending his own daughter as an envoy to them. The armies have already been assembled, after all, and only need his word to attack. We also know from George's own mouth that Varys/Illyrio have no clue about the Quentyn-Dany plan nor the original marriage contract between Viserys III and Arianne Martell. Connington's and the Golden Company's expectation that Dorne will join Aegon is pretty naive. Doran Martell had his own secret plans and he and Arianne will only join team Aegon wholeheartedly if and when Arianne has reason to believe her brother and his supposed wife are not showing up. Before that, Arianne might not commit herself - and if she does then not fully or with the intention to only use this Aegon guy as a tool to weaken Tommen's government so that Dany and Quentyn will have an easier time taking the throne. The time for them to forge a real and lasting alliance would only come when they both know/believe the Quentyn-Dany plan is fallen through. Also, of course, Aegon might only yield and decide to actually marry Arianne after he and his people start to believe that Daenerys is actually dead or at least very unlikely to come to Westeros at all (that would be after reports about the Hizdahr wedding and/or her disappearance/alleged death reach Westeros). That is an obvious reference to his plans with Dany and Quentyn. Arianne is not stupid and for the Martells this entire Aegon scheme must clearly be a joke. If it had been real then Connington and his allies should and would have included the Martells in their game. That they kept this secret from them is a strong hint that these people try to manipulate them into joining a shady war. Once Arianne meets with Aegon and Jon she will have them at their knees begging for their help. They have to meet all her demands or there will be no help. If she doesn't send out the messages there won't be any Dornish support, and if they try to fool her then the Dornish troops might help Aegon at first, only to take him captive later to send his and Connington's head to King Tommen. While Trystane Martell is yet betrothed to Princess Myrcella the Iron Throne and Sunspear are still close allies. If Arianne pretended to support the fake Targaryen pretender only for her army to kill him and thus neutralize the threat to King Tommen she would be the hero of the day. Even if Arianne for some reason believed Aegon was the real deal ... her father and she made already another plan involving Quentyn and a Targaryen queen with actual dragons. Putting Aegon on the throne now would undermine their own plan, would complicate things once Dany and Quentyn show up with a large invasion force, so what we can expect is lukewarm support at best. In fact, the likeliest scenario is that Arianne will be decide to sit back and wait how Aegon is going to deal with the Tyrell army. From the sample chapters we know that the fall of Storm's End to Aegon will cause the Tyrell army to march against the castle, and one look at the map shows that the distance between KL and Storm's End is much shorter than the distance between the Boneway (not to speak of the Prince's Pass) and Storm's End. So even if Arianne would send a message to her armies to tell them to help Aegon to fight the Tyrells ... they would likely only arrive at Storm's End after the battle there was already fought. If Jon and Aegon actually find a way to beat a Tyrell army twice or thrice the size of her own army then she might actually be convinced that they have a really good chance at winning their war. Also, of course, by that time credible reports about the Quentyn-Dany situation might have reached her, so such a decision would be easier. Arianne is not going to make a fast decision there as her father has taught her a number of valuable lessons recently ... and she herself has learned the hard way that bad planning and scheming can have dire consequences.
  6. Guys, if Aegon already had Dorne we wouldn't get an Arianne subplot in her own chapters where she is sent to the Stormlands by her father to determine if Aegon is the real deal and/or if he is it worth it to support him. Doran and Arianne have their own Daenerys plan involving Quentyn, and until they receive confirmation that this plan is not going to be realized - which will be only when/if word reaches Sunspear that Dany is dead/disappeared and/or that Quentyn is also dead. That should take quite some time. Up until that point Dornish support might not be forthcoming or their commitment might be lukewarm at best. More importantly, Arianne is rather annoyed in her own chapters that her little brother is about to be made a king consort. If she were to buy Aegon's story or at least pretend to buy it in communication with her father and her bannermen ... then this is likely going to cost Aegon. She will demand his hand in exchange Dornish support, and if they won't agree then the Dornish armies won't march ... or will march to help the Tyrells crush the Golden Company. It might be that they will only agree to a betrothal and only have a wedding after they have taken KL and the Iron Throne - and by then they might have received news about the failure of the Quentyn plan. But up until Quentyn's death is confirmed - and reports about Dany's marriage to Hizdahr and her disappearance/death have reached them - Dorne will also be prepared to only use this Aegon guy as a pawn to topple the Lannister, being prepared to stab the fake pretender in the back once Dany and Quentyn to show. Aegon is a great instrument to be used and eventually be discarded at this point. And, honestly, I think there is small to no chance that Arianne is going to actually buy Aegon's story. If she supports him then because she likes him and what she might be able to accomplish through him, but not because she actually buys this guy is her first cousin.
  7. In Westeros we pretty much hear that this thing is pretty simple: Namely, that a lord can call his banners only for 'a time'. It might have been different back before the Conquest when there was continuous warfare but that would also have allowed every lord to just bend the knee to a different king if his lands were in the border region between, say, the Reach and the West. This also makes it clear that long campaigns and wars are pretty much impossible in this setting. We even see this in the Targaryen days when Theo Tyrell pretty much tells Aegon the Conqueror to fuck off when he wants to continue the war after Theo's father Harlan disappeared with his entire army in Dorne. There would have been feelings of revenge, etc. with Theo to be sure ... but if the guys in charge lack both the right and means to force their bannermen and vassals to fight for a longer time then they simply don't. Ditto with Daeron's Conquest. His war lasted pretty long already, and the good thing was that it was successful at first. But it stands to reason that the army he raised to crush the Dornish insurrection was but a fraction of the forces he marshaled for the original invasion. I guess the Crown and very wealthy lords could maintain years-long-campaigns by way of hiring landless second sons and the like as Prince Daemon does (with his brother's help) for his Stepstones campaigns. But such a war could not be maintained for long by way of the king calling his banners. I'm actually looking forward to the details of the War of the Ninepenny Kings as that actually was the only known Targaryen war on foreign soil which was conducted as an invasion army. It will be interesting to see how Aegon V and Jaehaerys II after him convinced the lords to raise men for this war. Dorne and the Stormlands may have felt mildly threatened by the Band of Nine, but the rest of the Seven Kingdoms should have just shrugged and said that this wasn't their problem. We can also expect the Starks eventually crushing that Skagos Rebellion in the North would have been a nightmarish operation as it apparently was a long war of attrition and most Northmen shouldn't have cared much about Skagos and would have thus refused to fight and die there once they had done their feudal duty. It might have been different in regions where the Skagosi invaded in turn, but since they lack ships that shouldn't have happened much (or at all).
  8. Pretty sure the disappearance of Lady Rohanne in 230 AC, three years before Egg took the throne, will be covered in a later Dunk & Egg novella. And they might see each other earlier, too. Keep in mind that Lord Gerold Lannister's support is crucial for Egg to win the throne at the Great Council in 233 AC. It seems quite likely that Dunk & Egg befriend Lord Gerold through Rohanne, and that friendship lasts well into Egg's reign. Without it, Tywin might not have been taken in as a ward by Aegon V, which allowed him to befriend young Aerys. To be sure, it is a big problem that people don't seem to know or care about any Targaryen cousins with claims to the throne. Nobody seems to know or care who could sit the throne if Tommen/Myrcella and Stannis/Shireen were to die. That is pretty odd as everybody in the Vale knows who comes next after Lord Robert Arryn - Harrold Hardyng, 'the Heir'. After the death of both Renly and Joffrey such people should have come to the fore. Tywin would have either called them to court or pushed them away to keep their ambitions in check. They would be considered as matches by other ambitious families at court - by the Tyrells, especially - and many people would wonder if they could or would make good kings or queens. If Brienne and Lord Selwyn before her would be considered as such claimants they would be talked about and treated quite differently. Both the Lannisters/Tyrells and Stannis' people would not want to see the Martells successfully pushing their claims for the Iron Throne ... and in the absence of any other claimants they might actually have the best shot. They are high nobility of Targaryen descent, after all. And the Baratheon claim goes through Rhaelle-Ormund, so technically if that branch were to die out completely, the next Targaryen cousin down the branch would be in line to the throne. That would mean descendants of Egg's siblings, brothers and sisters, followed directly by the Targaryen-Martells who would come next as descendants of Daeron II's only sibling. Even if the guys in charge wanted to change things, to not take such a route, traditional thinking would cause a lot of people at court to think in such lines, to look for the next king or queen among such people, so they would definitely be a factor.
  9. Nah, the notion that companies which in-universe, so far, have only committed to any known employer with their full strength would routinely do the opposite doesn't fit very well with what we know so far. Keep in mind that we actually do know some of the contracts of the Golden Company and other free companies. The idea that the contracts the Golden Company takes are 'probably not long term' is also without basis. They would last as long as their employer needed them, and some campaigns or wars they would be hired for would last long and others would be pretty short. As is the assumption that their reputation of professionalism and business model could flourish in an environment of ever shifting alliances and continuous warfare. Especially with the Golden Company who are known to never break a contract. That reputation would be a joke if they had men fighting for a lot of people at the same time and clauses stipulating that under such conditions they could not participating in any fighting. No need to ask, we can deduce that the Golden Company are in demand in the Disputed Lands from the text we have. And what we know about their campaigns involves them fighting together, not in small batches. We also don't hear anything about the Yunkai'i hiring companies in smaller batches - they hire complete companies, period - nor, more importantly, does the idea to split the company come up when the officers debate whether to go Meereen or to Westeros. A big logistic problem they face is that they can't move all 10,000 men to Slaver's Bay at that point. But that wouldn't be a big issue if they routinely sent hundreds or a few thousands up and down the coast of Essos. If your take was a thing in-universe George would really have to answer the question why Connington didn't send at least some men to Dany after the decision was made to go to Westeros. He wants and expects her to come eventually, wants to keep Aegon free to marry her, but to facilitate this some envoys at Meereen would have been rather nice. (Of course, once the invasion was decided Aegon would be in need of most of the men in Westeros. But they could have spared a couple of hundred men for that mission.) Thinking further - it would also be rather convenient for the plot that the Golden Company has just a rare 'full company contract' with Myr which they then break so that the entire company can meet with Connington and Aegon - which they do. If it were common practice to spread out the men then we would expect some of them to be in, well, Qohor or Norvos or Lorath at that time. Hell, it might then even have been expected that some would have been in Slaver's Bay - like the Second Sons and Stormcrows - when Dany shows up there. Yeah, the difference is not that big, as feudal obligations also only last for a time and can't be drawn out indefinitely. Which is why during really long campaigns and constant warfare you inevitably got a professionalization of warfare by way of a mercenary industry.
  10. Brienne is seems to be ignorant about that part of her family's history ... but that does not only extend to Dunk but also her Targaryen ancestry. Nobody seems to be aware of that - or if they are, they don't care much. It could easily be explained by Lord Selwyn's mother (Dunk's and Daella's daughter, in my scenario) being present and burning at Summerhall with her father. It is already established that those being there rarely talked about what happened there. And Selwyn could have been there, too, but being one of the survivors. In such a scenario he might not have talked about it with his daughter ... and the entire topic could have been taboo at Evenfall Hall. Ditto, actually, with the Lannisters if Tywin was there with Aerys and Rhaella and Steffon. He might have never spoken about it with his children, too, explaining why Jaime also seems to be ignorant about Brienne's ancestry. Regarding the shield and arms - if Dunk is ever granted a lordship, his arms might actually change. In fact, the fact that the village of Pennytree is a royal fief as per ADwD could be the case because Aerys I or Maekar grant the place to Dunk as a holding, making him the effective heir and successor of Ser Arlan of Pennytree. It would then revoke to the Crown when Dunk - as the Knight or Lord of Pennytree joins the KG in the absence of a male heir. If that were to happen after his daughter has already married Lord Tarth she might no longer be eligible to inherit a seat of her own, anyway. Oh, I'm sure (and hope) Dunk will have some real romances and affairs with unmarried (commoner) women (like Old or rather Young Nan, say) before he grows older. But I don't think he will ever mess around with royal princesses or highborn ladies. And he might also not be all that keen to dishonor commoner women. I mean, we could also speculate if and which son of Rohanne Webber born to Gerold Lannister is going to turn out Dunk's son ... but I doubt that he would dare to pull off something like this. If either Tytos or Jason were Dunk's, then quite a few of the present Lannisters would be Dunk's descendants. And that would be very odd and feels quite weird.
  11. That sounds like an odd idea with the Golden Company as a company with their honor and integrity couldn't possibly risk having a number of smaller contingents of their men ending up on different sides. Imagine 2,000 men of the company enter into a five-year-contract to defend Lys, say, and another sign up with Myr, only for one or both those cities deciding to attack each other. You could not foresee this, but professionalism and honor would then dictate that the Golden Company fight each other ... which would defeat the entire purpose of the company which is to grow strong and powerful enough to return to Westeros one day to conquer the Iron Throne in the name of a Blackfyre pretender. It seems rather more likely that the constant fighting in the Disputed Lands does involve a lot of fighting men, meaning that 10,000 Golden Company men are not exactly a big deal (again - for the Volantenes the presence of the Golden Company in their lands is no big deal - the triarchs are concerned a bit, but don't feel threatened and they can easily dump them on the Westerosi shore by calling upon non-military traders in their harbor). It is also possible that the Golden Company in itself didn't always have 10,000 men but rather grew in size as its reputation grew over the years. I'd be surprised if Daeron II actually did exile 10,000 or more lords, knights, and commoners in the wake of the Redgrass Field ... but even if he did and if later Blackfyre Rebellions forced more men into exile (the Third Rebellion could have resulted in some such) it should have taken Bittersteel a long time to actually draw many or all the Westerosi exiles together in his company. He himself fought with Second Sons for a time - likely before he founded the Golden Company in 212 AC, possibly in reaction to the disaster that was the Second Blackfyre Rebellion -, and other exiles might have stayed with that or some other company. We know Aerion Brightflame fought with the Second Sons, too, during his exile ... if some old Blackfyre loyalists remained with that company they might have decided to attach themselves to a real prince, eventually returning with Aerion to Westeros once he was allowed to come back home. Also, of course, Bittersteel seems to have been a complicated and not exactly likable man. So we can easily imagine that his style and manner of command didn't make him all that popular with his men, at least at times. I think we do have the number of two score of free companies being active in the Disputed Lands (and others might be active elsewhere in Essos, between the Bones and the Narrow Sea). That could mean that not only tens of thousands of sellsword were active in those lands, but actually over a hundred thousands. 40 times 2,000 is already 80,000, and we could easily assume that some free companies had three or four or five thousand men, while others might only have one thousand or five hundred.
  12. Nah, some princess marrying a knight (who could easily be a lord by that time, being granted lands and a castle as reward for his service during the Third Blackfyre Rebellion, say) isn't the same. Duncan the Small was a betrothed Prince of Dragonstone, the Heir Apparent, when he ran away with some peasant girl. Daella Targaryen is a girl and the fourth child of a prince who will be spurned by her betrothed. Her children have little to no chance to succeed to the throne ... and her marrying Dunk might very well involve her giving up her claim to the throne. Weirdo marriages for princesses and even dowager queens are well-attested - Androw Farman, some of the suggestions for Daella and Saera, an aging Lord Manderly, Alyn Velaryon (a baseborn bastard), Corwyn Corbray & Garmund Hightower, Ossifer Plumm & Michael Manwoody, etc. It is right that this match wouldn't be direct ... but in light of the fact that Dunk doesn't have a family name his children might very well go by the name of their mother, especially if she got a name. But it would be still much more direct than some more distant match. Any child of Daella's or Rhae's would still be the nephew of a king once Aegon V took the throne. I don't see Dunk pulling off something like that with a sister of Egg and surviving it (with his honor intact). Especially not as a KG but also not as Egg's (and Maekar's) friend. The Targaryens are not likely to forgive a transgression like this. If something happened between Daella (or Rhae) and Dunk, he would have to marry her. And he would also not be a coward to keep something like that a secret. Also, Dunk isn't really a ladies' man. So far there is neither a proper romance happening nor any sex. And I'm pretty sure that Dunk is not the type to sleep with a married woman or a woman betrothed to somebody else who would like to marry her betrothed. If she and Dunk fell for each other they would not act on their feelings while Daella was yet betrothed to Egg ... or only if Dunk already knew that Egg would never marry Daella. What we know about Dunk also indicates that he doesn't want the KG or a life in celibacy in some other order ... but fame and station and a wife and, presumably, children. So the chances that ends up marrying before he joins the KG are actually pretty good. That he would join the KG makes only sense after his best friend and former squire ascends the throne and he and his family are in dire need of help and protection. (Unless Dunk, for some reason, grows very close to Aerys I, Bloodraven, or Rhaegel and his children before their deaths. But that's not all that likely. And while Dunk might become a kind of friend to Maekar, joining his KG would mean to protect and - eventually, perhaps - serve a King Daeron III or Aerion. That is not a burden the guy would take on voluntarily.) There is also Aerion to consider. He seems to have wanted a sister to marry, so why didn't Aerion claim Daella after Egg fell for and eventually married Betha? Daella is Egg's elder sister, closer in age to Aerion than Rhae, and chances are low that Aerion ended up with Daenora before his sisters married as by TMK she doesn't even seem to have been born. My guess is that Dunk might end up marrying Daella in part to protect her from Aerion. Also, if something like that is going to happen we also have to consider Daella. Dunk isn't the type to dream about a royal wife, but since Daella is Egg's betrothed and sister, she is going to meet him eventually and they might spend a lot of time together at Summerhall and/or in KL. If she were determined to have him, he would not resist forever, especially if realized he loved her, too. But to be sure - it is easily imaginable that this thing is going to be a big scandal, leading to Dunk and Daella to fall into disfavor and to settle somewhere in the countryside or even in Essos. With there only being a reconciliation in the wake of Daella's death. Even Dunk & Egg might not be close friends throughout their lives. There could be longer periods of estrangement between the two. For instance, I don't even think that Dunk would be keen to live at court during Maekar's reign as we know that Maekar called all his four sons to court. Even if Dunk wasn't a KG at that time, as a household knight/sworn sword/retainer of King Maekar he would still be physically close to Aerion Brightflame all the time. That would mean constant trouble. Of course, there is a small chance that they overcome their issues ... but that is not very likely.
  13. That is why I mentioned that the leadership of quite a few free companies are members of Free City elites. They would not only represent certain factions within their city states, but also act upon the behalf of said factions in the various conflicts with other cities. Some would fight for anyone, but others might have a tendency to stand with their home city in most conflicts or effectively be the part of the outsourced military of that city.
  14. I think the best take on things there is that Brienne's father, Lord Selwyn Tarth, is the son of the daughter of Dunk and Egg's sister Daella. After all, from AFfC we got the pretty big hint that Brienne is descended from Dunk, while TWoIaF indicated that there is also a Targaryen link. It would be a very big coincidence if the Dunk link and the Targaryen link weren't effectively the same. Daella is my best guess there as she is Egg's older sister, making her closer in age to Dunk, and she is the one he is betrothed to, which would make it fun irony if she fell for Dunk while Egg kind of dumped her for Betha Blackwood. The idea would then be that Dunk and Daella marry around the same time as Egg and Betha (some time after the Third Blackfyre Rebellion), live together for some time until Daella dies - perhaps in childbirth - during the later reign of Maekar, causing Dunk to eventually join the KG of King Aegon V. Chances are very low that Dunk would ever join Maekar's KG as that would result in him having to protect Aerion Brightflame and/or eventually serve under a King Daeron III or even a King Aerion (while Dunk didn't exactly hate Daeron the Drunk, he is no fan of that guy and would most likely not want to waste his life protecting such a king). Thus I think Dunk can either join the KG while Rhaegel, Aelor, and Aelora are yet the heirs of Aerys I, but not after Maekar is named Heir Apparent. Only after Aerion died in 232 AC would that prospect look interesting to him again, but most likely only after Egg became king. Vaella the Simple could certainly also fit into things there, but that would then be an independent link. But both she and Aerion's son Maegor might have died unmarried and childless. Dunk's younger sister Rhae should have children, though, as Maester Aemon already remembered that both his sister had children of their own. It seems that this thing is a more recent link and a more direct link than some matches involving the children of the half-sisters of Aegon III. Doesn't mean one of the Penrose girls couldn't also have ended up with the Tarths, but that wouldn't be the link Yandel mentioned in TWoIaF.
  15. Historically, I think we can expect that the children of Baela and Rhaena will end up to be the ancestors of some or all of the brides of the sons of Daeron II. But that should be all. That is clearly not intended to be a build-up for some prominent houses being (very distant) Targaryen cousins. If that had been intended then we would have gotten direct marriages between certain prominent houses and the Targaryens. In that sense it is very noteworthy that there are no direct matches between the Targaryens and the Starks, Tullys, Lannisters, or Tyrells ... while the almost extinct Arryns got some such. What is also rather interesting is the deliberate decision by George to not include any Targaryen-Plumms as brides in the Lannister family tree. It is effectively confirmed that Tywin and his children are not descended from Viserys Plumm. If George wanted them to be Targaryen cousins to some degree he would have made it much easier, especially since a direct match between those houses wouldn't have been a surprise. Ditto with the Starks. If there are loose ends which end up married into other houses we might get some more Targaryen or Targaryen-descended brides for House Baratheon as it seems that the blood ties between those two houses were supposed to be stronger than just the alleged Targaryen bastard Orys, a Targaryen king's widow from House Velaryon marrying a Lord of Storm's End, and eventually the Rhaelle-Ormund match. Ditto with giving the Arryns at least some drop of Targaryen blood so that the discussion among the rebels who should be king after Aerys II makes at least some sense in retrospect. It would be nice to know what happened with Elaena's Penrose children, but there the chance is pretty good that some ended up with the Baratheons. Plot-wise the blood of the dragon is not completely irrelevant, I think, and quite well-spread. Not just because of Aegon the Unworthy's many children but also because of Robert and other Baratheons spreading it in 300 years and the Targaryen-Martells spreading it through since the second Daenerys gave Maron Martell a number of children. Oberyn Martell alone did a lot to spread it, and his daughters will continue to do it if they have children of their own one day. We see that reflected, I think, in Teora Toland having what could qualify as 'prophetic dragon dreams', a talent she likely inherited from a Targaryen-Martell (great-)grandparent. In Dorne the degree of kinship among the noble families would be even more obscure than in the other regions, as not only a younger sister of Doran's mother could marry into the house without causing trouble with the family name but also a younger brother. The Toland name would prevail regardless if the consort of a Lord/Lady of Ghost Hill was a male or a female Targaryen-Martell. What is clearly going to have some plot relevance is the whole blood tie thing between the Targaryens and the Tarths. If Brienne does have a Targaryen grandparent or great-grandparent that is going to be a relatively big thing.
  16. Not sure if that is accurate in general. Strickland is not charismatic and is not held in high esteem by Connington because he is overly cautious. But he was chosen to lead the company, so he must be popular enough with the men (or at least the officers and sergeants who elected or chose him to be captain-general). That would be a way, but I guess people kind of overestimate the importance of the free companies outside the Disputed Lands. Volantis is only mildly concerned by the presence of the Golden Company, so we have to assume that under normal circumstance Volantis and the Three Daughters have enough military power to not being cowed into submission by the Golden Company alone. In light of their relative strength it is also noteworthy that the Golden Company never took over one of the Free Cities or established a state or 'lordship' of their own. If 10,000 professional sellswords were enough to be a big army in the region then this should have happened. But apparently it is not. Also, we would assume that not every small campaign or war does involve many companies on either side ... that would be a thing only if you have, say, Myr and Tyrosh together to gang up on Lys, or if you had a larger war where four or even five Free Cities are involved.
  17. Pretty sure the archers will come in handy in the coming battle, especially Black Balaq's own 50 Summer Islanders with goldenheart bows. But since Aegon has only about 6,000 men he only has 600 archers which him (Connington put about 100 on each ship) ... which isn't necessary an archery advantage over an army of 30,000 or 40,000 men which could - and likely does - include thousands of archers. What I haven't contemplated so far is that things could disintegrate further by way of assassinations. Varys himself might target more people within the Red Keep, but we could also see a paid assassin killing Mace and/or Randyll during the march or shortly before the battle. That would cause sufficient confusion for the army to disintegrate without a lot of fighting. Aegon's success hinges not on him winning but on him suffering not many losses. If he wins technically but loses most of his men his campaign would look less and less promising. I'm not sure he does. He just thinks he can get things done. No, that is neither foreshadowing nor a 'no true Scotsman'. If I dress up like a Mongol I still am not a Mongol, right? And it is the same with a stage gladiatorial game in a fighting pit which is obviously rigged. It is even called a mock battle with the fighters being called mock fighters. Dany is a khaleesi, and the entire event is supposed to mock and humiliate her. It is no accident that the mock Dothraki lost there.
  18. The Three Daughters also have a standing army and navy of their own. Fighting there is so common that the free companies make up a good portion of the fighters in the Disputed Lands ... but they don't dominate things there completely. If they did, then the sellswords captains and generals would, by now, have supplanted the elites of those cities and that is obviously not the case. Bittersteel could sack Qohor, for instance. But the Golden Company could not conquer and hold the city, just as the other free cities are still run by the merchant/magister and noble classes. Examples like the Tattered Prince, Salladhor Saan, etc. also show that the many of the men running the free companies do have a noble background.
  19. We know that Aegon's mother was Valaena Velaryon, so if he were a bastard she would have had to sleep around ... and there is no indication that she did or that Aegon looked (distinctly) different from his sister-wives. Lord Aerion could have had more bastards than just Orys Baratheon (if the guy was his son) ... but that would have little to no bearing on the marital conduct of his wife. It could make some sense to consider such ideas if we knew anything about Aegon's parents aside from their names. But we don't.
  20. What I do like as theories - 'head canon' is a silly name/concept as it implies that he person 'who has one' does really believe or think that an idea or theory is 'true' rather than just liking the idea - are the following. 1. Aenys and Maegor are both not the Conqueror's biological children. 2. Septon Mattheus is a Florent by birth. 3. The Stinger is the eldest son of Lord Lyman Beesbury and it is a testament of his friendship with Jaehaerys I that he was okay with his end. 3. When Jaehaerys I was approaching death he sent Lord Lyman to Volantis to ask Saera to come back so her father could beg her forgiveness. Since he left only shortly before the Old King dies, he is still away when Viserys I takes the throne which is why Daemon can be named Master of Coin for a time. 4. Mysaria is Saera's firstborn child. 5. Saera's three male bastards at the Great Council remain or return to Westeros, but none of them are ever legitimized. The youngest boy doesn't take ship back to Volantis but joins the Citadel in Oldtown and eventually grows into Maester Gerardys of Dragonstone (the name is so Valyrian that a foreign background makes sense here). This creates a slight problem with Gerardys not trying to mount a dragon, apparently, but one could easily explain that away by him feeling bound by his maester's vows or, perhaps a bit funny, with him being really afraid of heights. The son of the triarch is the eldest son, he and his half-brother return from Volantis with Lord Lyman. Viserys I makes the former his own ward and he eventually becomes Tyland Lannister's immediate predecessor as Master of Ships (his father, the (former) triarch, attends the anniversary tourney of 111 AC and presents the king with 20 Volantene war ships). The latter attaches himself to Daemon, becomes his squire, gets knighted by him, and accompanies him on various Stepstones campaigns. He becomes Daemon's immediate successor as King of the Narrow Sea. Both die some time before the Dance, the Master of Ships a bit later as it makes sense that Tyland would only join the Small Council in the later 120s. 6. I'd include most of Viserys I's character traits and interests from HotD that don't contradict his FaB description.
  21. No, Sara Snow comes directly from the FaB manuscript. The problem with the idea of Sara Snow being fictional is similar to nobody knowing how exactly Ceryse Hightower died. The KG involved lived on and was eventually tried by Jaehaerys I in the longer, more detailed history of his early reign. It is hard to imagine that this wasn't actually properly investigated since there would be many (potential) witnesses from Maegor's court yet alive. And if it had been investigated, historians would have reported it. It was the death of a queen, after all. If Aegon III's reign is covered in similar detail as the Regency era and if the narrator follows Black Aly and Cregan in a similar way he did back in the Regency era ... then we should see a decent enough coverage of Winterfell, perhaps even involving a royal visit there (or a visit of Viserys, Baela, or Rhaena, at least). And if we have that, then Cregan's bastard sister should be there, too. The character is not so obscure as she was not a hidden bastard, supposedly, but one who got to interact with Jacaerys Velaryon. That means she was more visible at Winterfell than Jon Snow was during Robert's visit - where he was not treated as a proper member of the family and had to eat with the lesser guests, etc. It would not surprise me if the line about Sara Snow perhaps not having existed is going to be cut from future editions if George feels like featuring her in FaB II.
  22. Well, even they wouldn't have any issues with the names they took, especially if Laenor Velaryon stuck with the Velaryon name. And that Targaryen descendants don't have all that much of a 'Targaryen name fetish' - unlike certain people in the fandom - we can easily deduce from Daemon Waters going with the rather silly name of 'Blackfyre' rather than Targaryen. That is especially odd as he had two Targaryen parents and would thus have every right to go with his actual family name.
  23. Not that long. That would be extreme. They already waited quite some time with her only being betrothed and marrying around 16. Most people actually seem to overlook that Viserys I and his government faced a very different challenge in 105 AC than they did when Alicent's children were growing up. Up until a lasting bond with the Velaryons is formed with the Rhaenyra-Laenor match Rhaenys/Corlys and their children form a potential rival power bloc in alliance with Daemon. The possibility of rebellion is on the table. It doesn't happen because Daemon and Corlys don't want to rebel ... but they controlled most of the dragons alive between them, with Viserys I's only dragonrider defender being his little daughter. Overtime, that danger could only be reduced if Viserys I himself had a growing family of dragonriders to counter a potential Velaryon threat. For that alone he needed to remarry. And the Greens only become a really important/powerful faction as Alicent's children grow up and Vhagar passes from Laena Velaryon to Aemond Targaryen. Ditto, the whole thing only becomes a Black vs. Greens scenario after the Velaryons become part of Rhaenyra's faction with Daemon's daughters being betrothed to Rhaenyra's sons and Rhaenyra taking Daemon as her second husband. If Laena had lived longer, and if she and Daemon had had sons rather or in addition to daughters, Rhaenyra's succession might have been challenged by Daemon and his son by Laena, and there could have been a succession war where Alicent's children stood with their half-sister against the Daemon's faction. If only Laenor had died it is conceivable that Rhaenyra would have taken Aegon the Elder or Aemond as her second husband to form a power bloc strong enough to keep Daemon and his son(s) in line. This thing could have played out quite differently. I think that is something they couldn't really do. Aegon the Elder wasn't the heir, and his father, King Viserys I, would have noticed it if Otto and Alicent had tried to groom the boy to be his successor. Old Viserys I gets apathetic and sickly and leaves the government more and more to Otto and Alicent ... but that only happens in the later 120s. Before that, he would have noticed it if his wife and father-in-law had actively tried to prepare for the role of king. And he would have stopped that. More importantly, there is actually very little Otto and Alicent could do to prepare for the role of king. The king is the one keeping his heir close, training him for his role. If Alicent had taken Aegon along with her when she did queenly stuff in public, say, it wouldn't have had the same effect. Ditto with him spending time with Otto when he was doing Hand stuff. Instead, it seems all Alicent's sons got was the proper education for second and third sons, that would be training at arms, training at serving their elder siblings who would one day be their liege lord/monarch, not so much a preparation for the ruling job itself. We don't know much about the training of Aemon and Baelon - and less about that of Viserys and Daemon - but while Baelon always competed with his elder brother in a friendly fashion, it is equally clear that he was also taught that his elder brother would be king one day and all he could hope to do was to help him rule as Hand. In that sense I'd say that Aegon II is what he is and couldn't have been (all that) different since his upbringing could never have been that of a proper Heir Apparent. That is something that could be prevented by arranging betrothals among Rhaenyra's and Aegon's children and grandchildren. Don't marry Jaehaerys and Jaehaera to each other, but Jaehaera to Aegon the Younger or Viserys, Maelor to Rhaenyra's Visenya (if she had lived), and Jaehaerys to a daughter of Jace and Baela. Yes, but that is the specific context of the burgeoning succession war. If Rhaenyra had succeeded to the throne peacefully, and Jace had succeeded her in turn, he might have been very happy with his Velaryon name and identity. Even more so if Laenor had lived a long and happy life, serving Rhaenyra as prince consort, and later being a close advisor to King Jacaerys, outliving Rhaenyra. That said - I did say that Jace's case is a bit different from Laenor's as his claim goes through his mother who happens to have younger half-brothers, meaning him being the eldest child of the eldest daughter and child of Viserys I Targaryen is what makes his claim strong, so they certainly would want to emphasize this. Aegon and his younger brothers are strong contenders for the throne in principle. Laenor is the eldest son of the only child of the eldest son of Jaehaerys I which is a slightly different scenario. Also, he is the son of the richest man and most famous explorer of Westeros, something he might also want to honor, emphasize, and celebrate. As man with Targaryen looks and a dragonrider from early age he has all the Targaryen qualities ... he doesn't necessarily need the name. Jacaerys Velaryon doesn't look like his father nor his mother. He has a stronger reason to stress the fact that he is a Targaryen by birth, his mother's son, than Laenor would. They are both dragonriders, but only Laenor 'looks the part'.
  24. That is only in the show. It certainly does make sense, but if such a deal was made in the book in 113 AC or when Corlys and Rhaenys married back in 90 AC we don't know. Rhaenyra was the Heir Apparent when she married Laenor, so there the name of the dynasty might have been an issue then ... when Rhaenys married Corlys her father Aemon was still alive and Heir Apparent and could technically still produce sons (either with Jocelyn or with a hypothetical second wife). In the end, though, the only person deciding how a King Laenor or a King Jacaerys would be called are those kings themselves. They would tell the world how they are to be called, and the world would obey. My guess is that Laenor was quite comfortable with growing up as a Velaryon, so I'm not sure he would want to change his name upon taking the throne. With Jacaerys it is a bit different as his claim to the throne would go through his mother who had three younger Targaryen half-brothers. So in his case it might be more important to stress the Targaryen bloodline, unlike in Laenor's case since his mother was the only scion of Aemon's elder branch.
  25. That would have been a pretty big gamble. Such a marriage could only be consummated when Aegon was 12-13, one imagines, meaning we talk about Rhaenyra being 22-23 by the time of her first (possible) pregnancy. Who is to say she would even live that long? And what would be the point to postpone the conception of royal grandchildren for almost ten years? Stability means the Heir Apparent himself/herself produces more potential heirs so the succession is rock tight even if tragedy strikes repeatedly - like it did during the reign of the Old King. But Rhaenys and her children are literally the end of the rope. There would be nobody left after Laenor and Laena. In 105 AC Laena and Laenor are also still children, only a couple of years older than Rhaenyra. That wouldn't do. Also, with the whole Great Council thing it would have been a very shaky situation to see the throne revert back to a line that had been twice passed over now. Don't think that was an issue, but simply that King Viserys I needed (and wanted) heirs of his own that weren't the children of brother Daemon or cousin Rhaenys. Which is completely normal in a dynastic setting. Robert also doesn't decide to not father children because he has two younger brothers who could do the job for him. Hightower ambition there is not necessarily worse or more extreme than the ambition of any other house in their position. It is the fact that the people in question - the royal family - didn't get along, not so much the fact that people were ambitious. Any noblewoman in Alicent's position would have tried to advance her children, and her ability to do it was actually pretty limited as she was but a Hightower from a lesser branch of the family. Had Viserys I remarried to Laena Velaryon or, say, a widowed Princess Rhaenys they would have been equally or even more ambitious for their sons. Ditto if he had chosen the daughter or sister of a great lord. That is not confirmed - but it is irrelevant, anyway, as neither would be the child or descendant or even nephew of King Viserys I Targaryen.
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