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Le Cygne

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Everything posted by Le Cygne

  1. Not if LF is dead... or otherwise put in his place. Like out the moon door...
  2. Or maybe Sweetrobin outlives them all. That's my guess. /Team Sweetrobin
  3. Le Cygne

    Board Issues 4

    I noticed the same thing but when I make the browser window bigger (wider), the size and the rest of the things appear. (That was with regular computer, that is, not a phone...)
  4. Le Cygne

    Board Issues 4

    An odd thing, but it doesn't seem possible to place someone with commas in their user name on ignore.
  5. Le Cygne

    Board Issues 4

    Looks like another problem happened as a result. For posts that used to be fine (mid-July 2015 through mid-September 2015), now the quote tags are missing. So what someone is quoting just runs into what someone said in reply. There's no delineation between quote and reply, so it looks like the person quoting something is saying what they are quoting. You can see where that starts happening on this page: http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/102387-got-actors-in-other-stuff-part-2/&page=21
  6. Le Cygne

    Board Issues 4

    Update: See message below... worked for me on iphone.
  7. Le Cygne

    Board Issues 4

    Maybe the red could be muted a bit? It's very bright.
  8. I know. One person brings that up, he knows he had one of the sisters remember it wrong, he's saying he mixes things up to show that characters misremember things. But he's saying the unkiss is important, and to underscore that point, he's saying it will come up again and again.
  9. Agreed. If the author wanted to present a scheme that was going as planned, this wasn't the way to do it.
  10. Bronze Yohn, Anya Waynwod, Harry, and Myranda ("How little is it?") don't trust her:     This is Jeyne talking about Ramsay:   And Sansa talking about Harry:   There's this, too: LF, when he's telling her about Harry:   Harry, as she's following LF's instructions to touch him:  
  11.   Harry knows what's going on, the Waynwoods told him. Sansa is in over her head, the hints were everywhere. She hasn't added it all up yet, but hopefully she will. Something is about to go down to shake things up.
  12. LF is dangerous, and he's destroying what's left of her that he hasn't already destroyed. He's attempting to break her spirit, and then he'll really have her where he wants her. He's a pimp, and he's treating her like a prostitute, painting this as empowering or as Jane Austen is a joke. And the plan depends on dead Sweetrobin, who has just been given an extra dose of sweetsleep, even though he's exhibiting side effects (his chest). She goads a dangerous man, who calls her one of LF's brood mares, then bumps into another there for the reward. And more... Danger, Will Robinson.
  13.   Yeah, there's definitely a game changer ahead with the tourney. And just because Sansa breaks free of LF, that doesn't mean LF's story is over. The story is too static, something's got to give, and there's a lot of tension in that last chapter.
  14. I agree again, she's in far more danger than she knows, she's trying to work things out, but it hasn't all come together yet. Sandor is very important to her, her story with him is helping her work those things out. And there are signs of him throughout the chapter. She literally runs into one (Harry the Arse!), bumps into another (he "catches her before she could fall"), dances with yet another (he mocks the knights and she laughs). There's jousting that's more than jousting, wanting Harry to fall at the tourney after she "gasped" when Sandor ("the champion at her father's tourney") almost fell, a Kingsguard like the one who kept her safe ("I could keep you safe") for Sweetrobin... Sweetrobin, with the long pretty hair, who she kissed when she pretended to kiss Sandor. Sweetrobin, who loves her and needs her help, soon it will be too late. She's in the wrong place, doing the wrong things, but it's not too late... yet. That's what I think he's building up to, in a chapter where nothing was what it seems. From Red Wedding hints, with Robb and a Spicer, to the same line Jeyne said when she met Ramsay, when she met Harry. "He knows who I am, " and neither were happy to see them. But the last line, there was "promise" there...
  15.   I agree with what you are saying, I think the chapter is quite troubling. I think he meant it to be troubling. She's being pimped out by Littlefinger, and there are hints about parallels to Jeyne, how can that not be troubling.   I think the last line is a glimmer of what you say in bold, as something suggestive: "You may not. It is promised to… another." She was not sure who as yet, but she knew she would find someone. This is the hint of a game changer, and it's ahead.
  16.   I think the kiss is the important mismemory. They first mismemory is the sword, the important mismemory is the kiss. The Lion’s Paw / Lion’s Tooth business, on the other hand, is intentional. A small touch of the unreliable narrator. I was trying to establish that the memories of my viewpoint characters are not infallible. Sansa is simply remembering it wrong. A very minor thing (you are the only one to catch it to date), but it --> the sword mismemory   was meant to set the stage for a much more important lapse in memory. --> the unkiss mismemory   You will see, in A STORM OF SWORDS and later volumes, that Sansa remembers the Hound kissing her the night he came to her bedroom… but if you look at the scene, he never does. That will eventually mean something, but just now it’s a subtle touch, something most of the readers may not even pick up on.   I think she wants to kiss him! :lol:
  17. Oh, yeah, I have no problem with her, it's the writing, like you said. I was just picturing Pam as Cersei, made me laugh.
  18. Yeah, same here. At least True Blood had Pam. Maybe she should play Cersei, she would definitely not be Carol.
  19. Here are reviews from major media outlets: Washington Post - The use of sexual violence as plot device is not new to Game of Thrones and it's not unique just to this show, either. But while on each occasion in the past it's been plenty disturbing, tonight's closing scene with Ramsay Bolton and Sansa was just flat-out disgusting. Even if you've never read the books (myself included and that shouldn't limit anyone's enjoyment of the show) it's hard not to know that what happens to Sansa in this episode doesn't happen to Sansa in the books. The show's creators are free to take liberty with certain storylines and characters, but by putting Sansa into this situation, by taking a character that viewers are fully invested in, and subjecting her to the horrors of Ramsay Bolton, it's hard to interpret this as anything but using her rape as an emotionally manipulative plot device. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/style-blog/wp/2015/05/18/game-of-thrones-recap-season-5-episode-6-unbowed-unbent-unbroken-but-plenty-disgusted-and-disappointed/ Vanity Fair - But did it really have to be rape that brought her low? Is that really the only horror Game of Thrones can imagine visiting on its female characters?... Even worse than the idea of Sansa needing this to motivate her into vengeance is the notion that the Theon character needed to watch her rape in order to snap out of whatever zombie/Reek fugue state he's been walking around in. I'm afraid that is the show's interpretation, based on where the camera lingered. But the last thing we needed was to have a powerful young woman brought low in order for a male character to find redemption. No thank you... I think most audiences would have been happy with Sansa as avenging angel without subjecting her to a rape. After all, these are the people who killed her family. http://www.vanityfair.com/hollywood/2015/05/game-of-thrones-rape-sansa-stark Wired - There have been a lot of complaints over the years about the way Game of Thrones deals with rape, and it's earned them. It has a tendency to use rape sensationally and frequently, not to mention the troubling incident last season where a director filmed a rape scene and didn't even realize it... Forcing her back into the role of victim and sexually humiliating her at the hands of yet another sadistic fiance adds nothing that we haven't seen before, and indeed, feels regressive. All the forward momentum of her character development is undercut by this assault, transforming her back into the same little girl she was at Kings Landing, weeping as her dress was torn off. Shoehorning additional abuse and rape into her story at this point isn't just upsetting; it's boring and counterproductive. Poorly done, show. Poorly done. http://www.wired.com/2015/05/game-of-thrones-recap-s05e06/ USA Today - The scene of course sparked all kinds of outcry for the disastrous way the show has treated Sansa (who in the books, is rape-free and nowhere near Winterfell or Ramsay at this point). Was giving Sansa this storyline really necessary? Was this a sign of the show's completely misogynistic way of treating its female characters? For many viewers though, it wasn't about loyalty to the books so much as loyalty to the character and integrity of Sansa Stark, who seems like she was handed a rape storyline to make her more sympathetic or give Theon the push he needs to lash out against Ramsay. http://entertainthis.usatoday.com/2015/05/18/author-george-r-r-martin-responds-to-game-of-thrones-sansa-stark-rape-scene/ The Atlantic - I've rarely, if ever, felt less enthusiastic about the show than I did tonight, when the screen faded to black to the sound of Sansa's groans... Sansa is a girl whose body has been traded to further someone else's ambitions. She doesn't have a choice; she's never had a choice. Sansa has always been good at summoning her haughtiest attitude to protect herself, but it isn't working this time. She's all alone, and she's petrified. The North may remember, but the Stark loyalists aren't much good when she's being raped on her wedding night. In Kings Landing, Sansa at least had the Hound looking out for her at the beginning; having turned away Brienne, she has no personal protection... Gratuitous sexual violence is bad enough, but gratuitous sexual violence in a ridiculous storyline that not only doesn't advance our understanding of key characters but rather makes us more confused - that may be the greatest sin of all. http://www.theatlantic.com/entertainment/archive/2015/05/game-of-thrones-roundtable-season-5-episode-six-unbowed-unbent-unbroken/393503/ Radio Times - This week's episode ended with a particularly grim scene for Sansa Stark. It's bound to be controversial in a show that's been criticised for the prevalence of sexual violence against women, and especially for adding rape scenes where there were none in the source material... But it's also hard not to feel the rape was a little gratuitous and emblematic of the show's troubling tendency to show sexual violence quite casually as a mere plot point (such as the sex scene between Jaime and Cersei in the book that became a rape scene in the show for no apparent reason). It did happen to Ramsay's unfortunate wife in the book but offstage, so to speak. http://www.radiotimes.com/news/2015-05-18/game-of-thrones-series-5-episode-6-review-a-dark-and-disturbing-wedding-in-winterfell Salon - To exist as a woman on a cable drama is to understand that at some point you're probably going to be raped by someone you know or in the presence of someone you know or as a punishment to someone you know, but it's okay because in the end, it just gives you something to overcome and everyone knows that having something to overcome is the only way to prove that you are a strong woman... This was a choice and the choice was to marry off a teenage girl, rape her, and not even have the dignity to care primarily about her feelings about her fate... The character who had shown the most growth and potential for becoming her own woman.. is broken down in a matter of minutes, then not even given enough agency to suffer her own assault. http://www.salon.com/2015/05/18/game_of_thrones_recap_the_honor_of_your_presence_is_requested_at_another_brutal_wedding/ Salon - So with this last scene, I think the showrunners have betrayed the trust of their audience, by depicting a scene of brutality against Sansa Stark for no purpose. We already knew that Ramsay Bolton was a sadist and an abuser of women, we already knew that Theon Greyjoy was his tormented puppet. Showing Sansa's dress ripped, showing her face shoved down into the bed, hearing her screams did nothing to reveal character, or advance the plot, or critique anything about Westerosi society or about our own conceptions of medieval society that hasn't already been critiqued. http://www.salon.com/2015/05/18/game_of_thrones_politics_secret_missions_desperate_lies_and_the_dangerous_art_of_the_double_cross/ Salon - ... “Mad Max: Fury Road” does not feature a rape scene. The film is a vision of fighting oppression, a battle epic of overcoming the odds. Rape happened in this world, yes. But there is no reason to depict it in the film. The problem, as ever, with “Game Of Thrones”’ rape is not that it exists but that it fails to adequately justify why it exists. Miller’s film has incredible vision and purpose and energy. Every moment is considered and vital. “Game Of Thrones” doesn’t feel that way. A world of violence is not a narrative, it’s just a theater of horror. There is a real disconnect in this show between the character arcs and the brutality of each moment; between the subtle storytelling and the entirely unsubtle treatment of its women. It creates a dissonance of attempting to identify with characters before seeing them suffer almost cartoonish horror in the arena of the show; the violence is titillation. But rape isn’t mere violence; it’s not a punch to the head or a knife through the ribs. It’s an act that attempts to divorce a person’s soul from their body; to imitate the language of intimacy in what is purely cruelty. It is a kind of murder, except afterwards, the victim can still walk and talk and breathe. I question any depiction of rape that seeks to add to a woman’s violation in the text by further robbing her of her dignity in how that story is told. And at this point, with HBO’s “Game Of Thrones,” I’m questioning three. http://www.salon.com/2015/05/19/rape_in_westeros_what_game_of_thrones_could_learn_from_mad_max_fury_road/ Hypable - But this begs the question; why should Sansa have to deal with such a thing at all? What character development could be wrung from this tragedy that could not have been created without a violent rape? Why does Game of Thrones - and so much popular entertainment - revert to this horrific crime when they want their female characters to grow?... There are better ways to sculpt characters than sexual exploitation. There are more productive ways to cause pain than rape. And Game of Thrones has lost the luxury of further indulging in this social blight; it is way past time they do better. The Sansa Starks of the world are waiting. http://www.hypable.com/game-of-thrones-sansa-stark-rape/ Flavorwire - The audience doesn't really see the event that ends Unbent, Unbowed, Unbroken, just two close-ups: the first on a terrified Sansa, the second on a man who identified himself as Theon Greyjoy just hours before. The second closeup lasts far longer, the emotion on its subject's face rawer. That's because, to make an already disgusting situation even more so, what happens to Sansa isn't even about Sansa; it's about teaching Theon he's still Reek... Which brings us to the question of just why Sansa's rape had to happen. Ramsay's assault is the third example of a phenomenon critic Sonia Saraiya pointed out last year: Game of Thrones, the show, adding instances of sexual assault that do not appear in Game of Thrones, the books. (In the original storyline, Sansa remains in the Vale and does not return to Winterfell at all, let alone marry Ramsay Bolton.) Unlike the Red Wedding, in other words, there's no reason David Benioff and D.B. Weiss had to bring one of the shows most interesting character evolutions right back to square one... But my immediate feeling after Theon's face cut to black and the credits started rolling was that, sometime in the last two seasons, Game of Thrones crossed the line between showing what a cold, hard world its women live in and abusing them past the point of being useful to the narrative, or even interesting. http://flavorwire.com/519349/game-of-thrones-season-5-episode-6-recap-unbowed-unbent-unbroken Buddy TV - This is not the first time a major female character has been raped in the course of the series. There was Daenerys on her wedding night to Khal Drogo all the way back in the first episode. Then, just last season Jaime raped Cersei in the Sept of Baelor. (If you want to be the type of person who puts an asterisk on the Jaime and Cersei scene, fine be that person. The director didn't intend for that scene to come off as a rape. The intention becomes irrelevant because that's how it appeared for the majority of the audience). In both cases, there was no ramifications for either act. Neither woman acted like they just had been raped or violated in any way. Dany even grew to love Khal Drogo... Even if this silence from these women is an accurate depiction of the "time", it doesn't excuse Game of Thrones' depiction of its universe. There are plenty of ways to show that women aren't seen as powerful in this world without sexual violence. Game of Thrones has even done it in different areas of Cersei's storyline. Margaery is constantly trying to maneuver herself to a position of power and has to take unconventional avenues because of her gender. There is a difference between a horrifying act that says something disturbing about the world and just cheap shock factor. The end of "Unbowed, Unbent and Unbroken" was just that cheap and unabashed shock factor. http://www.buddytv.com/articles/game-of-thrones/did-game-of-thrones-go-too-far-56568.aspx io9 - Guys, I think I reached the breaking point with the show today. This is by far the most frustrating, unsatisfying, and mean-spirited show ever. However strong the theme was, no matter what kind of framework it builds for a bombastic finale, this episode makes me want to quit the show. And all of it is encapsulated in that final scene. Boy, that final scene... I also hope they're not using rape just as a cheap plot device. I guess we won't really know until the end of the season, but it's not hard to imagine that the writers are using it to say "Look how evil Ramsay is, making Theon watch Sansa getting raped! and Poor Sansa and Theon! Fans will cheer extra hard when Ramsay dies!" I really hope that's not the case, but the show had been utterly tone deaf regarding rape before. http://observationdeck.io9.com/unsullied-eyes-game-of-thrones-5-06-5-17-15-1705174564 The Mary Sue - The show has creators. They make the choices. They chose to use rape as a plot device. Again. In this particular instance, rape is not necessary to Sansa's character development (she's already overcome abusive violence at the hands of men); it is not necessary to establish Ramsay as a bad guy (we already know he is); it is not necessary to prove how bad things were for women (Game of Thrones exists in a fictional universe, and we already know its exceptionally patriarchal). Rape here, like in all instances, is not a necessary story-driving device. http://www.themarysue.com/we-will-no-longer-be-promoting-hbos-game-of-thrones/ The Vine - This scene never happened in the books, and never had to, except as a consequence of D.B. Weiss and David Benioff taking such unnecessary detours from the source material... The show, however, seems to take disturbing pleasure in putting the brutalisation of these women front and center. So you have to ask: if D.B. Weiss and David Benioff insist on deviating from the books, why are they doing it in a way that these female characters are repeatedly tortured and victimised? Westeros is a cruel and unforgiving place for women, true, but there are better ways of depicting that than revelling in these assaults. http://www.thevine.com.au/emtertainment/news/that-shocking-scene-from-this-weeks-game-of-thrones-never-had-to-happen-20150518-300952/ Digital Spy - What the sequence is, is gratuitous in its use of Sansa as a character. It's perhaps the biggest instance of a change from the source material becoming seriously problematic. In the books, Sansa never marries Ramsay: it's someone else, a character the audience is far less familiar with. Switching things up so that it's Sansa makes sense from a streamlining perspective, but it also places what feels like an unnecessary further burden on the character. It begins to lend Sophie Turner's corner of the show an unpleasant whiff of misery porn. The big question is what has that sequence achieved, other than some great performances from the cast? Sansa hated the Boltons already. They killed her family; of course she hates them. And she's suffered emotional and physical abuse before, and emerged from it a stronger person. Did we really need rape added to the pile? http://www.digitalspy.co.uk/tv/s151/game-of-thrones/recaps/a648069/game-of-thrones-recap-an-unpleasant-whiff-of-misery-porn.html TV Overmind - Beginning with Arya and ending with Sansa, Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken is an episode that explores that quest for inner truth; unfortunately, it does so by leaving the audience with another troublesome and particularly unnecessary depiction of sexual violence, throwing a wrench into any assumed progress the show's made in that department this season. And in that scene, that potential moment of strength for the character, Unbowed undoes it with a series of unpleasant shots and sounds, literally ending on the screams of Sansa as Ramsay forcibly rapes her, while making Reek watch from the doorway. The moment Ramsay asks Reek to stay, Unbowed felt like it was going to that place again, forcing this story of sexual assault onto Sansa for nothing beyond shock factor. There's no reason Sansa needs to be subjected to this to depict her toughness, or Ramsays inherent ugliness; if the wedding bed scene is just existing to reinforce the assumed order of things in Winterfell, without offering any character development with it, why is it there? This is a rape scene for the sake of having a shocking rape scene, and it drags down the entire episode behind it. http://www.tvovermind.com/reviews/game-of-thrones-season-5-episode-6-review-unbowed-unbent-unbroken/ Zap2It - For five seasons, "Game of Thrones" has inflicted Sansa Stark (Sophie Turner) with some of the most horrifying storylines of the series. Halfway through Season 5, though, she got served the most disturbing yet when she was raped by her new husband, Ramsay Bolton (Iwan Rheon). Unsurprisingly, this is a turn that repulsed viewers, with some going as far as to say they're done watching the show... Why have her survive Joffrey (Jack Gleeson) if she was going to go through very similar -- and eventually worse -- treatment at the hands of a new tormentor? ... The look in her eyes when she realizes what Ramsay means to do to her shows that she's learned better than to do anything but accept this. Still, being raped isn't something she can just bounce back from, no matter how she steeled herself for it. It's worth noting that this storyline is a deviation for Sansa. In George R.R. Martin's novels, a woman named Jeyne Poole marries Ramsay... In the show, no matter what comes next, Sansa will always be a victim of sexual abuse. No matter what strength she continues to have after this encounter, she will always have lost her virginity at the hands of a monster. http://www.zap2it.com/blogs/game_of_thrones_season_5_rape_sansa_stark-2015-05 New York Daily News - What happened to Sansa was everything I was afraid would happen when it was made clear she had to marry Ramsey Bolton a few episodes ago. Though what happened to Jeyne Pool in the book was actually more disturbing, watching Sansa be raped onscreen was positively sickening. In the book, Sansa was learning to wield and manipulate power in the Vale after a long period of victimization but the show pretty much added a new, and in my opinion, entirely unnecessary victimization to her story. More concerningly, after Jaime's rape of Cersei last season, it's yet another rape Benioff and Weiss decided to add to the show that was not in the text and at this point, we don't need anymore. http://www.nydailynews.com/blogs/channel-surfer/game-thrones-recap-sand-snakes-attack-blog-entry-1.2226147 Decider - Sansa's rape, then, seems like a another example of a strange trend that the show's showrunners David Benioff and D.B. Weiss have employed into their series. When last season's rape scene stirred much controversy, AV Club's Sonia Saraiya pointed out the show and the books major tonal differences. These are questions many of us ask in the wake of Sansa's rape. Why? Why did this sexual assault, which did not take place in the book, need to happen on the show? Why did this character need to be broken down even more than she already has been? Why did we see it framed as a traumatic event for the man who witnessed it? When do we draw the line between using sexual violence as a plot device to strengthen a woman's character (and to give her motivation for her later actions) and to display the inhumanity and evil nature of a man who perpetrates it - and as what it seems to truly be: a near-sadistic move on the showrunners to destroy these beloved characters? Game of Thrones has not dealt with sexual violence well in the past, considering that the rapes of both Daenerys and Cersei seemed to go forgotten - even by the victims themselves. Why, then, would the show push yet another envelope when its audience has suffered alongside its many female characters already? http://decider.com/2015/05/18/game-of-thrones-too-much-rape/ The Concourse - For some time now, Game of Thrones episodes have followed a familiar pattern: Large swaths of episode are eaten up by the infinitesimal advancement of various plot lines, many of which are deeply boring, and those scenes are then offset by the inclusion of some Cool Shit. Usually, this Cool Shit takes the form of a sword fight, or a dragon cameo, or a Sam shivving a White Walker. Last night’s episode seemed to be following that pattern—Arya walked through a door! Cersei had some conversations! Tyrion got sidetracked!—but instead of a dragon, we got a rape. This was an episode that said, “Sorry for making you sit through 55 minutes of nothing really happening, but here, enjoy this rape!”... It’s clear that the show runners have written themselves into some corners, and the show is in bad shape if their idea of writing themselves out of those corners is to have Sansa Stark raped for no reason. The problem isn’t that this episode included a rape, but that it did so in the service of bad storytelling. It told the audience nothing that wasn’t already known, and it didn’t advance any plot lines beyond where they already were. It was just there, as inert as it was unpleasant. Unfortunately, that’s starting to become the best way to describe the show in general. http://theconcourse.deadspin.com/game-of-thrones-is-gross-exploitative-and-totally-out-1705235364 Black Nerd Problems - Angela Davis remarks on watching the break of a little bird… Sansa is a powder keg of possibility. Unfortunately, the possibility always lays in the hands of the men that possess her. If I say torture, what I mean is that your surname is a rosebush without the blooming flowers. The narrow path that enables Sansa to pass from young woman to the adulthood her mother promised her, often passes between men who are not quite satisfied playing with their toys yet. That may be Ramsay Bolton or the showrunners themselves for that matter. Now you finally see the burden of womanhood and how it pertains to legacy. Congratulate Sansa as she carries her fathers name into a room where a sadist may take everything she believes in. Congratulate Sansa for the beautiful wedding gown that pools like blood on the dirty floor beneath her. Congratulate every woman that has the privilege of men telling them what they must endure to be great... But the real question is, did it work for you? Did you feel the agony, the pain and the violation as the camera zoomed in… on a man’s face. How very painful. That must have been. For him. http://blacknerdproblems.com/game-of-thrones-recap-unbowed-unbent-unbroken/ Grantland - But I don’t think there’s really any storytelling acrobatics that can forgive what happened next, particularly when it all seems so clear where it’s going. Or was that itself the trick? That instead of giving the audience the sight of what we’ve long wanted and expected — Reek reclaiming his essentially not-terrible Theon-ness by stabbing Ramsay in the throat — we were given something not needed at all? Sansa’s anguished screaming as she was violently assaulted by her new husband was hideous, full stop. But it was almost worse the way Jeremy Podeswa’s camera lingered on Alfie Allen’s tear-filled eyes, as if his violation was somehow equal to Sansa’s; as if this disgusting act was somehow part of Theon’s long and ugly path to redemption, not a brutal and unwarranted violation. Five seasons in, Game of Thrones is long past the point of earning gold stars simply by showing us the worst possible thing. There’s a fine line between exposing the dirty truth of the world and wallowing in it. http://grantland.com/hollywood-prospectus/game-of-thrones-season-5-episode-6-recap-unbowed-unbent-unbroken/
  20. Here they are, blaming Sansa for their ridiculous storyline: The showrunner/writer, Benioff: "She’s been traumatized by what she’s seen and she spent almost a couple years in shell shock. At a certain point she’s either going to die or survive and become stronger. She’s chosen the latter option and she’s learned from an incredibly devious teacher in Littlefinger." The showrunner/writer, Weiss: "She can see the logic behind what he's saying and realize that this is an unpleasant but probably necessary step in getting back what was taken from her. She’s going into this dangerous, difficult situation where she thinks she’s going to guide the situation. The only thing she doesn’t know, that even Littlefinger doesn’t know, is exactly what Ramsay is." The producer/writer, Cogman: "This is a hardened woman making a choice and she sees this as the way to get back her homeland. Sansa has a wedding night in the sense she never thought she would with one of the monsters of the show. It’s pretty intense and awful and the character will have to deal with it." The director, Podeswa: "She’s a very strong woman and she’s entered into this situation that she thinks she can handle... It's a situation she actually cannot really control, and she’s in deeper than she thinks she’s going to be. And I think from a dramatic point of view those things are very, very strong."
  21. And give them an heir so they can kill her, too. To force her into a rape plot is bad enough, but to make it seem like her choice, that's victim blaming, but they won't even call her a victim, because it's empowering...
  22. Shall we play a game? Let's play Global Sansanuclear War. Gawd... it would be funny if it wasn't so damned sad what they've done to this story.
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