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I recently came across a thread on reddit (Oswell?) regarding Oswell Whent being the Oswell Kettleblack that is in Littlefingers crew. I would like to to know what everyone's opinion about this theory is here, considering I haven't ever heard of it before and couldn't find anything using the search. 

It is possible, but there are some questions to be raised. I would like to read a few responses before give mine.

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Why would he keep his first name?

Considering Jaime and Barristan were forgiven why would Oswell not surrender and live on the Whent lands with Lady Whent instead of serving Littlefinger?

All three of his sons are knights, all of whom were likely born before Robert's Rebellion, they all seem older than Jon and Robb who were both conceived before the war.


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It isn't something I see happening, to be honest. Whent was one of the three KG at the Tower of Joy. And it seems pretty clear that all three KG there perished. Even years later - when Ned goes to see Robert on his deathbed - he is haunted by the sight and positioning of the three on-duty KG. I do not believe that would be the case if he had allowed one or more of them to leave. He is haunted by what happened there, and the deaths of three men he had a great deal of respect for. 

What your thread does bring up, though, is the issue of exactly who Oswell Kettleblack is, and just why he is so loyal to Littlefinger. 

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What we seem to forget is that Oswell never names himself. Sansa's POVs only have Oswell's name because Dontos said Oswell, nobody has called him Oswell, just GRRM has made us believe that is his name.


Fifty yards downriver, a man sat in a small skiff, half-hidden by the remains of a great galley that had gone aground there and burned. Dontos limped up to him, puffing. “Oswell?” “No names,” the man said. “In the boat.” He sat hunched over his oars, an old man, tall and gangling, with long white hair and a great hooked nose, with eyes shaded by a cowl.

" -Sansa, ASOS

This means that even if Oswell Kettleback is Oswell Whent, he might of had a fake name, and all it took was somebody to recognize him to say his real name. Along with that, nobody knows who the Kettlebacks are, Tyrion mentioned that they are just three random sellswords that didn't fight for anyone until now, and Jaime mentioned that he knew nothing about them or their family.

Just speculation, of course. I believe that there is a reason as to why there is mystery with the Kettlebacks.

That reason is to prove that Mance = Rheagar. Now, just bare with me here.

Much speculation about Mance being Rheagar, with music talents, to red and black colors, insane sword skills, and rubies as glamours. If Mance is Rheagar, then we all know the man who knew Mance the best, Quorin Halfhand. (And here is where the fun begins, basing this speculation off of a M is R essay)

Quorin Halfhand was Arthur Dayne. First, Ned said that Howland Reed only saved Ned from Arthur, Ned never said that Reed killed the Sword of Morning. One way he could of stopped Arthur was by hacking at his sword hand. Also, in Neds dream of the TOJ, he dreams the three Kingsguards with shadows in their hands for swords. Quorin Halfhand is from the Shadow Tower. Shadows, towers, hello. And to top that off, what's the best way for Arthur to serve Rheagar than by protecting his Rheagar's son from Rattlebones (that time when Jon killed Quorin, and said that Jon's sword was sharp. After all, Arthur Dayne would know a little of a sharp sword. Dawn broke blood when knightinging Jaime).

And to finish with whether or not people actually died or lived at the TOJ, we have Lady Dustin, who has a hard on for hating Ned because Ned never returned the bones of Lady Dustin's husband, who had gone with Ned to the TOJ. But, Ned did go through the trouble to return Dawn to House Dayne. Something seems off, right? Why wouldn't Ned want to honor the Dustin family name, they are his bannerman after all, and they served Stark loyally, whereas the Daynes fought against the Starks. Maybe more people loved at the TOJ than we seem to believe, and maybe we know a little who some of those people are!

So yea, Oswell Kettleback might be Oswell Whent, or my little crazy speculation (which I could probably quote everything I said if I had the time) might just be wrong. But who knows?

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1 hour ago, Banana Beyond the Wall said:

What we seem to forget is that Oswell never names himself. Sansa's POVs only have Oswell's name because Dontos said Oswell, nobody has called him Oswell, just GRRM has made us believe that is his name.

Littlefinger frequently refers to him as Oswell

You could turn King's Landing upside down and not find a single man with a mockingbird sewn over his heart, but that does not mean I am friendless." Petyr went to the steps. "Oswell, come up here and let the Lady Sansa have a look at you."



"When the Imp sent off her guards, the queen had Ser Lancel hire sellswords for her. Lancel found her the Kettleblacks, which delighted your little lord husband, since the lads were in his pay through his man Bronn." He chuckled. "But it was me who told Oswell to get his sons to King's Landing when I learned that Bronn was looking for swords. Three hidden daggers, Alayne, now perfectly placed."



"Sers, I know you must be weary after your ascent. Rooms have been prepared for all of you to spend the night, and food and wine await you in the Lower Hall. Oswell, show them the way, and see that they have all they need." He turned to Nestor Royce. "My lord, will you join me in the solar for a cup of wine? Alayne, sweetling, come pour for us."


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What we seem to forget is that Oswell never names himself. Sansa's POVs only have Oswell's name because Dontos said Oswell, nobody has called him Oswell, just GRRM has made us believe that is his name.

Littlefinger frequently refers to him as Oswell

You could turn King's Landing upside down and not find a single man with a mockingbird sewn over his heart, but that does not mean I am friendless." Petyr went to the steps. "Oswell, come up here and let the Lady Sansa have a look at you."



"When the Imp sent off her guards, the queen had Ser Lancel hire sellswords for her. Lancel found her the Kettleblacks, which delighted your little lord husband, since the lads were in his pay through his man Bronn." He chuckled. "But it was me who told Oswell to get his sons to King's Landing when I learned that Bronn was looking for swords. Three hidden daggers, Alayne, now perfectly placed."



"Sers, I know you must be weary after your ascent. Rooms have been prepared for all of you to spend the night, and food and wine await you in the Lower Hall. Oswell, show them the way, and see that they have all they need." He turned to Nestor Royce. "My lord, will you join me in the solar for a cup of wine? Alayne, sweetling, come pour for us."


Good find ser. I guess I really wanted to believe it. The link that started the thread does a good job explaining why Oswell might be a Whent.

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