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The dose makes the poison


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So I hear Westerling is coming up in the prologue.  I have been saying she could have ripped her dress to take it out! This would mean that neither Jeyne or her mother lied to Cat or Tywin about her tea, because it is both.  

And what about Hoster Tully? 



The first historical records of common tansy cultivation are from the ancient Greeks who used it for a variety of ailments. It was grown in the garden of Charlemagne the Great in the eighth century and in the herb gardens of Swiss Benedictine monks as a treatment for intestinal worms, rheumatism, fevers and digestive problems. In medieval times, common tansy in large doses was commonly used to induce abortions. Cases of cattle abortions in Pennsylvania have been circumstantially linked to common tansy, but this is not well substantiated. 

Ironically, smaller doses of common tansy were thought to prevent miscarriage and enhance fertility. Common tansy is still used in some medicines and is listed in the United States Pharmacopoeia as a treatment for colds and fever.

Source: http://store.msuextension.org/publications/AgandNaturalResources/MT199911AG.pdf

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I had no idea Tansy was a real thing! Thanks.

I'm not sure I follow you when you said this, "I have been saying she could have ripped her dress to take it out! This would mean that neither Jeyne or her mother lied to Cat or Tywin about her tea, because it is both." Are you suggesting that Momma Westerling was trying to abort or prevent a wolf pup in Jeyne... but then Jeyne was using such a small dose that it made her more fertile and she did become pregnant? If so, there are theories that Jeyne did give birth to a wolf pup and that baby was seen ??? somewhere by Theon???. I can't remember the theory for sure, but maybe someone else does?

I think you are correct that the dose makes the poison. Maybe it is a subtle message about self-control or greed? All things in moderation-type thinking?

What we do know about Sweetsleep agrees with the dose makes the poison:

  • a few grains - will slow a pounding heart, stop a hand from shaking, and make a man feel calm and strong.
  • a pinch - will grant a night of deep and dreamless sleep.
  • three pinches - will produce a sleep that does not end.

And the fact that the Waif at the HoBW is an adult, yet still looks like a child, had to do with poison. The dosing being incorrect could be the reason why it did not kill her, just left her looking like she is frozen in time. Just an idea.

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YES ! Someone gets me!  Jeyne told Cat she was drinking fertility tea her mother made, and her mother told Tywin it was abortion tea.  So here we have that Tansy is both!  Her grandmother was a witch from the east (Maggy the frog) - and I'm guessing she would know what she was doing? 


Also, Hoster Tully was murmuring "Tansy" on his deathbed and we found out Lysa had to take it when she was pregnant by Baelish.  


Later, we find a young red headed whore named Tansy working at the Peach...

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  • 2 weeks later...

another poster makes a point to say that Sweetrobin is being poisoned to death by Littlefinger. A pinch of sweetsleep he reccommends, though we (as readers) know from the Arya chapters is more than enough. Also, the abortificant is not just tansy.  There are several ingredients in moon tea...tansy is just one.  And, yes, Hoster was trying to apologize to Lysa when he was talking to Cat, I think, anyway.  It's very obvious, especially when the recipe for moon tea is specifically stated: Tansy with a pinch of mint, pennyroyal, honey etc.  Probably why Lysa has had so many miscarriages and stillbirths.  Damage to the lady parts from the horrible drugs (herbs).  It seems clear that Lady Sybell was doing the same thing to Jeyne (at Tywin's direction) to make sure there was no wolf pup.

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