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narwen and sauron28 requests...

wow, wow, wow. love your posters! holy cow, makes me so excited for the real deal, HBO should call you guys up!

i would love to see a dany in the style in which you've done your other HBO posters maybe with a "blood of the dragon" tag line? can't wait to see what you'd do with a dany poster.

it would also be amazing to see ser jorah done by you guys, a king robert and a robb! would make my day! thanks for you time and effort, so fun for all of us.

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Harry Lloyd as the rightful king Viserys. He's really quite dashing... in a batshit insane sort of way.

Please zoom in on the photo and stare into those fevered eyes for maximum effect :devil:

Zoomed, watched, was effected :devil:

(It needs a bit more work on the edges, but ) The overall look is very viseryshes. It's just the moustache that gives me the chills ;)

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I did up a logo, ain't quite as clean-cut and custom as Narwen's but if anyone wants to make use of it for their photoshops, a nice big psd is here.
Very nice, maybe I'll use it, thanks a lot!

upd: Did use it, on Deni and Jon. Again - thank you, put a link to your logo post in our gallery :)


And one for Tyrion.

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