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  1. OK, this is becoming ridiculous with all the book purists and haters. It is like LOTR movie trilogy all over again. We must never forget that these are two different mediums and what works in a book does not necessary work on screen. As somewhat book purists myself (and even if I wanted most, if not all of the things to happened like the in the books) I was more than happy with some of the changes. I even wanted Aragorn to face off Sauron at the Black Gates, like it was the original intention of Peter Jackson and that was not even in the books, trust me I know. Do you know about the 7 endings of “The Return of the King”? It was something that made me extremely happy, but lets be honest, it did not work on screen. But enough with other franchises. Do you remember the Blackwater Battle? Imagine what would have happened if it was like it was described in the books with things happening off-screen. This episode was fracking EPIC, speaking only for myself and in my humble opinion one of the best episodes in the series. To all those who do not like this TV series, I have a suggestion... stop watching it. Do not get me wrong because I do not mean it as an insult but as a positive suggestion. Why waste your time and energy in something that do not like and constantly disappoints you. Why bottle up negative feelings and anger when you can do something that you truly like? You can always re-read the books (or read them for the first time) and wait for the other books to be publish in order to finish the story.
  2. I would like to ask where we can discuss the topic of Rhaegar and Lyanna since the previous topic was closed? http://asoiaf.westeros.org/index.php?/topic/107376-rhaegar-and-lyanna-what-do-we-even-really-know/#entry5636702 I made a similar "new" thread about this topic but it was closed, because the moderators informed me that there was already a thread about this but I cannot find it. If someone can help me l would appreciated. Thank you
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