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Warg Arry

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Posts posted by Warg Arry

  1. I love spoilers so that is not a problem

    That's good, You should feel at home then. Me, I hate spoilers. I'd rather not know what is coming. And experience the sweet pain to it's full extent. Also I really prefer to be afforded the opportunity to figure things out for myself. It's probably just as well I started reading the books 14 years ago. Or this place would feel like a minefield to me. :)

  2. I loved the Pound Puppies. Thanks for that blast from the past. Also Welcome!! I've been here for about 4 years. It really has a great community here (It's why I keep coming back). Just be careful of spoilers. All aspects of the books and shows are extensively and thoroughly discussed. Though things are usually tagged as spoilers in the thread title. It can still be tricky. Hope you like it here.

  3. Joffery - I mean, did people get it. That Joffery is more than a mean spirited spoilt brat. that he is so much more.

    the scene from the first book put me there

    It's been a while. But i remember King Robert recalling how he punched Joffery after he discovered that Joffery had cut open a pregnant cat to see/get the kittens.

    -That moment made me go - "holy shit he is a psychopath/serial killer type."

    And I was thinking this episode would get people there. Like that moment in the books did.

    I guess...not really?

  4. Ummm, Hi. :rolleyes:

    Hey Susan :) /\-This was sort of out of context for us.

    It came across as more contempt like for "having" to be in an intro thread.

    Which was kind of weird cause no one "has" to intro themselves here. It's nice to do though.

    But now we know it wasn't a message to the board in general.

    Welcome muchly to the forums Susan Fox. Hope you have read all the books because as much as we try. Spoilers can be stumbled across.

    And, to be perfectly honest, clever and and cynical seem to be working out just great for me.

    It does for most of us as well ;)

    edit for a missing (K)

  5. I've already said hello on the Aussiecon thread, but seeing as this is the official thread for it, I'm saying it again!! I've now just started my FOURTH time of reading aSoIaF (obsessed much?), mostly just because I started this forum and people are talking about all crazy kinds of intricacies about the books that I've mostly forgotten and don't want to appear unedumacated on the GRRM-front whenever I get enough confidence to actually start replying to such threads.

    p.s I agree, Fitz does not swing both ways, that is why he was never attracted to the Fool, and for the record, I liked the Fool as Amber more for some reason. I found him less creepy as a woman haha.

    Welcome. If you have read all the books I recommend this thread It was an eye opener for me and fun.

    Nah Fitz wouldn't have gone for another guy. Quite a few wanted the Fool to be female so they could have a future romantic sideline story. But I don't believe that would have ever worked.

    @The Fool.

    Anyway I have no idea what gender the fool is, but you think Fitz would of seen his junk when he skill healed him naked after the forging from the other white one.

    I know it's semantics. But I think Fitz would have expected the Fool to have junk. In that close intimate situation, if Fitz discover no junk or an otherwise (both or none) situation. I would have expected that to register big time with Fitz.


  6. I take it you're a Fitz/Fool fan too :)

    oh ok, I get it. Play it cool, don't answer questions and stay all mysterious. *sniff* :crying:

    I suppose I am a fan. The farseer trilogy was my introduction to fantasy.

    Before that, it was horror and murder mysteries.

    aw you never forget your first. ;)

  7. Hey,

    I'm 19, from Australia. I used to live in Germany and picked them up at an English store because I hate german books, a friend recommended me them. I LOVE the books, and I want to learn more deeply about the story, so I am here:)

    OMG OMG!!

    OK a few things.

    You are awesome.

    Dispel the rumours.. Male or Female..To personal? It's just that Fitz always thought of you as male. And and when he skill healed you. He noticed nothing. And you'd think something like that would be noticed.

    But as Amber..very convincing chicky.

    what the heck is up with Ratty?

    People totally thought you had a thing for Fitz. I don't buy it. I think you just got a kick out of giving him a hard time. But then as Amber, sculpting Fitz onto a ship. Talk about sending mixed signals.

    Course there is nothing wrong with having a thing for Fitz..If you like the emo whiny guys. Fair enough.

    Welcome to the board


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