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Everything posted by Vaughn

  1. Man, I had forgotten about 'Flashforward' until I just looked at Goyer's IMDB. That show was one where I look back and wonder why exactly I watched it. I guess that's the difference between the world with streaming and the world without. Instead of useful info, my brain will always remember Fiennes in his dodgy American accent saying 'I was drinking my flashfoward' like 50 times in that show. Harris is the best but I'd like him to use his Belter accent for everything moving forward.
  2. Zero interest in this. A Solaria series would be cool but Foundation books are some real high school level 'deep thinking' from a modern viewpoint.
  3. Locke and Jean visit Atlantis - sign me up! I had forgotten about Merrain until I skimmed book 2 this weekend. That's more interesting to me that the Falconer, who is clearly just an a-hole.
  4. The problems with this theory is that 1) the Magi are so, so, so much more powerful than anyone else we've met in these books (Teleportation (or invisibility, unclear), mind control, etc... ) and 2) the rest of the exceptionalists were wiped out at the end of Book 3 so I'd say the Falconer is a one man band. He got Patience by surprise I guess (still a bit iffy, IMO, how she died so easily) but there are other 4-5 ring Magi who were her allies who survived - he's weaker than them and can't surprise all of them. My guess is the Falconer tries to harness/team up with the dark forces Patience is afraid of, opens up a Pandora's jar* of ills and that's the end showdown of the series. Shout out to How Did This Get Made for that fact.
  5. The Falconer I guess. A one man Visgoth horde.
  6. See: LoTr vs. the prequel stories of Tolkien.
  7. Curse you for posting in this thread without new info. You got my hopes up... I'm looking forward to (I think) another non-flashback story. That was the stated plan, right? Every other book reveals past stories through flashback? While I do like the additional info about the past, I'm more interested in the 'main' timeline unfolding. What's people's interest in the Eldren? I like them as a weird background element, but I don't really care to have it all fully explained. I am assuming that they will become a bigger and bigger plot point given the speech by Patience about why the Bondsmages were disappearing, etc... though. I also wonder how much time the overall book series will cover. Locke, Jean and Sabetha are what, mid/late 20s? Yet the prophecy about Locke seems to cover a lot of ground. If Lynch stays on plan, there are four more books I believe. I assume Jean and Sabetha survive the series and Locke doesn't, mostly because I can't see him becoming some settled adult with a stable life.
  8. That's part of the charm to me though - Locke is taking Ls every book and isn't ever quite as smart as he thinks.
  9. Ball's in your court George and Pat. Glad for him and hope to one day run into him when in western MA so I can tell him how much I enjoy his ripping yarns.
  10. I lean towards the feeling of things being rushed but it's simply due to the constraints of the amount of time the show runners had left to stick the landing. Honestly, isn't this same issue likely why the last two books are proceeding glacially? Imagine writing all of the open plot and narrative arcs down on a white board and then making a flow chart of how to resolve them in two books. Either problem could have been solved by say, killing Sam, Theon, Arya, Tyrion (take your pick of PoV characters) but people would have hated that so, so much for either medium.
  11. Apologies if this was covered elsewhere but the Walkers aren't a threat to Essos? So the Golden Company, etc... is just available to come over the sea to fight for money and everyone in Braavos can just hang out and do business as usual? It's funny to do this massive world building and then seemingly act like one piece falling to the Walkers, who travel by foot, is the apocalypse.
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