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Everything posted by Varysblackfyre321

  1. Bigots: Identity politics is a scourge that only seeks to divide us. Also bigots: We want to be more bigoted and discriminatory.
  2. If you’re still looking I stumbled upon a great Manga that I highly recommend about an enby working at a maid cafe in Japan. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Love_Me_for_Who_I_Am It goes into depth on the various contemporary issues surrounding gender and sexuality in a really nuanced way. Oh and it also briefly calls out the fetishization cis straight males do to transwomen, and girls in a really classy and brief way
  3. That always needs to be recognized. I came across this article. Sodomy laws have been enforced relatively recently in the developed world in many places. Take Britain; ;https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/may/23/fifty-years-gay-liberation-uk-barely-four-1967-act Or the US. I know this may sound odd, but I really wish people would talk more about this sort of stuff in terms of talking about recent oppression of gay people.
  4. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.politico.com/amp/news/2020/12/07/supreme-court-bathrooms-transgender-students-443434 It's weird 2020 hasn't been as bad a year for Lgbt rights as it has been in UK in terms of progress.
  5. Of course. Their abusive shit gays are stepping stones to other bad shit. It hurts my head to Terfs, or vehement transphobic gays complain that their rights are under attack by trans people. As their used as tools further the goals of people who’d actually see any right right or protection they claim to care about stripped.
  6. Yeah, he apparently is also a homophobe. Not surprising. He even helped push for a higher age of for homosexuals. The guy’s clearly a massive bigot who’ll use children to his advance his bigotry. Heaven’s to bet if he got his way same-sex relations would be illegal for anyone.
  7. Fucking hell, I felt like gagging when I heard that. https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2020/dec/06/keira-bell-lawyer-warns-on-internet-coverage-of-transgender-issues Jesus Christ. This really pisses me off. I can’t tell you how often I’ve seen people cry free speech whenever any transphobe got a negative consequence for their actions. Even if it was harassing transwomen that had to be defended because free speech. If the UK gives a propaganda law like that not one of those assholes will criticize it for it being a blantant attack on free speech.
  8. It should always be noted most of the people pushing for things like have nothing to say about gender reassignment surgery on babies if they’re intersex.
  9. https://www.pinknews.co.uk/2020/06/06/millennial-men-lgbt-attitudes-sexuality-research-social-policy-meredith-worthen-study/ Curious on what you folks think of this? @karaddin you normally have pretty nuanced takes.
  10. https://www.jurist.org/news/2020/11/hungary-drafts-legislation-to-ban-adoption-for-same-sex-couples/ Fuck this is madening. How dare gay couples try to give a child a loving home?
  11. Ah. I mean if this cute trans woman is saying the same things I am, I can’t be that bigoted right? Sorry, I don’t know your mother, I tend to see this as a lot of the reason for any support from the right on a particular individual in lgbtq. This gay guy says straight people are oppressed by non-heterosexuals in a world where there are countries where you can get killed or imprisoned for that. And says being straight is superior So I’m not homophobic when I say the exact same things.
  12. Yeah. Still irritating to think about them pretending to care about gay rights--ie reference gays being killed for their sexual orientation--and act asking for anything more than the ability to not be stoned to death is overstepping.
  13. I saw this depressing comment on the seemming trajectory of things; Conservatives in 2017: I'm not personally homophobic, but I don't want businesses to be forced to violate their own religion Today: I'm not personally homophobic, but I don't want government workers to give out marriage certificates that violates their religious beliefs. 2024: I'm not personally homophobic, but I think states should be allowed to criminalize sodomy if that's what they want. Future: Is it wrong to be homophobic? Genuinely curious to see which gay guys prager u will trot out to argue why gay marriage is super bad. I'm betting they'll be a reference gays being executed in Saudi Arabia as a rational for why expecting equal and fair treatmeant under the law in the US is totally unfair--they should be thankful to just not be killed, and be quiet.
  14. Women orgs who'd align with far-right groups to beat up transfolk. The ideology of Terfs kinda reminds me of an old quote from a racist unionist in the 1800s. ”We’d rather be a slave to capital than a brother to the negro.” TerFs today. ”We’d rather be slaves to the patriarchy, than a sister to a trans.”
  15. I know this is a little late but: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.metroweekly.com/2020/01/intersex-navy-veteran-asks-10th-circuit-to-uphold-ruling-allowing-them-to-get-gender-neutral-passport/amp/ I just have to wonder if this, or any other case featuring discrimination against an intersex individual gets to the Supreme Court what possible rational could the conservative Justices give for it being permissible.
  16. I’ve stumbled across this article when I was researching on how those who have a binary view of sex could explain the intersex. Whenever I’ve broached this concept individually with some types, they simply restate sex is completely binary. This article basically does just that. Restate that intersex people could be labeled man or woman and offers no third alternative despite the possibility an intersex may have a penis and labia, or A testicle and ovary. It offers no method what to do in such a situation. I fear perhaps it's advocating for surgery to ”correct” a person’s genitalia. And proceeds to fear-monger about how transgenders are the true threats to women and gay rights. It's quite maddening when people try to pass their transphobia off as just being some ”Progressive.” worry.
  17. Some more bad news: https://www.bing.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1021031 I do wonder/hope if it’s not so much there’s an increasing lack of tolerance in regards to LGBTQ issues or that the general perception of what people think of when they hear these questions of “LGBTQ” issues has skewed the answers. Like I imagine since Transgender individuals have been given a lot more focus over the years, the answers would have been effected. The questions are formatted the same, but the perception of what is being asked has evolved. Like it should be noted even among republicans the younger crowd amongst those in favor of gay marriage being allowed has gone up.
  18. I’ve recently stumbled upon this article. I find it to be a sobering reminder that just how fragile LGBTQ issues including gay marriage is in the US, hell even if States could legally ban homosexual acts(Remember Texas v.Lovings literally happened in 2003, and 2 of Trump’s appointees’ comments on it are concerning to say the least) could become subject to contention now. https://www.google.com/amp/s/theweek.com/articles-amp/843202/censoring-gay-marriage-tv-could-ominous-sign-things-come More reason to move out of the country. Also, it does highlight a problem that’s being touted among too many people. That homophobia all together no longer is an issue, that gays don’t face massive societal persecution, and that you’d be hard pressed to find a real homophobe. Such sentiment is quite frankly more dangerous than explicit anti-gay rhetoric given it lulls the public into a sense of undeserved safety.
  19. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-africa-48363362 A truly brave man.
  20. Moving the goal post. I never said the majority of Chinese people revere him. I specifically said many do. And it’s genuinely absurd to think otherwise given decades of it being taught by the government that he’s a Chinese hero. If I claimed that you would’ve had a point. Not exactly. The pro-Stark that resides there preyed upon the peasantantry just as badly as the pro-Lannister forced. Kinda yeah. “Boys will be boys” is a often used, and gross expression but it’s sentiment and it would be the line of thinking for most medieval military commanders. Their men have desires, for money, honor, and of flesh. They’re not turning a blind eye to it(or encouraging it), and secretly brimming with disdain at the abhorrent conduct. “Attempted” rape. Because he wants to play hero, and Pan professed to having idolized him for years. And notice he didn’t execute all the mountain’s men who raped Pan. Only the one who tried to raped her while he was around. She doesn’t actually stop her in plans to invade Westeroes over it. Honestly I took her “saving” of these women more done out of soothing her own ego and reaffirming she’s a good person than pure altruism. Yeah not my argument. My argument was that in general military commanders in a medieval don’t fret over their men taking liberties with the enemies peasantry. This is like your strawman with killing. No, a peasant man raping his neighbor generally won’t be accepted by his lord. But a soldier raping the subject of his enemy would be. Well, I’ve already given you reasons for why’d it’d be reviled and why it would be stupid. You find Aegon’s war in Dorne. Please explain why isn’t it seen as a the actions of a monster in Westeroes? Why did see lords encouraging him to continue burning Dorne? Probably not tragic for many. They’re viewed as subhuman after all. And recent enemies. Making actual empathy for them in short supply. Oh my god, yes! Seriously, I never argued they had no limits in anything. You keep doing this. No, not all killing is allowed. Not all rape is allowed. I never argued the opposite. I’ve argued they don’t have your limits. The circumstances for Ned would be merely to keep others from thinking they could rebel with no great consequences. Basically to maintain the notion Robert should be feared/respected.? If Balon rebels, Theon dies. That’s it. In Stannis case it’s not if. He’s serving up enough women for his torturers to find entertainment. In hopes there’d be information that could aid in his war-effort. K. The Stormland had their rightful king murdered, and had a probably up jumped bastard take his place. Thousands of Lannister forces died fighting Aegon, and Highgarden lost the house that had been its kings completely. The Ironborn’s empire, was basically destroyed with them not really coming close to what they lost. Yet still, we don’t see much disfavor in regards to Aegon to any of the people he’s conquered. No, just contending until we see otherwise, it’s reasonable to assume Dorne’s not particularly disfavorble to Aegon.
  21. Meh, the sack specifically targeted the slavers who ruled Meereen.People guilty one of the worst crimes. After, seeing said the slavers council crucify hundreds of children. In her position I’d think many would be enticed to enact some unilateral justice. Hell, I’ve encountered people who’ve said Daenerys should have executed the slaver class as a wholeEven if some of the slavers opposed the measure(I genuinely doubt it), they’re still guilty of treating and trading people like cattle. Compare this to the innocent peasants who’ve no power, and mostly in the position of the exploited and not the exploiter. Not really hard to see why so many readers looks at one more favorably than the other. She will, and she already has. You could not win the IT bloodlessly. She needs to be ruthless. I honestly picture her not turning out to be mad. That would make her sooo boring. I don’t particularly think “evil” would turn out to be the word to describe her either. I’d say just, typical for what she aspires to be; a conqueror.
  22. I did read your response. I found it lacking an actual objection other than the obvious note that these tributes maybe aren’t purely out of altruism. Not to the idea there are Chinese people today who revere Genghis. And there clearly are given they would have had this lesson propagated into them. You cannot seriously contend that decades, of Genghis being taught as a hero in China would leave no significant impact on how many Chinese perceive him favorably. No I didn’t. No where do I say the Dorn likes Aegon particularly more than any of other provinces. Again my position is their feelings are probably in alignment with the rest of the country in regards to Aegon. I have for some reason have to reiterate myself. And me not mentioning the places Genghis warred with and disliked wasn’t a failing on my part. My point wasn’t all the peoples Genghis warred with show him any reverence. I offered up China as a rebuttal to your seeming insistence that a conqueror must be hated/disliked/not thought of favorably by the populace he warred with in all cases long after he’s dead. Well destroying the place you seek to rule from generally is a bad idea. Gregor is attacking Ned’s father-in law in attempt to draw him out. And, he doesn’t like to see innocents suffer. Not really unusual for there being an expression of disgust at noble children being butchered. Stannis is shown to be exceptional in punishing the troops that rape. I hope I do not have to explain to you generally, rape in war in this setting would be excused by most military commanders. Why is Aegon never characterized as acting inappropriately for the Burning of Harrenthal, or his campaign in Dorne even when the Targyens have been displaced? Why do we see the lords of the region, push Aegon to continue to burn the Dornish when it’s proven they won’t break? Maybe because in the eyes of his setting he wasn’t doing anything abominable. What do you think would happen if Jon cut the throats of all the children hostages he’s taken in response to the sins of their kin? Do you think he’d be seen as a monster? Tell my why do you think Robert was troubled by the fact Joffrey got his friend’s daughter ‘ wild pet killed yet offered no sorrow that Joffrey’s lie cost a boy his life? If by in the same manner you mean burning KL down, I’d probably say no, people would object. Less for the loss of civilian life, and more for it’s cultural, religious, and economic value. Tell me if Jon cuts the wildling children’s throat in response to their parent acting up do you think readers should condemn him? Tell me if Ned took a 13 year old Theon’s head in response to Balon rebelling would you denounce him as a monster? Should we condemn Stannis(as most lords do), having tortures on hand to mangale their perceived enemies? We see repeatedly see being compared to him being compared to him as a compliment from people from the various kingdoms he conquered. You can’t actually show anti-Aegon sentiment in Dorne and failed to provide a reason why’d they’d show more animosity towards in comparison to most of the kingdoms Aegon conquered. You argue Dorne breaks the pattern for being in a bitter war with Aegon-quite literally 4 of the provinces, he conquered could say that but we don’t see it there.
  23. I think @Zorral fulfilled that request. I didn’t actually say they’d “particularly” like him. I’ve lamented their feelings in regards to him are probably in alignment with the rest of the country. Which has shown a general respect. Not surprising the greatest conqueror in their in history. You apparently don’t since you’re still holding him to relatively modern understanding on on how war-fare ought be waged. You could like whoever you want man. No one is saying you must like Aegon or Despise him. All is being is that you not purely judge him, a medieval conqueror, purely by the standards of contemporary society. Yes, yes, not every people conquered will grow to love/respect their conqueror. My position was simply that the exact opposite that sentiment is also false; that just because a person waged war and/or conquered a people doesn’t mean the conquered will hate that person for all time or even dislike him.
  24. Your reasons for why they must could be applied to most of the provinces Aegon Conquered. We don’t really see that around Westeroes. I don’t see a particularly good reason why Dorne should be the exception. And, I would point to my earlier statement of Genghis being revered by many Chinese today. The people a conqueror warred with, and/or conquered altogether don’t always have to resent the conqueror forever. And I find it wrong to estimate a man if you remove him from his context. Like Ned is by definition a sexist, but it’s far less outrageous for him(a medieval lord) to be undesirable thing than say a man in Canada 2019.
  25. You seemed to treat it as a given that Dorne must have a large amount Anti-Aegon sentiment( which we’ve see no evidence of). I simply wanted to showcase your assumption may be wrong. Simple as that.
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