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Everything posted by Terrorthatflapsinthenight9

  1. The irony is that the greatest damage to house Frey might be done by the Freys themselves, with many of them killing each other for the succession of the Twins. They're such a close, healthy and fonctionnal family and the old Weasel did such a fine job by having so many male descendants hoping to inherit of the Twins.
  2. Most Freys are going to die anyway, and ironically it may be them who'll inflict the most casualties to their own family in a civil war to inherit the Twins. The BWB and the Starks will no doubt inflict some casualties and vengeance but they'll have to recenter their focus on the Others soon enough, letting the Freys do most of the job themselves.
  3. I wouldn't be optimistic about Daenerys being so lenient toward a house that is so untrustworthy and has commited such a heinous betrayal and massacre, and is hated and despised by all of Westeros now and could taint on her. To prove that she is truly just and to get at least some approval in the North and Riverlands she'd have to make an example and punish the old weasel and most of the other Red Wedding perpetrators for their crimes. And I strongly doubt that Walder and most of House Frey will be alive by the time Daenerys arrive in Westeros, they will most likely have already suffered from Lady Stoneheart, the Starks and the Tullys' revenge and a civil war for the Twins once the late Walder is finally dead, and being overthrown by the revengeful Riverlords by then. Besides Aegon has more chances of being the one to deal with the rest of them with his earlier arrival and taking of the Iron Throne.
  4. Indeed Daenerys' life is and will be a tragedy, she who thought that going back to the Seven Kingdoms and getting back the Iron Throne will give her the hapiness that she seeks and that she will be a savior to the people of Westeros like she is to so many slaves will never find her hapiness here and will only get disapointment, pain and misery as she'll become more and more isolated and lonely, struggle even more with her moral choices as she embraces the Fire and Blood mantra and that it'll cause her to do things that will hurt her conscience even more and alienate those she seeks to save and get the love from, causing her to become paranoid and alienate others only further like her ancestor Rhaenyra before her. . And all of that that will cause her to only pursue further that Iron Throne that is the source of all her misery.
  5. Yes, and also the plot to kill Trystane Martell. I don't know which one is worse.
  6. And after rearming the Faith and helping the Sparrows who are fanatics and zealots and her private war against the Tyrells, Cersei's dumbest move has to be her insulting and pissing the Iron Bank off by defering the payments on the loans from the IB to build a new expansive royal fleet just because she doesn't trust the Redwyne Fleet, and then reject and humiliate their envoy Noho Dimittis. Of course the Iron Bank would retaliate by calling outstanding debts from all over Westeros and refusing all new loans, causing economic chaos, and by supporting Stannis. And of course the other banks from Essos wouldn't answer the crown's pleads for new loans, they aren't going to lend any money anymore to the ones foolish and untrustworthy enough to refuse to pay and insult the most powerful and dangerous bank in the world who has ties with the Faceless Men.
  7. Yep because it's surely very smart to seize the Marchers Castles, nevermind that these castles are very strong and that it's especially hard to attack and siege castles in mountainous areas, not counting that the Marchers lords have a strong martial tradition and that their garrisons are almost completely intact since they didn't contribute to the war. And it's even smarter to then go for Oldtown even if its forces and defenses, which are among the strongest in Westeros, are quasi intact too, that the dornish who are limited in numbers and tend to not fare well in prolonged campaigns outside of Dorne and will have to face armies much larger than them and with the home and logistics advantages even before reaching Oldtown, even more after reaching the city which is very unlikely to fall to a reduced and tired dornish army. But what makes her plan especially brilliant is that neither the Marchers Castles nor Oldtown have anything to do with Oberyn, Elia or her children's deaths, that attacking them wouldn't hurt the Lannisters or avenge the dead Martells in any way and that it only gets the Martells and Dorne more enemies and lots of casualties, and that she has no counter plan to the inevitable retaliation from the Iron Throne. Even Balon Greyjoy isn't such a brilliant tactician and strategist, lol.
  8. I am surprised that no one has talked about Morion Martell and his utterly retarded plan to attack the Stormlands via the sea as revenge for the defeat and death of the Vulture King, with him and his fleet ending destroyed by Jaehaerys and his sons' dragons in the only conflict in ASOIAF history where one side was annihilated while the other suffered no casualty at all. Not only he was going to war for a stupid reason while his father had wisely avoided to intervene and risk war with the Iron Throne, but he moronly discarded every asset and advantage he and Dorne had to try to invade the Stormlands by sea which was not totally stupid not only because of how vulnerable a fleet would be to dragons and their fire but because it was very unlikely that his efforts to build a fleet for an invasion, while dornish had little lumber and naval expertise and so would need lots of time and help from essosi pirates and shipwrights to build and manoeuver their fleet, wouldn't be noticed by the Iron Throne's intelligence. And of course Jaeherys not only heard about Morion's project long before he could act on it, but to add salt to injury he learned it from sources directly present in Morion's court. When Morion's fleet finally moved it was intercepted and utterly destroyed by Jaehaerys and his sons Aemon and Baelon on their dragons in the only war of ASOIAF with no casualty on one side ever, finally giving the Targaryens revenge on Dorne and the Martells after Aegon's failed invasion of Dorne. And it seems that Morion has reincarnated himself in present day in the person of Obara Sand if her plan to avenge her father, Oberyn Martell, is anything to goes by.
  9. Yes, which was far smarter that the plans Obara and Nymeria brought up, but still very far from sure to be a good plan since the other kingdoms all put males before females in the succession line ans that dornish aren't very popular in the rest of Westeros and so it's far from sure that they would have taken this enough seriously to send armies to Dorne.
  10. But even Arianne's plot is genius compared to what the plan that her cousin Obara Sand cooked up, which is of taking command of Dorne armies and lead them to attack and sack the Marcher Castles and then Oldtown, even if these places are among the strongest and most well-defended places in Westeros, have their defense forces intact as they didn't take part in the war and that the dornish would have to face armies far more numerous than them, and that Oldtown and the Marches have nothing to do with Oberyn's death all because of Obara's petty dislike for Oldtown. Even Balon Greyjoy isn't that dumb and horrible in terms of war plans.
  11. Of all the military or political plans made by the character of ASOIAF, which one is in your opinion the absolute worst being either completely stupid or totally delusionnal or both at the same time ? What is the absolute worst in the main series ? Which one if we take in account the World of Ice and Fire, Fire and Blood and the other series before the main books ?
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