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Alden Rothack

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Everything posted by Alden Rothack

  1. not the westerosi kind they don't
  2. my vote would be the Whents, it would upset the smallest number of people and doesn't give him in laws who he is likely to hate working with plus the Tullys really do need the added power.
  3. I read it, to repeat my point it doesn't matter who the one person is, it is simply that one person cannot change a system on their own
  4. No he isn't because lack of men isn't the problem. Ser Rodric still had more than enough men to solve the problem. the difference Robb would have wouldn't have been to the taking of Deepwood Motte and the various village, it would have been Winterfell itself
  5. Tricky, they are very good at that sort of thing and they have a lot of people.
  6. Dany is one person, her inexperience and moral failings aren't why she going to fail, they are however why she might not realise it until its too late for her to escape the shitstorm.
  7. He didn't, the issue isn't that they lacked men, they still had way more than IB, the issue is that Ser Rodric is nearly as stupid as Balon is
  8. Have the three combined really got the means to fight westeros and win?
  9. But will it be comparable to the Emglish revolution (locals invite a return to the status quo) or the french (locals pick a figurehead who turns out to be much more dangerous than they expected) or even the Russian Revolution (bad is followed by much much worse)
  10. I recommend impalement for any and all pro-slavery people, the sooner the better systems do not change because people want them to change, they change when the conditions no longer favour them and even then it takes a great deal of effort from many people, changing a country without the social framework in place gets you another form of tyranny at best, just look at the English and French Revolutions.
  11. I suspect the black fish would have done much as he did but on a larger scale
  12. Yup, I mean the Riverland based on size should have a lot more men than the Westerlands, Tywin just started earlier and was able to afford to out more of them in the field than the Riverlords the right leader could have beaten Jaime well before Robb got there, manpower has ever been the issue
  13. Just look at the Dance where the Freys kicked major arse from the beginning to end if the likes of Sabitha and the Lads had been waiting for Jaime it would have been a very different war.
  14. The North unlike Dorne has people across about ninety percent of it, not very many perhaps compared to the Reach or the Vale of Arryn but some. Dorne on the other hand is mostly sand or mountains, its extremely impressive that Dorne exists at all given its climate and location I am of the opinion that the North has far more people than is commonly accepted, Dorne not so much
  15. effectively yes, particularly for those who cannot be relied upon not to commit further offenses
  16. nobody ever knows for absolute certain that its going to be their head on the block but you can be certain they know which crimes make it very likely and which do not. insuboordination in a military setting absolutely is one of them, its classed with desertion and mutiny
  17. the thing about the freys is that there are so many of them that even killing 99% of them leaves some of them out
  18. the thing about formal knighthood is that it grew out of pressures the north doesn't really have, the north has more land than people to manage it rather than the reverse, plus the north don't really have aristocrats to begin with or even a large middle class to be promoted into it. certainly there will be many in the north who swear their steel to the hearth of another but unless there is reason to question their honour such as a Bolton or ironmen swearing fealty to a northern lord a formal oath before a heart tree is unlikely to be asked for or offered. in such places the bonds of kinship run very deep.
  19. combination of local allies and the fact that longships are light enough to use in rivers if you are skilled enough
  20. Well we know basically nothing about other followers of the fire god so technically yes
  21. Thoros likely knew that he would be the second one on the fire if he did and unlike Mel wasn't deluded enough to like the idea I have my doubts that Mel misunderstands her religion, her misunderstanding is that shes actually in the right
  22. Well Thoros also really likes fire Mel also burns other people when she can get permission to do so
  23. We don't know but my impression is that its strongly associated with them in the mind of most people
  24. Which would be quite doable with a large force. lack of natural borders is a problem because unlike fortifications you can't take them down, no house can ever be strong enough if no help is coming.
  25. They don't need them, they are led just as well if not more by bonds of kinship as they would by knighthood besides I suspect many people do swear oaths in the godswood they justr don't make a big thing about it like the southrons and their stone gods.
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