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  • King Tristefer X of House Mudd
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    Prince of the Riverlands

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  1. Hilarious. So if a man breaks an oath, you must kill him and banner men by breaking a sacred guest rite. It really depends on Jon and the rest of the Starks. If a Stark survives (including Jon in this) they would have to make an example of the Freys.
  2. Going back to my problem with how the Faith is portrayed, I was thinking about which characters could be religious yet still be the characters they are. There are multiple but, I think the best character would be Tywin. The Rains of Castamere would still happen as is his right, however I don't think the death of Aegon and Rhaenys, which would be good as Robert and Cersei's son would marry Rhaenys and Aegon could go to the wall. In the War of 5 Kings he would've acted the same way Any thoughts and additions?
  3. Has anyone read Martin's other books? If so, what is your opinion of them?
  4. What are the most badass moments of a song of ice and fire? My favorite is when Euron Greyjoy said “‘Who knows more of gods than I? Horse gods and fire gods, gods made of gold with gemstone eyes, gods carved of cedar wood, gods chiseled into mountains, gods of empty air... I know them all. I have seen their peoples garland them with flowers, and shed the blood of goats and bulls and children in their names. And I have heard the prayers, in half a hundred tongues. Cure my withered leg, make the maiden love me, grant me a healthy son. Save me, succor me, make me wealthy... protect me! Protect me from mine enemies, protect me from the darkness, protect me from the crabs inside my belly, from the horselords, from the slavers, from the sellswords at my door. Protect me from the Silence.’ He laughed. ‘Godless? Why, Aeron, I am the godliest man ever to raise sail! You serve one god, Damphair, but I have served ten thousand. From Ib to Asshai, when men see my sails, they pray.’”
  5. I think you're looking at this with a total outside view. 1. If you lived in a world where some people worshiped DEATH, the embodiment of what everyone in a good mental state doesn't want to be, and in addition accepted coin to be kill people you would be really scared of them and think they are psychos. 2 and 4. The old gods seem to be a more cultural thing than an actual religion to the people of the north and the Faith of the Seven is the catholic church done wrong. For my reasons you could look at my post "Expanding Westeros." 5. I used to think this too, however House Cambodia made a really good point (on another post) that we don't know much about the modern red faith outside of Melisandre, who could be an extremist with views warped by Asshai.
  6. "The islands are located several weeks' travel away from Oldtown, slightly farther south than the latitude of the Summer Isles, and at a longitude farther west than even Lonely Light. The islands are very small, with a combined land area no larger than Dragonstone; the largest of the islands is no more than a third the size of Dragonstone itself. Alys Westhill described them as "a mountain attended by two hills".[1] The islands are pleasant and bountiful. Springs and streams provide plentiful fresh water. The islands are uninhabited but for the wildlife, including wild pigs and huge, sluggish grey lizards as big as deer, whose bites can cause severe infections. The trees are heavy with edible nuts and fruits unknown in other lands.[1]" It's hard to see why the iron born would be interested in these islands, considering their "We do not Sow" aspect. Also, they are too far away to control.
  7. Because I didn't see one. I'm sorry I'm not all knowing. Also, this isn't supposed to be a thread just on the different faiths but all the things people think could improved on in the books.
  8. Well it's not easy to build harbors when there is no reason to. It's hard to find what flints finger is good for other than agriculture maybe. I was thinking more along the lines of if the north started exporting goods to the south, a harbor could be built there to host some "military" ships to protect the merchant ships in northern waters. It would also protect blazewater bay and the saltspear.
  9. I meant that it could be turned into a well protected harbor if they wanted to. Like it is a natural harbor that can be easily protected.
  10. I don’t know if this is much of a theory. It theorizes that Rhaegar was actually the Prince the was Promised and that Jon is actually Lightbringer, the sword that will kill the Great Other.
  11. Flint’s Finger is kinda weird. While it would be hard to invade from the Marshlands as it make the North “impregnable,” it would be easy for a small military force to sneak into flints finger through the forest west of the Marshlands. Also, according to the maps, flints finger could host a pretty important Northern harbor (if not for trade then militarily) and it could be very well defended. A few watch towers along the flint cliffs overlooking the iron islands would help them keep track of Iron born raids and I think cape kraken has a bigger population than most part of the north except for the obvious as maesters seemed to take an interest in the region.
  12. Here’s the thing, Aegon had only one child with Visenya and another with Rhaenys so I assumed the same thing would happen with Argella. If it was a girl then marry her off to Aenys or Maegor. If it’s a boy then we have another contender for the Iron Throne (probably) or someone who would help Aenys’ kids fight off Maegor. He/she would probably get a dragon egg and/or dragon. And this was before Aegon converted publicly when he was crowned as king so I don’t think the faith can do jackshit about it.
  13. Ok good point lmao. Ok let’s go with the how the show went, Daenerys dead, Lannisters except Tyrion dead. The Westerlands are in civil war as no one will follow a dwarf, the Riverlands are about to erupt in civil war as the heir is a half-frey and theirs never been much unity. Gendry is probably occupied conquering the Stormlands and the only kingdoms unified are the Vale, the North (somewhat), and Dorne as they didn’t pull that stupid shit in this scenario as they did in the show. Let’s say Willas and Garlan are not dead and the Tarlys are also not dead. This is the perfect time for ambitious Reach lords to rise up, so
  14. We know the prophecy states that the Prince that was promised will defeat the great other and deliver the world from darkness. I think we can agree that Jon will be the Prince. However, will Jon be elevated to Kinghood or will he die as a Prince?
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