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Everything posted by Ran

  1. Book spoiler discussion of the show goes here, for those who want to discuss the episode in relation to the books, and with reference to spoilers from them. This topic should open automatically around the start of airing.
  2. Right, forgot to post. We've upgraded to 1.24.1. This allows mobile devices to use the MobileFrontend that Wikipedia has for mobile devices, which makes a much nicer mobile experience (except for the main page, which isn't coded to stack up as the rest does. Wikipedia solves this by seeming to provide a special, mobile-only version of the main page. Not sure how they do that). But there are caveats: 1) CSS editing isn't working for some reason. We're trying to get help on that. Until it works, we're stuck with things being wonky: the headers on the main page are a few points too far down, and also the sidebar banner is actually padded out to spill out of it. 2) IPB-Wiki authentication is off until we've an opportune (aka not right before ep 1) time to work on whether we can get it to work with 1.24.1. This means that new members of the forum, even with requisite posts, won't be able to edit. Current members with editing privileges need only make sure they are logged into the forum, to get a cookie from Westeros.org that will then make sure they can log in to the wiki. 3) And of course there may be other kinks and bugs along the way that we haven't hit on yet. Please report any obvious problems, bearing in mind that slowness, lag, or even downtimes are likely in the wake of episode 1.
  3. Can someone who knows how do the following: Clear all asoiaf.westeros.org and awoiaf.westeros.org cookies... And then go ahead and try to log in to the wiki ONLY. Can you login? I am presently disabling the IPB-Wiki bridge with the hope of getting the wiki upgraded to 1.24.1 today. We do not know if the bridge will work with that version, and if it does not, we may have to go without it (and thus no new Wiki account creations) until such time as we solve that problem. The reason for the upgrade is that it would allow us to pave the way to upgrading the forum to IPS4 (where we think we can quickly and easily dispense with the bridge and instead use a Single Sign On thing that should work well), and it will finally allow us to present a mobile front end to users on mobile devices (like what Wikipedia has for mobile users). We have tested a test install of the wiki on 1.24.1 and (so far) it works quite well with just about all extensions we have working properly.
  4. For my part, I'm convinced it'll continue in the pseudo-Asian setting, as the name strikes me as not being far out from cultural representations of steppe peoples, who have featured (in a minor way) in his two latest novels. But Linda pointed out, after some digging, three places where the phrase "Children of Earth and Sky" appears, or very nearly appears: 1) The Maori creation myths refers to deities who were the Children of Earth and Sky. Notably, Kay was in New Zealand when he wrote The Wandering Fire and Maori myths, customs, and names slipped into that work. 2) Hesiod's Theogony concerns itself with the children Gaia and Uranus, and refers to them as children of Earth and Sky. 3) A second-hand claim that I can't verify that the Inca had a name for themselves that roughly translated as "Children of Stone and Sky"
  5. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    We're tinkering with some things. We'll get it fixed shortly. Sorry about that!
  6. I've deleted a handful of threads related people discussing or revealing significant plot points from the screeners. I have no idea who is leaking, but HBO asked those with access to those screeners to not reveal plot points or significant details in advance of the episodes airing. I am amazed that people have decided to ignore HBO's perfectly reasonable request. Westeros.org will not host such discussions. Anyone purporting to have information gleaned from the screeners and who attempts to share it on the forum will be suspended or banned immediately.
  7. Works for me. And additions to setting info (like new houses) should be accompanied by a note about "unpublished manuscript" or something.
  8. The main thing is that posted chapters aren't necessarily in final form, and it's entirely possible that when going through for a final polish details might change. There have been readings of chapters that changed significantly before their final form in the books, and just because these are posted online it doesn't mean they won't possibly change. I think if there's a clear way to note details are potentially subject to change upon publication, it should be okay to go into them on the wiki, however.
  9. "Regency wars" is a phrase some fan made up. Has nothing to do with the material George wrote.
  10. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    No idea what's going on with notifications, I'm afraid. It's always been a rather dodgy feature, and I can't find where the problem lies.
  11. This page -- http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/Battle_of_the_Kingsroad -- is incredibly wrong, with an entirely unsourced claim that Borros Baratheon outnumbered his opponents 10 to 1, and had 40,000 men. In fact there was much nearer to a parity between the two sides, and the numbers were far, far smaller than 40k. I'm hesitant to provide precise figures, but the specific claim that Borros had 40,000 troops is wrong, and the claim that he was confident because he outnumbered the riverlords 10 to 1 is also wrong.
  12. Until it's published, it would at best be semi-canon. George can always radically change things that he hasn't yet pinned himself down on.
  13. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    Just to repeat it, I mean the sidebar issue -- we have two reports of people still having the difficulty with the sidebar, and I'm wondering if anyone else who had this issue is still seeing it, or if they have seen it abate sharply in the last day or two.
  14. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    I meant the sidebar issue. I turned back on the regular search engine for now.
  15. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    Bloody baffling, this. Hrm.... Has anyone seen an improvement at all since one or two days ago? Maybe I've been looking at the wrong thing all along...
  16. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    Have tried some things to refresh the skin -- maybe there's some corrupt or stray code. Let me know if you guys see any improvement (please clear your browser cache though).
  17. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    Very, very strange. Quiet, can you look at the page source when that happens, search for SidebarAd, and tell me what you see immediately under it( Basically look for this: <div class="SidebarAd" style="visibility: visible; opacity: 1;"> <script stuff> </div> I'm interested in the script stuff between the start of the div and the end of it.
  18. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    QuietColours, Please try clearing your browser's cache.. and if the issue persists, please try and take a screenshot of it so I can see what's going on better.
  19. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    Howling Mad, That issue should be gone now -- were you really still having it when you posted? Because we swapped out the serving ad network a few hours earlier than that, and so far as we can see that should resolve the issue.
  20. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    For the time being we've disabled search -- view new content should work, however.
  21. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    Yes, apologies for the downtime. We are having some real problems with search functionality due to the forum apparently crossing some threshold in DB size. We're trying to figure out a work around.
  22. That is fine. That's released for marketing and promotional purposes.
  23. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    Not sure what's going on with notifications just yet, but there's an issue with our mail server that may be at fault. Trying to get it sorted out, but it may take a few days.
  24. Ran

    Board Issues 4

    I see the problem on my phone as well. I don't quite know why it's happening, but I'm going to try and get the developer SDK so I can debug it on my windows machine.
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