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Mark Antony

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Everything posted by Mark Antony

  1. Should have just done a season 6. Pacing was insanely rushed
  2. And ya now I obviously completely understand why they’re ending at four. Couldn’t see it being any different.
  3. Hype. Hope Roman doesn’t go back to daddy like trailer teases. Some interesting Gerri lines in that. Can’t wait for Shiv/Tom confrontation
  4. I always felt like 5 would have been perfect. I kinda wanted one season without Logan to see the kids/Tom/greg eat each other. March 26th
  5. Season 4 is the end. thought it would be 5 but this makes me excited.
  6. Kinda annoyed that the one soundtrack I really wanted (The Targaryen family dinner song that plays when Jace/Helaena dance in episode 8) appears to not be on the OST.
  7. I actually don’t mind the fact that Aemond could not control vhagar and would hardly call it white washing, he’s still a petty idiot who chased his nephew out in the skies to try and take his eye
  8. Emma D’Arcy was really great this episode. I felt so bad for Luc. Can’t wait for Cregan and Winterfell next season. Glad they mentioned Cregan being young. Was worried they’d age him up a lot
  9. I agree that Alicent and Otto are the real schemers but Fire and Blood did give Cole a little more credit.
  10. Criston: every woman is an image of the mother and should be spoken of in reverence. But Rhaenrya is a spoiled cunt.
  11. Yeah was a little weird not to go with any of the options F&B presented for Beesbury’s death. Also wish they had leaned into Cole being a “Kingmaker” a bit more than just him being the guy to put the crown on his head at the coronation,
  12. Had the same thought while watching. No way the shepherd doesn’t bring this event up in the future imo
  13. Just struggled to see why it was so important for Alicent to find Aegon before Otto. I get that she wanted to impress her desires on him first but I just found it hard to care that much about that little “game” between them.
  14. Surprisingly tame episode for a penultimate. Don’t think we really needed all that screen time of the gang trying to find Aegon in the slums.
  15. I always thought it would be more interesting however unlikely that Nettles didn’t actually have Valyrian blood and just managed to bond with Sheepstealer by feeding it every day and gaining its trust. I never thought Dameon was her literal Dad at least. Though I definitely got a father/daughter type of vibe from their relationship.
  16. Hope they at least name drop daeron in one of the last two eps then. Gonna be weird if he just appears next season.
  17. Ewan Mitchell is gonna be so awesome as Aemond. Has a great presence about him. I wonder how big of a character they will make Alys Rivers.
  18. Ya in F&B Rhaenyra does have Daemon execute Vaemond and then they feed his corpse to Syrax. A bunch of the other Velaryon family then petition the King at Kings Landing and get their tongues removed . Good episode. Not sure about the decision to have Alicent misunderstand Viserys at the end.
  19. Well we are still essentially in prologue territory. Most of the evil shit the Blacks do doesn’t happen till after the Good Guy Greens leave Viserys body to rot for a week. Wonder if all the rats we have seen will feed on his corpse. Still think they have done a decent enough job making Daemon and Rhaenyra flawed. They definitely don’t come across as heroic.
  20. Really good episode. Made the previous one better and set up the kids storylines for the future. The bit from Aemond claiming Vhagar through Alicent cutting Rhaenyra was awesome tv imo. Laenors change didn’t bother me as much as I thought it would. Still would have rather had Daemon commit that murder than the Rhea Royce one but it’s nice to see a somewhat happy ending for a character. I do think he’s an asshole for abandoning his parents and dragon but I don’t think it will be that big a deal to have Addam bond with a different dragon than Seasmoke or have Laenor die off screen. Would be disappointed if they cut Addam and brought Laenor back though. Guess we will see how they handle it.
  21. Also because they went south with the intention to die as winter was about to arrive and the north can’t feed that many mouths.
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