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Posts posted by Kat

  1. In order to keep the top of Literature clean, here are the links all in one place. Please direct your recommendations to one of these threads. Looking for a book to read? Look no further.

    Fantasy and Science Fiction Series

    Fantasy and Science Fiction Standalone Books

    Fantasy and Science Fiction Obscure Works

    Other literature (literary fiction, non-fic, etc.)

    I am also moving posts from the thread "Westeros Fantasy and Science Fiction Book List" here. This was a poll done in 2010 of posters in this forum and a list compiled from there. It is unranked, but straddles many people's recommendation lists.

  2. When you upload on imageshack it brings up a number of different links. Which one are you actually supposed to use in the URL option? Thanks

    I am completely convinced that there is an international conspiracy to keep me from putting my av back up.

    I'm seeing your av. But anyway, you're supposed to use the "Direct link" one, which only appears if you're logged in.

  3. New versions of the unofficial Stark and Targaryen skins now available for Westeros:

    Stark skin v3.0

    Targaryen skin v3.0

    Also now available optional extras:

    Option: Hide Avatars v1.0

    Option: Remove BG and Logos v1.0

    Option: News Right v1.0

    Please note you will need to be using either Firefox or Chrome with the Stylish plug-in installed in order to use these styles. Download and installation instructions available on my website www.sermountaingoat.co.uk

    If anyone encounters a problem using the skins, or has an idea to improve the style of the skins, or even an idea for a new useful option then please let me know and I will see what I can do.

    These look great for me on Chrome. Thanks so much. If I were to suggest one improvement, it would be to lighten the grey color used for the text background on the index pages. It looks kind of jarring in contrast with the white background on already-read threads.

  4. Ok, got it figured out where I went wrong. I did use a direct link, but after hitting "Done" I opened the av menu thingy again to check if it appeared and, not noticing that where you enter the URL was blank (for entering a different one) hit "Done" again, thereby accidentally removing it again. :bang: Does this make sense?

    Glad to see it worked. And that's one of my favorite images from the calendar. :)

  5. I have pretty much the same problem. I uploaded mine to Photobucket (no new account, I've had it for years now), resized it to 60x60, and when I set it as my av in my settings it seems to work, but it just doesn't show up on the board... Help? Pwetty pwease? *direwolf puppy dog eyes*

    Are you using the link listed under "Direct link"? If not, you need to be doing that.

  6. But it doens't let me.

    I put in the image from the URL.

    But it just ignores me.

    The problem is that you seem to be trying to direct link an image from Wikipedia, which I don't think allows that. Save the image to your computer, resize it so it's smaller, and host it on another site. Or sign up for Gravatar, which will allow you to link the image and will make a copy on its server and allow you to make it small and square. I don't particularly like Gravatar, but it does work for people who just want an avatar and don't know a lot about hosting images on the web.

    The reason your avatar is not showing up is because Wikipedia doesn't want its bandwidth stolen from people viewing their image here rather than on its site. You'll find that's true for almost every website, which is why you shouldn't do it.

  7. So you want to add an avatar but you're unable to view your profile? Don't know how to do it to begin with? Here is the step by step guide to adding an avatar (the picture you see next to your posts). If you're confused about one of these steps, I linked to screenshots. This should work even when the board is in Performance Mode.

    1. Log in on a computer using the regular skin. I'm not sure how to change this on the mobile skin or with Tapatalk.

    2. Click the arrow next to your name at the top right of the screen

    3. Select "My settings" from the menu.

    4. Your settings should open to the correct tab. Select "Change your photo"

    5. Important last step!! Pick an option that isn't #1. You cannot actually upload a photo onto the server, but there is no way to remove this option from the board software. Use one of the other options (linking to a picture with a URL hosted elsewhere, such as Photobucket, or logging into Gravatar).

    6. Choose your userpic wisely. Here are some guidelines for what is good and bad. Please follow them. Be aware that if you receive complaints about the size of your image, animations, or inappropriate graphics, you may be asked to take it down.

  8. Hi! I'm Mimi, I'm 20 and from the UK. I started reading the books at the same time as watching the HBO series...I saw the first episode and loved it so much that I thought the books had to be just as awesome. So I picked up GOT and synchronised my reading/watching and then bought and read all the other books straight after.

    A lot of respect for all of you who had to wait ages between books!

    So when I finished ADWD I had so many questions that I googled it and ended up here :D

    Welcome to the board, Mimi. Hope some of your questions are answered. :)

  9. Olá!

    My names Leo.

    I like smiley faces, finger painting and fondue.

    I hate everything else :thumbsup:


    Welcome. So, do you combine these interests by finger-painting cheese smiley faces? If not, I am unsatisfied with this introduction.

  10. So you're new to this forum? Awesome! You've found a great community full of people who love to talk about books. Beware, though, that the regulars here have seen a lot of repeat topics, and may grow increasingly frustrated if every other thread is someone asking for advice on what to read next with the same old list of books. Here are some guidelines and suggestions on how to get the most out of the Literature forum:

    • Looking for general suggestions? Check out these threads for recommended sci-fi and fantasy series, standalone books, or lesser-known works. There is also a compiled list of this forum's favorite SFF books (as of 2010) in this thread.
    • Search for categories you're interested in. Looking for suggestions within a genre or theme such as graphic novels, paranormal romance, space opera, or feminist fantasy? You may find the search function useful. Click the gear icon in the upper right corner to bring up an advanced search which will allow you to search within the Literature forum only. (Hint: if the search function is currently down on the board, see the FAQ below)
    • Trying to decide between two authors? There are many threads people have started before on the "What should I read first, X or Y?" theme. Try the search function with the names of one or more author; you may be surprised (or completely unsurprised) to find out that others have also wondered whether they should read Bakker or Erikson first.
    • Browse through the first few pages of Literature. You may find someone else's advice thread down there with similar questions. Don't worry about resurrecting old threads. Necromancy happens, and people might have been wondering whatever happened to that thread anyway. The mods and experienced members in Literature will be grateful to you for making an effort.
    • It's fine to ask for recommendations- just be as specific as possible. You may get stock answers if your request is vague. "I'm looking for a book to read along the lines of The Hobbit," is not very helpful, because no one knows what you liked about that book. Try: "I just finished The Hobbit, and I would like to read other stories with riddle-contests in them. Also, I love hearing about people walking across a continent, so bring on the fantasy travelogues!" The more specific you can be about what you're looking for, what you've already read (or heard about) and what you've liked or disliked and why, the more helpful and less impatient people will be.
    • Use a descriptive, clear thread title. People who have been in this forum for a while get recommendation fatigue over seeing threads with titles like "Looking for good recommendations- tired of reading mediocre books" "Good" is not adequate, because taste is subjective. Use something specific that is more likely to draw in readers who are well-read, such as "Young adult fantasy with a mystery element- recommendations?", "Science fiction with genetic engineering and/or mutants?", or "Cast of thousands: Series with 100+ characters and numerous appendices a la ASOIAF"
    • Do your research. We're (mostly) not librarians, and certainly not paid for this. We're also not Amazon, or Google. But if you do some reading in the forum, know what you want and what you don't want, and try to make your thread fodder for discussion or a good resource for a list, you'll be a much more valuable member of the community than someone who doesn't try, and your thread is much less likely to get closed or derailed. Try reading things like the "What are you reading this month?" threads to see what's popular with boarders lately.

    Happy reading, including this forum. :)


    Q: The board search function is turned off. How do I search the board?

    A: Try Google Advanced Search using the domain asoiaf.westeros.org

    Q: Why did you lock my recommendations thread?

    A: Probably because you asked for recommendations without being clear on what you were looking for, or because we just had a thread like it and you didn't do your research.

    Q: Why is everyone here so mean?

    A: Well, this board has existed for well over a decade, so the regulars here have seen a lot of threads go by and are sick of being treated like people's personal recommendation algorithm hivemind. If you want to have a discussion, make sure you are really clear and not demanding in your request for recommendations thread. If you want to just make a list of books you liked and then have something guess what you should read next, try the bots at Amazon/Goodreads. Also, your local librarian. They're pretty smart. If you can't decide what to read next, try the time-honored tradition of choosing one at random and reading it to see if you like it.

  11. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

    Because of the unique situation with the show's close adaptation of the novels, we have decided that a stringent approach to spoilers is the only way to allow the forum to cater to the widest possible viewership, from those who've not read the novels to those who've devoured every book.

    It is of absolute importance that spoiling the TV show for those who've not read the books does not happen. We will be quite harsh on this point, including completely blocking access to this discussion forum to habitual offenders (and possibly the rest of the forum, if we judge the spoiling to have been malicious rather than simply thoughtless).

    We have what we hope is a simple method of tagging each topic in regard to spoiler levels:

    • NO SPOILERS: No spoilers of any kind, only what has been revealed in the episodes that have been aired. However, mentioning a setting detail that does not in any way give away plot details is okay in this regard. We'll trust users to use their best judgment. When in doubt, don't post; errors will be treated as spoiling.
    • TV SPOILERS - This is particularly intended for those who have not read the books, but are reading up on TV-show based discussion and media or watching previews for future episodes, which may provide spoilers. Make sure that the spoiler you want to discuss has come from TV-show focused media; if you can't cite the source, it may be assumed you're spoiling the books, and punished accordingly. Information from private screenings or viewings of episodes or material that is not yet aired should be protected with spoiler code.
    • BOOK SPOILERS - Full on spoilers for all published works as well as all published media (previews, clips, summaries, etc.) that have been widely disseminated regarding the series. Information from private screenings or viewings of episodes or material that is not yet aired, as well as spoilers from unpublished works (ADwD excerpts, reading reports, etc.) should be protected with spoiler code.

    Some additional rules and notifications:

    • Anyone can start a thread. However, the thread will be hidden until a moderator approves it as appropriate. Try to make sure you mark the spoiler level as directed above, that the title bears no spoilers, that you're not closely duplicating an existing topic, and that you are posting in the correct forum
    • Be aware that other forums have different rules, namely that discussing any material from published works is fine and does not need spoiler notification. If you want to make sure you never see spoilers from those forums, make sure to bookmark and only visit this forum
    • Please remain civil in discussions. Rude remarks about other posters, implying personal defects to them, and so on is inappropriate. If you have a personal beef with someone, use the PM system to contact them privately. Tit-for-tat insults and pointless arguments will not be tolerated.
    • Similarly, please remain respectful of the cast and crew, especially when it comes to matters such as personal appearance. It's okay to say an actor does not fit your image of a character, or even how the character is described, but it's not acceptable to go on about finding them 'too ugly' for a role or what have you. These are real people, some of whom browse this forum, some who even have a presence here. They've worked hard to create the best show they can. Performance critiques, so long as they're constructive, are of course welcome.
    • We highly recommend reading the Board Style Guide, our guide for How to Avoid Flames, and the Board FAQ.

    It's pretty safe to assume that all threads in the episode discussion forums are going to contain TV spoilers for that episode and previous ones, but please try to respect the spoiler tags in the thread titles, and if you must refer to something from the books that hasn't been revealed in the TV show yet in a no-spoilers thread, please use the

    tag to hide potential spoilers from unsuspecting readers.

    New threads in this sub-forum go into a mod queue, where your topic may have its title edited to reflect spoiler content, or may be merged into a more general pre-existing topic. If you're wondering what happened to your post, look around in the other threads. For instance, we have been merging new threads with very specific observations about the episode into the longer "Episode 10x" threads where others may be talking about that same thing. Before you start a new thread, read some of the others.

  12. Lol. Sounds like your jack russell has attitude, love it!

    I'm new to ASOIAF. First came across it when George R.R. Martin mentioned how much he hated the Lost finale. Since I was a former Lost fan and equally hated the ending, I took notice and after reading more of what Martin had to say, I decided to watch the first episode of A Game of Thrones last week. Being a fan of history and fantasy, I like it already. I'm happy to find this active forum to read and discuss the show and books.

    Welcome! Definitely watch out for book spoilers if you're still reading, and hope you find the Still Reading discussion forums if you want to talk about the books while you read them.

  13. Thank you for taking the time to read this!

    Because of the unique situation with the show's close adaptation of the novels, we have decided that a stringent approach to spoilers is the only way to allow the forum to cater to the widest possible viewership, from those who've not read the novels to those who've devoured every book.

    It is of absolute importance that spoiling the TV show for those who've not read the books does not happen. We will be quite harsh on this point, including completely blocking access to this discussion forum to habitual offenders (and possibly the rest of the forum, if we judge the spoiling to have been malicious rather than simply thoughtless).

    We have what we hope is a simple method of tagging each topic in regard to spoiler levels:

    • NO SPOILERS: No spoilers of any kind, only what has been revealed in the episodes that have been aired. However, mentioning a setting detail that does not in any way give away plot details is okay in this regard. We'll trust users to use their best judgment. When in doubt, don't post; errors will be treated as spoiling.
    • TV SPOILERS - This is particularly intended for those who have not read the books, but are reading up on TV-show based discussion and media or watching previews for future episodes, which may provide spoilers. Make sure that the spoiler you want to discuss has come from TV-show focused media; if you can't cite the source, it may be assumed you're spoiling the books, and punished accordingly. Information from private screenings or viewings of episodes or material that is not yet aired should be protected with spoiler code.
    • BOOK SPOILERS - Full on spoilers for all published works as well as all published media (previews, clips, summaries, etc.) that have been widely disseminated regarding the series. Information from private screenings or viewings of episodes or material that is not yet aired, as well as spoilers from unpublished works (ADwD excerpts, reading reports, etc.) should be protected with spoiler code.

    Some additional rules and notifications:

    • Anyone can start a thread. However, the thread will be hidden until a moderator approves it as appropriate. Try to make sure you mark the spoiler level as directed above, that the title bears no spoilers, that you're not closely duplicating an existing topic, and that you are posting in the correct forum
    • Be aware that other forums have different rules, namely that discussing any material from published works is fine and does not need spoiler notification. If you want to make sure you never see spoilers from those forums, make sure to bookmark and only visit this forum
    • Please remain civil in discussions. Rude remarks about other posters, implying personal defects to them, and so on is inappropriate. If you have a personal beef with someone, use the PM system to contact them privately. Tit-for-tat insults and pointless arguments will not be tolerated.
    • Similarly, please remain respectful of the cast and crew, especially when it comes to matters such as personal appearance. It's okay to say an actor does not fit your image of a character, or even how the character is described, but it's not acceptable to go on about finding them 'too ugly' for a role or what have you. These are real people, some of whom browse this forum, some who even have a presence here. They've worked hard to create the best show they can. Performance critiques, so long as they're constructive, are of course welcome.
    • We highly recommend reading the Board Style Guide, our guide for How to Avoid Flames, and the Board FAQ.

    It's pretty safe to assume that all threads in the episode discussion forums are going to contain TV spoilers for that episode and previous ones, but please try to respect the spoiler tags in the thread titles, and if you must refer to something from the books that hasn't been revealed in the TV show yet in a no-spoilers thread, please use the

    tag to hide potential spoilers from unsuspecting readers.

    New threads in this sub-forum go into a mod queue, where your topic may have its title edited to reflect spoiler content, or may be merged into a more general pre-existing topic. If you're wondering what happened to your post, look around in the other threads. For instance, we have been merging new threads with very specific observations about the episode into the longer "Episode 10x" threads where others may be talking about that same thing. Before you start a new thread, read some of the others.

  14. Hi Lindsay/Titan's Daughter-

    Welcome. :) We have a forum for Literature where a lot of people get fantasy recommendations-- there are even some stickied threads with common/uncommon book recs, mostly for fantasy, since a lot of people find other authors of more "generic" fantasy disappointing after reading GRRM. Good luck finding something that will appeal to you, but there's a lot of good stuff out there. I definitely read more fantasy after reading GRRM than before and got a lot of good recs from this board.

  15. Hey Kat

    Are you using Chrome? The reason I ask is because I needed to add a rule to the code which moves the Messenger box to the left because for me in Firefox it appears further to the right and disappears off the side of the page and you can't select messages to delete them. Someone else pointed this problem out to me but I don't remember who now.

    It might be that this problem only applies to Firefox so in Chrome the box would appear in the wrong place. Might need to create two different versions if this is the case. I'm not sure what the route cause of this problem is, perhaps one of the image backgrounds I have removed.

    Oh I also found the problem with the font-color selector boxes all being grey, this seems to be only on the sig and profile edit windows. The problem here is that the color is being inherited from the <fieldset> tag which encompasses the background. The class which defines this is also the class used on the forum indexes for row1 of the table. I can't find a specific way to target the font-color box and tell it not to inherit the rule from above. I believe there is a way to do this, will need to look into it more.

    :lol: That was me that pointed that out, before the board started crashing FF for me. I am using Chrome now.

    The font box works now, btw.

    You are saintly for putting this all together.

  16. What, no powerpoint? :-p

    :lol: I actually had this in PP originally, but it didn't convert to PDF very well. I've updated the PDF and PMed Ran some stuff, but the updated version is here. It prints more clearly than the original, I think.

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