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Everything posted by Saer

  1. The possibility I'm alluding to is that the show deviates massively from what GRRM is already planning, such that having large differences doesn't require a "rewrite", just telling the story he means to tell. Yeah, that's what I'm saying: that it came from Martin.
  2. Things I think will be in the books: Bran leaving the cave and heading south of the Wall again. [Remember how everyone used to think he'd stay in place for the rest of the story? I do!] Jon's fire resurrection. [That's a gimme.] Daenerys going to Vaes Dothrak and uniting the Dothraki to her cause. [Just more, uh, consensually.] Stannis burning Shireen as a sacrifice Lots of Freys dying Brienne and Jaime survive to the endgame Jon x Dany in some form Arya going directly back to Westeros ...Jon riding a dragon? The Others being defeated Kings Landing burning down The Iron Throne melting Things I think won't be in the books: Cersei blowing up the Great Sept and holding the throne in her own right Ramsay beating Stannis's army, Brienne killing Stannis, and Sansa & Jon retaking Winterfell from the Boltons Daenerys landing on Dragonstone then spending two seasons on everything but attacking King's Landing Tyrion as stupid moral Hand of the Queen The Night King. Rhaegar and Elia's consummated marriage that produced two children being "set aside" and Rhaegar marrying Lyanna Rhaegar's other son named Aegon Targaryen C-l-e-g-a-a-a-n-e-bowl One thing in a category of its own: King Bran. I don't think they thought of that themselves: they've said as much, and they care so little about Bran they left him out of a season, and left him nothing to do otherwise. If they were picking someone random, they coulda gone for Bronn, lol. And there are king-y themes in Bran's story, especially in Clash. But... idk. Maybe it's just because I don't like it. But it feels like something where the garden could grow in a different direction that intended. Bran in King's Landing while Sansa is queen of the independent North is 0% going to happen so, like, there's a pretty obvious possibility you're skipping over.
  3. Saer


    Hi. I'm me, call me Saer, fairly obvious. I had heard good things about this series (onlygood things, in fact) and thought for a while that they would be good books to read at some point. But it was only when I ran into some Sansa fans doing the best job ever of promoting her on this inter-fandom competition... thing... that I decided I had to read them. Got the first from a library, borrowed the second from my sister, bought the third in two parts, read half the fourth, read about half of the fifth, bought and finished the fourth, and a few days ago finished A Dance With Dragons. And somehow, in less than a month, these books have catapulted themselves into *Second Favourite Book Series Ever* position. And I have a feeling it's only going to get better from here*. Allons-y! :D *After the several years wait for the next books, I mean.
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