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JonCon's Red Beard

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Status Updates posted by JonCon's Red Beard

  1. Glee covering Bitch... for the first time in months, I'm very happy :) :)

  2. Glee's Let it Go > Frozen's Let it Go.

  3. Drinking strange peruvian herbs for my cold...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. JonCon's Red Beard

      JonCon's Red Beard

      ;____; Awwww.-.. I won't die then!

    3. Ser Cold Fingers
    4. Ser Cold Fingers

      Ser Cold Fingers

      And BTW...first at foremost...get well!!

  4. I'm not a "minority": I have 30 million brothers and sisters.

  5. My neighbour just recovered from lung cancer and she's smoking again. What's wrong with humanity?

    1. Jon Weirgaryen

      Jon Weirgaryen

      My dancing partner has done it ... twice.

  6. Glee's back. That's all. I'll be... around. Gleeking.

  7. I have debts to pay. It's time for me to pay them all.

  8. I JUST heard Let it Go. Disney has much better songs with more powerful meanings, tbh.

  9. first step for 2015: buy a freaking agenda... or make myself one.

  10. bye, 2014.... you were a bitch, I hate you, glad you're dead, effing whore!!! 2015, I'll seduce your brains out!

  11. One hour to go and end this awful awful year...

  12. 2014 confession: I dunno what a drone is. And I don't really want to know, I like mysteries.

    1. Jon Weirgaryen

      Jon Weirgaryen

      ...so not telling then. ;)

  13. I am, for once, glad this shitty year is finally over... I would burn it if I could.

    1. Ser Cold Fingers

      Ser Cold Fingers

      As one of your online ASoIaF friends...I truly hope 2015 treats you right! You're one of my favorite people on here! Even if you laugh at my horrible Dogos/Spanish confusion! :P

    2. BearQueen87
    3. JonCon's Red Beard

      JonCon's Red Beard

      with whatever I had in hand.

      Also, yes, thanks. :P

  14. exes that don't let you other option but to kill them and everything they love...

  15. When life gives you lemons, you make crackpot.

  16. my playlist is playing Lemon Tree... nooooooooooooo!!!!!

    1. Ser Cold Fingers

      Ser Cold Fingers

      But there are no Lemon Trees in your playlist!

    2. JonCon's Red Beard
  17. ok, Kevin mcKidd was kinda hot as Reptillus Maximus... yeah, I SAID IT!

    1. Isobel Harper

      Isobel Harper

      I read the first two words, and the grammar/spelling nazi in me was like "Kevan" ...oh.

  18. I'm glad

    won The Voice. I liked

  19. AHS just destroyed me. DESTROYED ME.

  20. I'm on a baaaad mood. "Lord Jon, I like your plan but let's change it... why is your eye twitching?" levels of bad mood.

    1. Ser Cold Fingers

      Ser Cold Fingers

      NOOO! No bad mood! Think of tihs...Sea Otters hold hands when they sleep so they don’t float away from one another and they have a special pocket in their skin where they carry their favorite rock! True Story.

    2. JonCon's Red Beard
  21. I found a little purse at S/30 (around $10) in a store. Then, I found it at S/10 in the next one... muahahaha... I have a gift for finding good cheap gifts :D

  22. If anyone asks, I'm JonCon'ing now...

  23. Facts: Those little things people like to ignore when they contradict what they believe are also facts.

  24. Maybe if I set myself in fire and survive it bald and naked people will help me!!!!

    1. Ser Cold Fingers

      Ser Cold Fingers

      While you're burning...I'm stealing all the good help...and the sheep.

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