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Lost Melnibonean

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Everything posted by Lost Melnibonean

  1. I agree about Mace being all in with Margaery and Tommen. We will have to see how things shake out with the deaths of Kevan and Pycelle, but Mace should be the most powerful man in King's Landing. Assuming Cersei and Margaery "win" their "trials," Tommen's seat on the throne should be secured, and House Tyrell's influence over him, should be secure... for the moment anyway. As far as Mace knows, he can count on all of the Reach and the Westerlands, Petyr is winning the support of the Eyrie for Tommen, Dorne is a nominal ally, order is being restored in the Riverlands and the Crownlands, His sons will drive the Ironmen out of the Reach, and House Bolton is driving the Ironmen out of the North and fighting Stannis as well. Now he sees this fly off to the south. That he has blazed through the Stormlands and seized Storm's End must be a concern, but Jon Connington and his feigned boy must surely fail against the combined might of Highgarden, Casterly Rock, and the Eyrie, with no safe harbor in Dorne.
  2. Was this was already discussed? The Undying told Daenerys that she must light three fires . . . one for life and one for death and one to love. The first was Drogo’s pyre, which gave life to the dragons. Did we watch the second last night?
  3. Oh no, if a "circlet" denoting royal blood cannot be a "crown," how can a lock of hair be a "crown?"
  4. I didna realize you were such a strict constructionist.
  5. Well, he already hates the Lannisters, so what's a little more hate in a world full of hate? So depressing...
  6. Ah, they've worn crowns since birth as wee princelings, so that piece of the prophecy was fulfilled, an all they still have to do is die before Cersei.
  7. She was in Jon Connington/Aegon's power as soon as she entered Mistwood. Aegon's camp has no wish to make an enemy in Dorne, though.
  8. She didn't stumble into that. Her father sent her into that.
  9. And I think Tommen has to die, and Myrcella needs to be crowned and die before Cersei is brought low by A Beauty! A Beauty! And then, of course, her little brother has to strangle her.
  10. The only way Quentyn is alive is if he's in a Darth Vader suit.
  11. If I know our man JonCon, and I believe I do, then the rumour mongers got it backwards!
  12. On coordinating with Mercy and the Epilogue to Dance... Before Harys is to go to Braavos he is to treat with Myrish bankers and Pentoshi magisters... Epilogue, Dance But he should have been prepared to leave as soon as he was rejected or was unable to reach satisfactory terms... Epilogue, Dance But apparently before that was to happen, Cersei's trial was set to take place within five days... Epilogue, Dance My assumption is that Cersei won her trial (all parties--Tyrell, Lannisters & the Faith--want her to win) and then Harys departs. Since we see Mace’s army is marching, I am assuming that Margaery won her's too.
  13. Once again I am awed by your parenting techniques. Seriously, I am taking notes!
  14. Yeah, but that was when the Rose opposed the Lion, and the Kingslayer was thought by many to be one of the most dangerous men in all the realm. That doesn't necessarily suggest that Rowan is a Targaryen sympathizer.
  15. Belwas existed to shit on Pahl and to save Daenerys from honeyed locusts and to give The George an excuse to make a character talk like Cookie Monster.
  16. We got a hint as to which way the wind blows back in The Griffin Reborn. Jon Connington wants to keep Aegon's hand free to wed Daenerys. Haldon believes Jon should wed Arianne. Of course, Jon will have to refuse, which could, and I'm just spit balling here, but could cause Jon to be outed--no, not for that, for having greyscale. And that could open the door for He-may-well-be-a-Targaryen-after-all Aegon to dump his hand for a friend from the Reach, say the finest soldier in the realm?
  17. Renly's Rose is a great warrior with a slender build. And aren't several dragons (Daemon Blackfyre, Jon Snow) described as lithe?
  18. Always worked out for me! (I am going to lock my kids in their closets.)
  19. Wait... Rowan laments this? Could you kindy provide the quote or location in the books?
  20. I love it when you and I agree. I would take it one step further, though and suggest that this is the root of the three treason she will know: 1) Illyrio for blood (Blackfyre); 2) Tyrion for all the gold of Casterly Rock; and 3) Aegon for love (Arianne? Sansa?)
  21. But will all of Dorne follow Martell? I suspect Yronwood and Dayne will lead a handful of Dornish houses into Daenerys's camp.
  22. Wasn't there a slender young weirwood at the Whispers in Cracklaw Point?
  23. if Illyrio did something as stupid as secretly order an agent, who could very likely go native, to kill his mark, I would take it as proof that he was stupid enough to give a rival a larger army and a head start ahead of his preferred claimant, so that his claimant could clean up the mess.
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