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chuck norris 42

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Everything posted by chuck norris 42

  1. God help me, I know it is inappropriate to judge but sort yourself out America, you are giving me the shits
  2. Trump is in Trouble like he was immediately after Jan 6th, Perhaps only his cultists will stay loyal to him. Fox news and the Daily wire is not being supportive of Trump during the current scandal, They are NOT attacking Jack Smith for Indicting Trump. They are attacking the deep state for not giving Trump a pass in the same way Clintons and Biden's get a pass I did a quick check of the pro republican website 3 months ago typical cartoons https://www.gopusa.com/category/cartoons/ attacked juries sentencing trump and the people prosecuting trump. Now they are attacking the Deep state for letting Hunter Biden go they are not attacking Jack Smith either
  3. There was an ancient civilization in crete that was wiped out in a volcano.
  4. These historical events seem strangely familar to me, does anybody have any more. Genghis Khan executed many of the inhabitants and executed Inalchuq by pouring molten silver into his ears and eyes, as retribution for his actions. (taken from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Genghis_Khan) Tyrion probably read about The Seige of constaninople to get the idea about the chain "Emperor Leo III provided the tactical solution in the form of the famous barrier chain. Made of giant wooden links that were joined by immense nails and heavy iron shackles, the chain could be deployed in an emergency by means of a ship hauling it across the Golden Horn from the Kentenarion Tower in the south to the Castle of Galata on the north bank. Securely anchored on both ends, with its length guarded by Byzantine warships at anchor in the harbor, the great chain was a formidable obstacle and a vital element of the city's defenses." As for using napalm that was used as well "On two occasions, from 674 to 677, and again in 717-18, Arab armies besieged Constantinople by land and sea. Superior military organization, the leadership of Leo III (the Isaurian) and the timely intervention of one of history's most decisive weapons, a medieval form of napalm dubbed "Greek fire," enabled the Byzantines to weather the storm. The cost to both sides was high. Byzantium lost most of her territory south of the Taurus Mountains and much of the remainder of the empire lay devastated. The Arabs lost untold thousands of men through futile attacks against Constantinople's defenses, as well as a series of disastrous defeats on land and sea. Many more perished of disease and cold in dire encampments before the Land Walls. Of the 200,000 Muslims who laid siege to Constantinople in 717, only 30,000 crossed back into Syria the following year. " Both of these are taken from http://www.historynet.com/wars_conflicts/a...rs/3025281.html
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