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Everything posted by Takiedevushkikakzvezdy

  1. But again, why was this announced as a Jon Snow spinoff, and not as season 9 of GoT?
  2. I don't know. I guess someone at HBO is a sailing enthusiast, so they might as well do a series about Elissa Farman while they're at it.
  3. The funny thing is that if this leads to an Arya sequel in the future, it will be the third Westeros show about sea voyages.
  4. Yeah, Hibberd has a bad reputation around here, but the trades wouldn't report this if there was absolutely nothing to it.
  5. And to think that none of this would have happened if The Avengers wasn't a massive success and didn't start the cinematic universe craze. Now there is no way back.
  6. I loved his narration of the Histories & Lore bit about house Tarly. The guy has an absolute killer voice.
  7. There have to be several words it rhymes with, though.
  8. Do we know that for sure, though? What proof have you?
  9. Speaking of which, I wonder what the Common Tounge actually sound like.
  10. I mean, just because some authors don't need money, it doesn't mean that they don't care if they sell well. Prestige is important too.
  11. Have we ever got an explanation as to what the phrase "What is dead may never die" actually means? I never really understood that.
  12. Wow, that's rough. Obviously, GRRM's editors and publishers would never do something like that, but I do wonder how they really feel about the long wait for Winds.
  13. Which is curious, because the wait for the next book from Rothfuss has been even longer than the wait for Winds.
  14. Speaking of which, I'm curious as to how popular ASOIAF was before the show. On par with the works of Rothfuss and Sanderson today?
  15. @Werthead Do you know if it's true that GRRM finished all of Tyrion's ASOS chapters while still writing ACoK? If so, he must have planned some version of the Queenmaker plot for a very long time.
  16. Yeah, I guess it depends on where you come from. As a Scandinavian, my natural inclination is to pronounce "y" as "ee", which is why I pronounced Redwyne as "Red win" and not "Red wine" for a long time, for example.
  17. Wait, are they supposed to be pronouced the same? I always pronounced Brynden as "Brinden".
  18. Yeah, it's quite strange because there are several examples of the normal spelling in the series, as we've said. Summerhall, Crakehall, etc...
  19. I just find it strange that Harrenhal and Summerhall are spelled differently.
  20. Completely random, but why is Harrenhal spelled with one "l"?
  21. IIRC, the issue was whether Quentyn, Marwyn or Tyrion was supposed to meet Dany first, which of course affects the story.
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