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Gerg Sknab

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Everything posted by Gerg Sknab

  1. Her favour will go to a non participant at the tourney from sweetsister (no webs) just an affinity to direwolves Jon Snow from Sisterton
  2. Well there is that fourth ship unaccounted for, you know, the fleet of four Braavosi ships Davos saw when he was at White Harbour and seemingly three turned up at Eastwatch....
  3. At least 6 (as noted by ravens from Eastwatch) and in my view all....
  4. Why? She has been bending over to attempt to gain JS's trust, knowingly poffering false prophecy does nothing to get on the inside...
  5. No, there were the three NW ships, 5 Lyseni and 3 Braavos (which I assume were Tycho's) Jon is speaking with Mel (after the Selsye debacle) Mel..."Your ships are lost" Jon..."Six remain. More than half the fleet." Mel..."Your ships are lost. ALL of them. Not a man shall return. I have seen that in my fires" Jon..."Your fires have been known to lie." Mel..."I have made mistake, I have admitted as much, but--" I'm taking Mel's word for itthat the fleet is lost... As far as Tycho lending his ships and stranding himself...I would expect that the Iron Bank has an open contract with any Braavosi vessel to allow an Iron Bank agent boarding privileges and course changes as necessary...
  6. Of course he is going to stay alive if only to fulfill Asha's dream of a Queensmoot redux....as noted by Haregg and pointed out by the Reader....
  7. Climb over the wall to get in and jump off the wall to get out...is it really that much of a headbanger? Stannis had Karstark and has his Maester they would be a fount of information as to who "was in the castle"... Both in The Sacrafice chapter (less so) and Theon1...Theon babbles "everything to his sister" whther she bekieves him or not is another question..."take him to the tree" suggests not Stannis has no clue as to Davos's whereabouts he might falsely concluded that since Manderly is with the Bolton in force Davos is longer on that plane...
  8. No they are wrecked off of the coast at Hardhome....wasn't that the last message JS received all 11 ships lost...
  9. If that were the case why would Manderly have sent Davos on the mission to Skagos? Why not just behead for real? There was a crackpot floating around a couple of years ago (haven't seen it lately) suggesting that Davos finds Rickon and starts to return to White Harbour however shipwrecks on Sweetsister....Shaggy has saved Rickon, Osha and Davos and is guarding against any of the locals taking them in... until Jon Snow of Sisterton shows up....Shaggy calms down and Rickon revives to see the spitting image of what he thinks his Father looked like at twenty-one years of age.....take it from there
  10. Take a look at "The Most Precise Timeline in Existence" ASOIF General forum....sorry I've never figured out how to cut and paste colour me a luddite... Roose may or probably not depending on where and how he heard...Arya 10 ACOK...Tyrion 2 ASOS...
  11. Well there are three at Winterfell (as per the Prince of Winterfell chapter) at this point and I would think at least two not sympathetic to the Bolton position Medrick advised the Hornwoods Rhody...Lord Cerwyn young Henly...Lord Slate So I`m pretty sure the Citidel is not sending a Maester....
  12. Manderley already knows what kind of tiger he has by tail in the Boltons courtesy the information that has been related to him by Wex...There is no need to attack Dreadfort even if either Bolton makes it back there...it will be isolated and will be surronded by unhappy Northmen on all sides Inside Winterfell Lady Dustin and the Ryswells are unreliable Bolton allies at best and Whoresbane Umber is now receiving instruction by drum from Crowsfood at the castle walls The Freys are about to be swallowed by the lakes and more likely than not will be impersonated on the return to Winterfell by Manderley men... The Boltons are in dire circumstance...their only saving grace at point is the ability to send ravens to The Twins to execute the hostages and prisioners...I suppose it would be a good time to review the Maesters present at Winterfell and if any of the three would be willing to follow Bolton instruction....
  13. I think you'll find Ayra on the next ship back to Maidenpool, meeting up with the Mad Mouse and his accomplises who have captive Sansa hence all travelling to Quiet Isle where the Gravedigger is recognized and liberates the Stark girls..They then are all off to KL where the Gravedigger has been summoned as the Church's champion vs Gregorstein.... There we go all tied up in a nice lttle bow....( that should take up about 5/6 chapters)
  14. My, my that chapter was a little untoward wasn't it? The blatant return of the Ayra personality is not going sit well with the Many Faced God Church of Black and White, her training has taken a huge step backward and was that Needle she used?...FM are not supposedly out for personal vengance...This is the second time the Ayra personality has done this (the first Daeron the NW singer)...She seems to be on the ragged edge of being exiled on the first ship back to Westeros should the Kindly Man discern her actions...
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