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King of Westeros for a day:


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And I, King Blazfemur, first of his name and lord protector of the realm, ruler of the andals and tits and wine, mayhaps decree that the following get raised to lordship and ascend as wardens of cardinal direction: Patchface, first of his name, lord of winterfell and warden of the north with his daughter shireen. Butterbumps, first of his name, ascend to warden and rule henceforth in the south alongside queen loras. Moonboy, first of his name, his queen cersei lannister warden of the west, And finally, Hodor, first in a long line of succession, raised to warden of the east. Those opposed are hereby named enemy of the crown, and shall be thrown immediately upward into the sea.

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Name Danny my heir on the condition that she marries Jaime.

Arm the Faith and send them to convert the Iron Isles at the same time as I make R'hollorism the new official religion.

Empty the treasury by sending Facless Menn to assasin the belowed son/wife/other realtive of powerfull Lords. Once it is done, send them "delayed" ravens with "warnings" and a list of highborn suspects.

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