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R+L=j compared to the HBO show


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Hope this is in the right place

NOW! I know how sensitive people get whenever the books are compared to the show. So let me just start off by saying I'm a huge fan of the books,and I find the show very entertaining.

So this post is just based off what I've noticed and read over the past...strictly for discussion cause in interested in knowing what you guys think.

There was a post on here I read a while back about "how you guys thought the "asoiaf" novels would end. But there was a reply that stood out to me that said something like "idk but I can tell you that the HBO series ending will be totally different"

I found this interesting cause this made me notice that mostly everything in the books that supports R+L=j(assuming it's correct) has been left out of the show(I could be overlooking or forgotten some things) but as far as I know, but this could be due to budgets,not being able to hire enough cast, or maybe they can't show things like flash backs without showing to much...or maybe it's all to make it easier to follow for viewers...idk!

What are some of your views?

But like I said I just wanted to see what other people thought,I'm not trying to prove a point, this is just all in fun and general discussion

Happy holidays

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