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Which Great Houses Will be Left Standing...


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When its all finished and finally played out by the end of a ADOS which of the Great Houses of the Seven Kingdoms will still be around to try and rebuild and which will be extinguished?!? Here's my rundown....

The Lannisters-Ironically, Tywin's attempts to create a legacy and dynasty to live on for ages may have completely backfired, and Cersei is of course dragging her house down as well without Kevan around anymore to put the brakes on. It's safe to say the main family branch, won't survive, (if Jaime lives it will be to join the Wall and renounce his claims,) and the glory days on the IT are over, but it's possible that some of the extended family such as Daven, Martyn, or even Tyrek, (assuming he's alive) could keep CR and the Westerlings. Or, Cersei's lunacy, and the upcoming arrival of Dany could mean the entire House goes down.

Martell-Doran's one smart player, and he's got an 'in' with the Targaryen's but the 2nd generation isn't quite as shrewd. Qwentyn already managed to get himself killed trying to steal a dragon, and Arianne has proven herself to be reckless; she could be next to go. Little Trystane, who is last in line, may ultimately be his family's best hope, but of course anything can-and does-happen in Westeros.

Baratheon-This line has shrunk to only Stannis and Shireen. Daddy's got a bunch of heavy battles in front of him, that he may well not survive. Poor, Shireen in the meantime may well be made a sacrificial lamb, if/when a greyscale epidemic hits Westeros, so there are definitely dangers to the Stags.

Greyjoy-They're in trouble. Uncles Aeron, and Euron are both deranged, (and cannot possibly survive the series,) Victarion is dumb as an ox and like to be short-lived as well, and Theon is sentenced to death and can't produce any new Greyjoys anyway. Asha is their only hope, and even she's in considerable peril as things stand. And even is Asha survives, they will have to abandon the Old Way, and for all intents and purposes HOuse Greyjoy is extinguished on the Male line. If Asha makes it, she'll almost certainly, have to marry some highborn from the mainland to be her consort and help in reforming the IB. House Greyjoy-and all it represents- seem doomed. Frankly, that's probably a good thing.

Tyrrell-On the surface, they seem strong-their daughter is Queen, they've got loads of heirs, they're popular, and at the peak of power, but their alliance with the Lannister's could prove very costly indeed. As Olenna noted, "once you ride a lion, it's hard to get off it," and the Lannister's could end up dragging the Tyrrell's down with them-or Cersei could do serious damage. Or both. I like the Tyrrell's actually, and hope they make it, but they may well be in more trouble than we think...

Tully-They've been deposed, but the family who's replaced them, (the much hated Frey's are doomed.) Since Edmure's wife is pregnant and the Blackfish is still at large, they could make a comeback-but GRRM likes to fuck with us, so it's possible Edmure and his unborn child are soon killed, (possibly by Emmon Frey), and the Blackfish leaves no heirs, in which case, House Tully is no more, and Sansa would probably the one to get the Riverlands.

Arryn-The only surviving heir is SR, who is incredibly sickly and probably being poisoned by his stepfather. Again, though, GRRM likes to fuck with us, so maybe everyone saying SR dies before making it to adulthood and fathering heirs, actually means he *does* live to sire some new Falcons. Otherwise, its Harry the Heir, who may-or may not-be wedded to Sansa.

Stark-Ironically this supposedly "extinguished" line is the one that's all but guaranteed to be left standing, as foretold by Jorjen Reed, "THe Wolves will return..." RIckon returning from Skagos is one possibility, but there's also Jon-"who even if R+L=J is true is still half-Stark,) and of course Sansa who may end up recreating the Blue Bard tale.

So there's my take on it, (interesting how Sansa could be a key feature for so many different Houses,) and I'd like to hear your predictions.

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House Lannister will live. They're just too big to be extinguished, unless someone captures Casterly Rock and puts them to the sword. I don't think they'll be nearly as powerful as they were in the beginning of the series.

House Martell is also going to be taking massive casualties. Arianne will go down with Aegon. Doran will likely die somewhat early in the next book. I also think every Sand Snake that isn't Ellaria's will die. I think Trystane will be alright, but maybe the Yronwoods will be the new LP of Dorne in the end.

The Baratheons...are finished. They were done when Robert failed to provide true born children. I know a lot of people think Edric or Gendry will be legitimized, but I don't think that'll happen. Other than Stannis, the claimants of the Iron Throne don't like this house. I'll be pleasantly surprised if Shireen lives.

As you said, the Greyjoys are doomed on the male line. But I don't see Asha's life endangered, despite being a prisoner at the moment.

I think the Tyrells will live, but they'll lose a considerable amount of power and many members will die.

I also think SR will actually live, despite his health.

I hope Rickon become the new LP/KiTH. I wouldn't mind Sansa being the Lady of Winterfell though. The Starks will fine. And I think Edmure will live.

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I don't think any of the great houses will completely disappear. At least someone will survive in the end. If there's one person of one house still standing, then that house still has a chance.

If we're talking about power, though, this is my opinion: Tyrell and Martell are going to be ok, if not stronger than they were in the beginning of the series. The Starks are going to come back even stronger than before. The Lannisters are never really going to lose all power or money, but they'll be considerably weaker. The Baratheons are probably going to be reduced to Shireen and Robert's bastards (although I reaaaaally want Gendry to be legitimized). The Greyjoys are going to be fine, too, probably through Asha. Edmure will live and so will House Tully.

Now the Arryns... There's an exception. I think SR will die very soon. There's no one else, is there?

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I really hope that the Baratheons will survive but it does look unlikely, Stannis will most likely die fighting against the Others and Shireen just has victim written all over her. That said it does seem as if Gendry will have a further part to play in the story.

I doubt that every Lannister is going to die but is very likely that they will lose the Westerlands if a Targaryen re-takes the Iron Throne.

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Not the ones that changed sides ten thousand times. There's no use for disloyal houses that serve a king, so I imagine regardless of who gains the Iron Throne a lot of houses will be extinguished.

Tyrell's have gone back and forward so many times that no way Dany/Stannis forgives them. Mace Tarly, though? He's loyal to his overlord, no matter what. He'll inherit the reach, I'd wager.

Stark's are loyal-- as long as they're treated with respect. They only rebelled against the Targaryen's when the Targaryen's dishonored them. It's also been the Stark's that have ruled the North for a long time, and if you win the Stark's you win the North.

I can only see the Tully's coming back into power if the Riverlander's demand it. There are a lot of young lords who have love for Edmure and Edmure has the original gift that no other Lord in Westeros seems to have--, he cares for his people without wanting anything in return. I'd hope that Edmure gets the Riverland's back.

Arryn's haven't taken a side, but I don't think this will count against them unless this situation changes.

Lannister's gone. The only house that would spare them now is their own and maybe the Tyrell's, everyone else hates them.

Frey's are much the same as the Tyrell's. They've changed sides too many times to be taken seriously. Purged.

Martell- Targaryen loyalists, and haven't done anything to harm Stannis/Euron or vice versa. They'll stay.

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Boltons will die. :frown5:

The Baratheons and Tullys will probably die. :crying:

Starks, Arryns and Lannisters live.

I believe the Tyrells will loose the Reach but they'll survive.

Greyjoy and Martell will loose lots of family members but they'll survive.

I'm usure about the Targaryens. I think they'll die but there's so much history behind them and George have put such work into that house that I'm not sure he'll just let them die like that.

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Lannister will never be this powerful again, but there are enough people with the name to ensure its survival.

Stark should be fine. Rickon doesn't seem to be endanger of dying. Bran will probably have kids.

Baratheon might be in trouble. Stannis really needs a son, but I don't think he'll get one. I also don't expect Gendry or any of Robert's bastards to get legitimatized.

Greyjoy will be fine. Especially if Euron gets out of his whole rape phase. He makes lots of kids, he just needs to marry someone and give them his name. Victarion will also probably have kids someday.

Tyrell has lots of heirs and their relationship with the Lannisters is too weak to take them down too.

Arryn will probably end if little Robert dies.

Martell I'm not so sure. The members are pretty reckless. But since bastardy isn't a big deal in Dorne, if Doran has the power to legitimize he will have plenty of bastard family members for backup.

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Martell I'm not so sure. The members are pretty reckless. But since bastardy isn't a big deal in Dorne, if Doran has the power to legitimize he will have plenty of bastard family members for backup.

Good point. One of the Sand Snakes, could well end up Queen of Dorne.

Stark's are loyal-- as long as they're treated with respect. They only rebelled against the Targaryen's when the Targaryen's dishonored them. It's also been the Stark's that have ruled the North for a long time, and if you win the Stark's you win the North.

Actually they didn't rebel until Aerys murdered the patriarch and heir to the house, (both dying in especially gruesome ways,) and then swore out a warrant for the death of the next son-all because said patriarch and heir simply complained that Rhaegar had apparently absconded with the daughter of the house. They weren't even in full rebellion yet-they just wanted answers. So Stark's are actually great allies unless you go out of your way to alienate them. Someone should explain that to Dany...

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"Last of the Baratheons". :crying:

there there...

It could be that one reason GRRM makes such a big deal about Edric being spared, was so that Edric could be legitimized and thus carry on the family name...hell, Edric could even marry his cousin Shireen, to further cement his claim.

Or Gendry, bless him could carry on the Baratheon name as well as marrying Arya.

Hey, there's no law against optimism-except maybe in Westeros...

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But who would actually legitimize Edric, Gendry, or Mya? The Baratheons aren't necessarily needed to rule the Stormlands, even though they are Durrendons. I'm sure Aegon won't wouldn't think twice about making Connington LP of the Stormlands.

Connington is dying as we speak, he wouldn't accept any titles. The Baratheon name is vital for a new family group ruling the Stormlands, because it would give them legitimacy.

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Connington is dying as we speak, he wouldn't accept any titles. The Baratheon name is vital for a new family group ruling the Stormlands, because it would give them legitimacy.

Hopefully. Another Stormlands family, could be annointed to replace them. Obviously Connington, won't live to sire heirs, (and he may be same sex oriented to begin with,) but there are other members of the GC, in Aegon's favor.

Again, I'm hoping Edric might get in the good graces of Aegon and/or Dany.

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Connington is dying as we speak, he wouldn't accept any titles. The Baratheon name is vital for a new family group ruling the Stormlands, because it would give them legitimacy.

True about Connington, but I don't think the Baratheon name is vital. If that were the case, Orys would've took the Durrendon name since they had been ruling the Stormlands as long or longer than the Starks had been ruling the North. All they would really need is a house with relations to the Baratheons or one that claims descent to the Durrendon bloodline. Assuming a Targaryen(besides Jon) ends up on the throne, I really don't see things ending well for the Baratheons.

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Assuming a Targaryen(besides Jon) ends up on the throne, I really don't see things ending well for the Baratheons.

Or the Lannister's...

The Starks have the benefit of a. Being essential to the North b. Having metaphysical powers including one member who's turning into an Old God

c. Being prophesied to return, and d. Actually being blood to a Targaryen heir-even if it isn't the heir who gets the IT, it will still count for something.

Other households with a history of bad blood with the Targaryen's will be in for a world of pain once Dany gets to Westeros.

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