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CoTF and Ravens

John Suburbs

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Sorry if this has already been posted, but I find it interesting that now that we know the CoTF are able to see the world not only through the Heart Trees but just all sorts of animals as well, including ravens. That means they are intimately familiar with just about everything of importance that has happened in Westeros since the First Men arrived by virtue of the fact that ravens are used to relay messages from house to house.

Also, isn't it interesting the GRRM puts some kind of animal on the scene at key events, like the seagull at the Kingsmoot, the dog at Joffrey's wedding, crows etc. at every major battle...

The CoTF are not as cut off from the goings on in the world as it would seem

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I don't think they are seeing through EVERY animal in Westeros that we read about, that's just unreasonable. I mean, there's only a few dozen of the Children left, they can't be everywhere at once, not to mention they likely don't care at all what goes on in south, especially when few weirwoods remain there.

Fact is, animals show up everywhere because, well, they simply live everywhere. Ravens are more significant in the story for obvious reasons, but even then, there are thousands of ravens used for messaging in Westeros, and we shouldn't assume they're all being monitored, or even if any are. The Children are far more concerned with more immediate dangers, like the Others.

Now, is it possible something interesting was going on with the raven that got Jon Snow elected? That seems quite plausible.

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