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What if Selyse with her stache and Cersei switch Husbands and kids


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While not a great mother, Selyse would probably do alright with Tommen and Myrcella. I can see them turning out the same. She'd probably take a much firmer hand with Joff, and would more likely support Robert in that "nonsense with a cat".

On the other hand, Cersei wouldn't influence Shireen much. A couple days after living with the Mannis, her head would be on a spike.

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The Switch could work

Robert would not be abusive to Seylse

Stannis would not force himself on Cersei

The whole topic if Cersei had only birth Shireen

Selyse would only birth Joff,Myrcella,and Tommen

That also means that the Hound would be Shireen's sworn sword and won't treat him as a dog

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They would both be unhappy, just for different reasons. Selyse would disapprove of Robert's godlessness and whoring. She also wouldn't do well in King's Landing as queen- being devoted to a weird religion and from a minor house, not to mention being unattractive. She'd have no friends at court and get eaten alive.

Cersei would resent not being queen. She'd also resent Stannis- he wouldn't be abusive, but he'd also still be gruff, unpleasant and totally awkward around women. Basically Cersei would hate any arranged marriage that wasn't Rhaegar. She'd either kill Stannis or try to push him toward ambition sooner.

Oh, and Stannis would have been reclining in the iron throne after 2 books with the Lannisters as allies.

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