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The Hgh Sparrow = Vary's Creature?


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I was reading the thread about Howland Reed being the High Sparrow. So this is my take on who the High Sparrow is. The First time we learn about the High Sparrow is how he was elected. Before he burst in ,the High Septon was likely to be someone who the most devout felt wouldn't rock the boat and keep them in comfort as the precise High Septon had done. They were forced to choose the High Sparrow with is Sparrows barging in with Axes and such. Its clear from the outset the High Sparrow wants to challenge the power of court in particular Cerci regency which he seems as deeply sinful.

How does this fit with Varys you may ask, well the Sparrow has presented a thorn in Cerci's regency which is core part of Varys goal of weakening the realm for Aegon. Cerci is able to be presented as an opponent to the Smallfolk who already hate her and so the High Sparrow can be somebody that the smallfolk and the pious can rally around. Varys is a man who still can wield influence from the shadows and whether its though infomantion or gold.When the high Sparrow is elected. Doesn't it seem a bit odd that a peasant rabble was able to walk into the selection of the most powerful religious figures. From what we can tell this is pretty unique as usual Septon espically in recent years have been apolitical and weak since the lost there military orders. Varys was able to get the Sparrows into the conclave. The High Sparrow with his growing influence in power can be used by Varys as a way of sealming Aegons throne. Of the current claimants to the Iron Throne, Aegon is the 'Acceptable'. Tommen is widely believed to be a child of Twincest as well as his sister, Stannis has taken the Red God, Dany is both of child of Incest and a women. Aegon although a grandchild of incest is atleast more acceptable than the rest. Vary recgonises the importance of the seven as shown by the fact Aegon has been taught the importance of the Gods and has a Septa. Varys was able to learn about the Sparrows and saw them as a way to weaken Cerci further and to weaken the smallfolks love of the Iron Throne. When I was first thinking of the theory I thought Varys could be the high Sparrow but he has the wrong build even though he is an excellent mumour. It could be that Varys either found out about the Sparrow and maniplauated events to suit himself or has hred enough mumour to carry out the role. I favour maniplaution as its seems that his plan has gone quicker than he hoped as they had to rush Aegon to the Stormlands ahead of schedule. The High Sparrow will also be able to elimante any nigaling doubts about whether or not Aegons a fake as he will be able to aniont him King something which he still hasn't done for Tommen. The Trial itself will also further Varys plan as it will destract the small council and also the weaken the already frustrated alliance of the Lannisters and Tyrells. The Faith Militant would allow Varys to really on something other than the good will of the gold company and former Targeryn loyalists and could mean that Kings Landing could fall without a siege as the High Sparrow opens the gates to them. Nothing concrete more circumstansatial evidence I just really that Varys has his hand in maybe but making the Sparrow High Septon but more so allowing it to happen.

Also First Post :)

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Welcome to the forums!

I think that the High Sparrow has some connection with Varys, but I also think that most of his early work as HS was due to Cersei's overwhelming stupidity. Like the legalization of the Faith Militant, that one is completely on Cersei's fault. Of course, the High Sparrow saw the flaws in Cersei's thinking and suggested the thing for Cersei.

Overall, I'm with you on the High Sparrow+Varys scheme, but I'd credit some of it's success to Cersei.

And one more thing, they aren't "rushing" to the Stormlands, they actually landed in the stormlands with the purpose of taking Storm's End.

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Remember varys posed as a begging brother when he helped tyrion escape. I think he could be influencing the HS.

I also believe the bastard of driftmark and/or lord merryweather are working for someone (not necessarily the same someone) and don't forget that all of Qyburns informers are really varys informers so I think he has a monopoly on the info Qyburn receives

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Well to the OP, the first we learn of the high septon is not when he is elected, we first meet him in a Brienne chapter in the Riverlands, then in a Cersei chapter in Kings Landing.

However I do think its possible that Varys is manipulating the high septon by providing him with specific information because he wants the high septon to support Aegon when he arrives.

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