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Trystane merge with A & Q? (Spoilers)


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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't think finding a selfish reason for Trystane to crown Myrcella is all that hard. Apparently he's heir to Dorne if his siblings are omitted, and that's nice, but being the consort of the Queen of Westeros and father of its future rulers (or even king of Westeros himself, if he plays it well enough*) is even better isn't it? Why should he be happy with Dorne if he can get all of Westeros through his bethrothed?

There now, selfish enough for you?

If they actually let the coronation plan succeed, maybe Trystane could become the charismatic young conqueror even without secretly being Elia's son by Rhaegar and not Doran's**, if he tries to conquer the Seven Kingdoms for Myrcella (and himself). I just think he may have trouble to get allies outside of Dorne, why should any of the Non-Dornish fight for Dornish Law or a Dornish prince. Unless he claims to be Aegon, just for this sake...

Well, I'm not liking the changes I propose, but they could work. Maybe.

* Ramsay became Lord of Hornwood by marrying and then murdering Lady Manderly-Hornwood. That's more farfetched than the husband of Queen in her own right Myrcella becoming king, I think.

**Claiming your sister's son is your own doesn't remind us of anything, does it? ;)

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