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R+L=J v.110

Jon Weirgaryen

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I would love to see Martin give us ANYTHING about the Others at this point. One of my biggest questions is why they are using Craster's sons...have they lost the ability to create their own (or did they never have it in the first place)? And why is there only one 'female' that we know of? Lots of questions, no answers :/

To be fair, the rose petals in her hand when she died were described as dead and black at that point...no longer blue.

Agreed...I don't see that particular connection in the story.

Yeah, the eye color thing really kicked off a lot of speculation. I don't know what purpose Val will serve in the story, tbh...I don't even think we'll see her in the show.

The Ned's association with blue and death is the color of the sky in his fever dream. "A storm of rose petals blew across a blood-streaked sky, as blue as the eyes of death." I think this is what BQ87 was going after. If not... (ETA - I see I was late to the party on that quote)

As to Jon becoming the new Night King well, we don't know much about the Night King of lore. He was found to be sacrificing to the Others after he was brought down. So what made the Stark and Joramun take him out of the picture? We know he brought a white woman from across the wall to be his queen. (As far as Old Nan's tale goes)

It seems to me he was bringing undesirables, or at least unsanctioned parties, across the wall to dwell on the south side. We do not know his true purpose in whatever he was doing.

Jon recently brought the Wildlings across the wall for the greater good and is stabbed for his efforts. Who knows what tales will be told on the why such actions were taken against the Watch's leader? Possibly he was aiding the enemy in their plight? Maybe

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