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Video Games: This is (Elite) Dangerous


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Do you have any other console games that have done this in the last, say, 5 years? Truly curious as to how common this is and where your guys' argument even comes from. My entire argument is based on the fact I've never seen this done. So... examples would be nice.

BTW, when DLC expands the game (which almost they always do) they can be, and many times are referred to as expansions. I'm not sure where you guys are getting that there are special categories of extra content. Talk about pedantic.

I don't want to get involved in this discussion, but another example of an "expansion" the way Diablo 3 did it would be Dragon's Dogma.

When Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen came out, you had to buy Dark Arisen, which was basically just the original game (with DLC) tweaked and a whole new area. This was all for 30 bucks, I believe. It also stops people with just the original game from renting someone's pawn who had the Dark Arisen expansion.

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