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Bumping for TWOW V3


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Well you did get it backwards, HC.

Winter will actually be leaving us soon. Spring is on the way. You might say we're dreaming of it.

Now you're jumping waaay ahead. Let's get TWOW in hand first, then start dreaming of spring. :P

Yes I did flip it around intentionally, but didn't know it would sound so gross till I wrote it. :D

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Groundhog day is the 2nd of February. There's an old (wives? natives?) tale that if the groundhog sees his shadow spring will come sooner (in six weeks instead of eight or something like that). It's ridiculous because spring comes when it comes, but there's a whole thing about it.

The most famous groundhog (who no doubt actually died decades ago and has been replaced by his descendants) is Punxsutawney Phil in Pennsylvania. All kinds of reporters and photographers actually go out to that little town to watch for Phil to pop up out of his hole. How he could possibly see his shadow with all those cameras and lights flashing in his eyes, I have no idea.

Other cities and towns have groundhogs too, but so far Phil is the only one I know of who has achieved nationwide fame.

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:) but it is a nice legend!

So does someone manage sometime to have a picture of a groundhog watching his shadow?

ETA..I'm SHOCKED! I just told my boyfriend about this tradition and he already knew about it! He cannot give me an explanation how comes that he knows! I think he has cloned my phone...brrrrrr

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