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New Jurassic Park movie?


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Are people looking forward to the new Jurassic Park movie? I have to say my feelings are mixed. It probably is beating a dead horse at this point, and I feel it will be pretty predictable.

The premise itself seems unrealistic as well. Not so much that science could bring back dinosaurs from the dead, and set up a safari park to promote them. The unrealistic part (for me) is that anyone would invest or help promote such a park after the events in the first three films, where dinosaurs killed so many people. The chances of disaster happening, from just one little mistake are so great, that I can't see any one giving it any financial backing.

I found this pretty cool clip. I can't confirm if its Richard Attenborough's ( John Hammond's) voice, but whatever it is, its pretty cool!: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fesvtc_zr6g

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