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A little question about succession


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That may be, I can't remember. Could you post the chapter where that appears so I can read it over and see context of it?

My recollection is that Ramsay was paranoid about it (what is he not paranoid about) and that Ramsay would kill him out of paranoid delusional fear that a Roose/Fat Walda son would inherit, not that he actually would.

I would expect a legitimized child to have the same rights as a trueborn child, otherwise, there's no real point in legitimization.

Are you refer to the Reek Barrowtown chapter? Paraphasing here Roose speaking to Reek "I'm oddly fond of my fat wife. She has a fertile feel. She'll be popping on sons all over the Dreadford. Ramsey will kill them all, maybe that is for the best."

There is also a section in the Ghost of Winterfell chapter again paraphasing "Roose sat at the high table with his plump pregnant wife....Roose and Ramsey were then in an animated argument (of which nothing overheard by Theon)

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It is not assumption according to the books we can't say that Sansa was desinherited, that is no assumption, is the truth, not to mention that since Robb lost the war and the North and there is no king in the North that probably makes his testament invalid.

I decided not to leave at that, see page 636 paperback ASOS Catelyn

"Yet I have no son as yet,my brothers Bran and Rickon are dead, and my sister is wed to a Lannister. I've thought long and hard about who might follow me. I command you now as my true and loyal lords to fix your seals to this document as witnesses to my decision.

Sure as heck sounds to me Sansa Lannister is disinherited

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Right now the Northern army is at a disadvantage; they were crippled by the Red Wedding and their only defence against Stannis' army is the Northern winter. From all the regions the North is actually one of the armies that isn't ready to fight; they lack the men, resources, equipment and they're seriously divided. That's why Littlefinger is plotting for Sansa to marry Harry, it's the only way he can secure the untouched Vale army.

I said beginning to develop. Not the current north, but a new north consisting of Stannis, Jon, the wildlings, the north, etc. There are three pockets in the story now. In the North, to the south, and across the narrow see.

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The only way Jon can come before Dany would be if Aegon won the throne and made Jon his heir. There is no one alive that witnessed a marriage between Lyanna and Rhaegar, so if his paternity got out he would still be bastard born, thus not even in the line of succession.

Not true. That is not how medieval line of succession works. If Jon takes the throne, he is king. It doesn't matter what happened before Robert. The dynasty is over, there is no succession of Targs. If Aegon takes the throne, Aegon will name a successor and so forth. Succession politics is out the window now because the Targs lost the throne. They have to appoint a new successor.

When Charles I lost his head,Charless II was still considered king because a new dynasty did not replace Charles I. Cromwell led the protectorate. In the Middle ages after Harold lost, his succession rights were forfeit as well. His kin would have to retake the throne, they did not.

Whatever existed prior to RR's does not matter anymore unless of course the three Targs became chummy and decided to. But I think the three fight, so I doubt that occurs. Even if they do not, it is not about who is right. They are no longer a dynasty. They are simply members of a noble family, no different from the Lannisters, Starks, etc. There is no pause in dynasties, or bookmark if you will.

It is possible, however, if the three got together (doubt they will) and said ok we will conquer with the goal of placing so-and-so on the throne according to the best claim. That is highly unlikely, especially since they do not know each other.

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