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Would have Renly spared Joffrey, Myrcella & Tommen?

Oakhearts head

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On 1/7/2016 at 4:36 AM, Nyrhex said:

1. Yes, he would have killed the children. Though he may have gone about it in a Princes in the Tower way, making them disappear in secret rather than a public excution. Propaganda is important, and despite what the tv show would have us believe, people do give a shit about kinslaying. Renly killing Stannis in battle is one thing, but executing his nephews because he blatently usurped them is quite another.

2. Cersei is definatly dead. Renly literally says so. There are a number of reasons for this, starting with her being a threat with her partisans at court, and ending with the possibility that she would simply get pregnant soon and say that it was Robert's, thus producing another child for Renly to murder before a rebellion breaks out to place Robert's true heir on the throne.

3. Tyrion is no such threat. If he does not die in the battle for King's Landing, he would be captured and used as a hostage against the Lannisters. He has little use otherwise. Tywin and Kevan share the risk of war, but nothing personal. Jaime is a prisoner of Robb. At the end of the war all four can return to the King's Peace if the bent the knee. Jaime would be of course out of the Kingsguard, as Renly has a new one. He and Tyrion may or may not spend the rest of Tywin's days as prisoners.

4. Renly as king would be a disaster. The Tyrells are the Lannisters with goof PR. Renly is charming but also an idiot. He had the support of the Stormlands because he is thier lord, and he had the Tyrells because he married into them and was about to become thier puppet king. His time as Master of Law saw the rise of corrupt men such as Janos Slynt rise in the ranks of the City Watch. He has no grasp of the working powers (remmeber when he counts the Dornish and Stannis on his side? The Dornish sides with the hated Lannisters over him, and Stannis had already sent out a decleration proclaiming himself as king). Comparing him to Joffrey? Joffrey was just cruel. He still knew how to play the political game and he still knew how to pretend to be normal. After the Blackwater he acts like prince charming and works good PR at the throne room, when he breaks off with Sansa and promises to marry Marg. The only thing you can say about him is that he is most likely to be a dick and harm his wife. Politically there is little to point to him not being able to rule just as well as Renly. Stannis on the other hand has far more under his belt already. Just look at who is following him to war from the start - the former Targ loyalists, who have every reason to hate his guts for thier loss of power and prestige. And yet they follow him to the end of the world. And this is after his policy of closing the whorehouses on his island, yes? That bit that Renly makes fun of in AGOT. We have 15 years of Stannis' rule over the worst that Westeros had to offer, and he shows us that he can make his worse enemies into his biggest supporters. Compare this to Renly, who went to fight the Lannisters and ended up with the Dornish of all people siding against him. He offered Robb Stark nothing, just threatened him with violence if he does not submit right away. He had no plan for the Vale or the Iron Islands, he fully expected the Reach's might to make everyone bow in fear. Instead everyone ignored him or sided against him.

I agree in a 90%


But Jofffey definitly doesnt know how to play the political game. His first choise ever in office started a civil war!

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