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The Deep Woods, home of the children of the forest

Darry Man

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In AGOT, Osha explains to Bran what happened to the children of the forest at the signing of the Pact:


"Finally, the wise of both races prevailed, and the chiefs and heroes of the First Men met the greenseers and wood dancers amidst the weirwood groves of a small island in the great lake called Gods Eye.

"There they forged the Pact. The First Men were given the coastlands, the high plains and bright meadows, the mountains and bogs, but the deep woods were to remain forever the children's, and no more weirwoods were to be put to the axe anywhere in the realm. So the gods might bear witness to the signing, every tree on the island was given a face, and afterward, the sacred order of green men was formed to keep watch over the Isle of Faces."

This suggests that the realms of men included everywhere but the deep forests. However, while it is shown clearly that men are in regular contact with the deep forests, there is little evidence of the children within these woods. Since the beginning of the timeline of ASOIAF, there are no credible references of children of the wolfswood in the north, in the haunted forest north of the Wall, in the rainwood in the stormlands or elsewhere. 

Perhaps this is because the deep woods was not a specific geographical location, but an anatomical one. Here's Asha Greyjoy being forced out of Deepwood Motte in ADWD:


Deepwood was aptly named. The trees were huge and dark, somehow threatening. Their limbs wove through one another and creaked with every breath of wind, and their higher branches scratched the face of the moon. The sooner we are out of here, the better I will like it, Asha thought. The trees hate us all, deep in their wooden hearts.

Where is the heart of the tree? Deep in its wood.

Was the Pact simply an acknowledgement by First Men that heart trees were the homes of the old gods?

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The trees are the eyes and ears of the greenseers.  Each tree that gets cut blinds the greenseers and memories of the past are lost.  They feed off human sacrifice.  Its the reverse of agriculture in the trees feed on man.  Can you see why man and the children cant live in harmony?  The children are the gardeners who tend the trees.  They feed blood to the trees.   Notice, weirwood doesnt need sunlight.  Bloodraven told Bran that the strongest trees live in darkness.  Those trees are weirwoods.  

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