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Oberyn Martell=Batman?

Is he a ham?

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I made this post on r/asoiaf recently. Thought I might as well put it here:

Lets see....

Handsome dark haired playboy from affluent family, possesses martial prowess and badassery from training on a distant continent, large amount of academic knowledge, thirst for justice based on the death of family members many years ago, strongly associated with a nocturnal animal, which possess special sensory abilities, that is feared by most, has multiple young apprentices(one is impulsive and violent, one is more agile and acrobatic, just as, if not more deadly but more elegant and well mannered, one is cunning and intelligent), assisted by smart person in a wheelchair, has lots of sex, nemesis includes a big guy and a powerful, ruthless old guy who is head honcho of a powerful group who happens to have an evil daughter who he almost had a relationship with....

What do you reckon?

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I see where your coming from, buuut. 

A second son, who for the most part follows orders. He has an affinity for enjoying his life and an occasional killing. The whole world knows who the Red Viper is, he has no mask of insanity to hide behind.

There are similarities but key differences. Oberyn or Azreal, theyre both worth Dick. There's only one Bat

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