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[ADwD Spoilers] Top 10 favorite characters (post ADWD)


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In no particular order:

  1. Bran Stark
  2. Dolorous Edd
  3. Barristan Selmy
  4. Queen of Thorns
  5. Kindly Old Man
  6. Roose Bolton
  7. Bloodraven (I'm pumped to get to know more about how he got where he is now and about this character in general)
  8. Greatjon
  9. Rhaegar
  10. Tywin Lannister

And I think that's ten.

Some reasoning: These are basically the names I enjoy most when I read them throughout the novel. Some of these characters are just really cool designed and their character traits feel very realistic to me (Roose Bolton, Tywin Lannister, Queen of Thorns), some are just always fun (Greatjon, Dolorous Edd, Queen of Thorns), I also like Rhaegar because he is viewed from so many different points of view throughout the entire series, it is amazing to compare what the other characters of different backgrounds and at different points of time think about him, although his actions took place in the past and he is no real part of the novel. I like the Kindly Old Man because he is such a foggy character and you never know what to expect, while always having the outward appearance of just being kindly, gentle and nice. Bran is on this list because he is my favourite POV-character, and Selmy is on this list because he is just that cool ass navy seal dude who solo rescues his king out of a prison within a city full of enemies, slaying traitors left and right. He's also basically the only noble righteous knight in the entire series that is still alive. He is just elite man (and a bit tragic, because all of his kings and queens are dieing and he can't do anything about it :( ).

But I like pretty much every character, most of them feel realistic in how they act and you can really connect to their actions. The one character I really hate is Theon (ADWD was good, but I still don't really get that character... the actions in aCoK and aSoS make no sense for me. Reek is a whole different story, but I was always really disappointed for having to read Theon chapters in aCoK and aSoS).

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Really Theon I noticed a couple other people had him as their number, why was he your number one in your opinion?

Do you mean after or before ADwD? Before I liked him because he was sort of a giant arrogant douche...I know that sounds bad but I have always enjoyed reading about people like that. He was always casually mentioned in GoT and I liked his comradary with Robb. Once he saved Bran, it sealed the deal.

In ACoK I was always intrigued by his POV. The anger and bitterness that was lodged deep down came out. We hadn't seen it at all in GoT. By then I could see that he was really just a young man who didn't belong anywhere (he was never a Stark and lost is Greyjoyness). I could understand his actions and motivations. I wasn't even that outraged by the whole "killing Bran and Rickon, LOL jk, no just the miller's sons" thing. He most definitely regretted it and many other characters had done horrible things before AND after. (Though, I do find it interesting/horriying that three of my favorite characters- Jaime, Sandor, and Theon have all killed children :shocked: )

I guess I have learned that the characters do REALLY bad things, but it can either show how evil they are, or be part of their development (in THeon's case, not so much Jaime.)

Anyways, on to Dance. His story was the highlight ohe book for me. I had always been rooting for him and was very satisfied to see his story arc give him his desrved cred. He was so, so, so low in his first chapters...probably deserved. But he managed to find himself again and turn from Reek to Theon (reading the Theon in his last chapter gave me chills). It was heartbreaking and beautiful. He redeemed himself, finding himself as a person. We, the reader, also found him. I think this is where everyone saw him for the tragicc figure he is. He really has never had it easy and his behavior showed that. I hope he gets a somehwhat happy ending or sacrifices himself for the good.

One of the greatest all around character developments in the series IMO.

Plus, he's a stud (pre ADwD).

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Do you mean after or before ADwD? Before I liked him because he was sort of a giant arrogant douche...I know that sounds bad but I have always enjoyed reading about people like that. He was always casually mentioned in GoT and I liked his comradary with Robb. Once he saved Bran, it sealed the deal.

In ACoK I was always intrigued by his POV. The anger and bitterness that was lodged deep down came out. We hadn't seen it at all in GoT. By then I could see that he was really just a young man who didn't belong anywhere (he was never a Stark and lost is Greyjoyness). I could understand his actions and motivations. I wasn't even that outraged by the whole "killing Bran and Rickon, LOL jk, no just the miller's sons" thing. He most definitely regretted it and many other characters had done horrible things before AND after. (Though, I do find it interesting/horriying that three of my favorite characters- Jaime, Sandor, and Theon have all killed children :shocked: )

I guess I have learned that the characters do REALLY bad things, but it can either show how evil they are, or be part of their development (in THeon's case, not so much Jaime.)

Anyways, on to Dance. His story was the highlight ohe book for me. I had always been rooting for him and was very satisfied to see his story arc give him his desrved cred. He was so, so, so low in his first chapters...probably deserved. But he managed to find himself again and turn from Reek to Theon (reading the Theon in his last chapter gave me chills). It was heartbreaking and beautiful. He redeemed himself, finding himself as a person. We, the reader, also found him. I think this is where everyone saw him for the tragicc figure he is. He really has never had it easy and his behavior showed that. I hope he gets a somehwhat happy ending or sacrifices himself for the good.

One of the greatest all around character developments in the series IMO.

Plus, he's a stud (pre ADwD).

I din't rally like him in GOT at all and despised him for his treachery in ACOK. But if im willing to look past some of the bad things other characters have done such as Sandor and Jamie to see how the deep rooted goodness that lies within then i need to give Theon the same chance. And i have to agree his last 2 chapters in ADWD were excellent and we finally see his regret for his actions it makes have high hopes for him. I hope in the next books we see a true redemption even to the point where the remaining Starks forgive him and welcome him back cus i don't feel he really has a place on the Iron Islands anymore or even wants one.

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I din't rally like him in GOT at all and despised him for his treachery in ACOK. But if im willing to look past some of the bad things other characters have done such as Sandor and Jamie to see how the deep rooted goodness that lies within then i need to give Theon the same chance. And i have to agree his last 2 chapters in ADWD were excellent and we finally see his regret for his actions it makes have high hopes for him. I hope in the next books we see a true redemption even to the point where the remaining Starks forgive him and welcome him back cus i don't feel he really has a place on the Iron Islands anymore or even wants one.

Yes! I like what you said about giving Theon the same chance as Sandor and Jamie :D

He is a pretty unfortunate, tragic character. Nothing seems to go right for him...

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It is strange, cause the TV show actually changed my opinion on a couple of characters. I didn't like how they were portrayed much in the books, but they rocked on the show.

In no particular order:

Varys, for he is a master of plots.

Oberyn, because he is utterly insane.

Ned, he was the first character I loved in the series.

Tormund, cause he's funny and the high fantasy dwarf archtype, like Bruenor Battlehammer, but with a foul mouth and an obsene obsession with his cock.

Tyrion, for his unstoppaple mouth.

Sam, because he insists on surviving though being thrown into impossible situations.

Selmy, because he is my paladin (he just can't heal).

Jon. Especially with him being all commandery. Him cutting of Slyn'ts head was my absolutely best moment in ADwD till Varys popped.

Manderly, because he's an unlikely badass.

Arya, cause she's the only woman in the books who stays true to what she is (metaphorically speaking).

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It is strange, cause the TV show actually changed my opinion on a couple of characters. I didn't like how they were portrayed much in the books, but they rocked on the show.

In no particular order:

Varys, for he is a master of plots.

Oberyn, because he is utterly insane.

Ned, he was the first character I loved in the series.

Tormund, cause he's funny and the high fantasy dwarf archtype, like Bruenor Battlehammer, but with a foul mouth and an obsene obsession with his cock.

Tyrion, for his unstoppaple mouth.

Sam, because he insists on surviving though being thrown into impossible situations.

Selmy, because he is my paladin (he just can't heal).

Jon. Especially with him being all commandery. Him cutting of Slyn'ts head was my absolutely best moment in ADwD till Varys popped.

Manderly, because he's an unlikely badass.

Arya, cause she's the only woman in the books who stays true to what she is (metaphorically speaking).

I have said it in a few threads now i love Toramund the dude is just the coolest cat north of the wall, I wanna go pillaging and drinking with that guy he seems like the life of the party. I hope he gets his own POV chapters.

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I really really really do not understand all the love Roose Bolton gets.

I agree with you buddy anyone loving roose bolton should have their head put on a spike.


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Do you mean after or before ADwD? Before I liked him because he was sort of a giant arrogant douche...I know that sounds bad but I have always enjoyed reading about people like that. He was always casually mentioned in GoT and I liked his comradary with Robb. Once he saved Bran, it sealed the deal.

In ACoK I was always intrigued by his POV. The anger and bitterness that was lodged deep down came out. We hadn't seen it at all in GoT. By then I could see that he was really just a young man who didn't belong anywhere (he was never a Stark and lost is Greyjoyness). I could understand his actions and motivations. I wasn't even that outraged by the whole "killing Bran and Rickon, LOL jk, no just the miller's sons" thing. He most definitely regretted it and many other characters had done horrible things before AND after. (Though, I do find it interesting/horriying that three of my favorite characters- Jaime, Sandor, and Theon have all killed children :shocked: )

I guess I have learned that the characters do REALLY bad things, but it can either show how evil they are, or be part of their development (in THeon's case, not so much Jaime.)

Anyways, on to Dance. His story was the highlight ohe book for me. I had always been rooting for him and was very satisfied to see his story arc give him his desrved cred. He was so, so, so low in his first chapters...probably deserved. But he managed to find himself again and turn from Reek to Theon (reading the Theon in his last chapter gave me chills). It was heartbreaking and beautiful. He redeemed himself, finding himself as a person. We, the reader, also found him. I think this is where everyone saw him for the tragicc figure he is. He really has never had it easy and his behavior showed that. I hope he gets a somehwhat happy ending or sacrifices himself for the good.

One of the greatest all around character developments in the series IMO.

Plus, he's a stud (pre ADwD).

I agree with your assessment of Theon/Reek in ADWD. The most powerful story of the book, especially because before this I HATED Theon. After thinking he killed Bran and Rickon I hated him, then when I found out he killed two other kids instead I hated him more. Somehow it seemed even worse to me. I just thought he was a horrible, despicable person and I hoped he'd die.

Then came Reek. And it was so shocking and sad that I couldn't hate him anymore. He did some horrible things, but he didn't deserve that kind of disgusting abuse. I didn't forgive him for what he'd done, but I was angry about what had been done to him. I hated him worse than anyone, and yet his story in ADWD slowly had me rooting for him. And then when he finally met up with Asha again, and called himself Theon, I CRIED. Nothing else in these books have made me cry, but that was so powerful.

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I really really really do not understand all the love Roose Bolton gets.

He is honest in a way, I dont think he pretends. He dont need a booming voice, or pretending to be bravest warrior around or be creatively cruel like vargo hoat or his bastard son, he is able to admit fear, yet you still feel that he is a strong person. Also he have no respect for Starks and is far from good but there are still some boundaries from him, for example he wouldn't kill his own son no matter how stupid he is because it would be a kinslaying.

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1. Arya. Has consistently ranked up there at the top since the first book. I know some people aren't enjoying the turn her character has taken, especially what with the 'no one' business in FM training, but I personally would enjoy simply knowing that she's going to come back to the outside world with the power to actually do something. Do, as in... kill. Aha.

2. Asha. Not that I agree with the ironborn way of life (I think it was her first chapter with the somewhat questionable scene?) - I just think she ranks up there as BAMF.

3. the elder Sand Snakes all tied up together with one big rope: Hopefully (for me) there's a lot more of the Sand Snakes in TWOW, because that's a lot of BAMF potential right there.

4. Brienne and Jaime tied together with a big rope. I love them separately, and I'm not the sort to ship pairings in anything, but I think they're hilarious when together. The cliffhanger in ADWD is murderous.

5. Doran Martell. Strange - it's probably just because everyone seems to bash on him. For some reason I actually believed him to be a player, even after Quentyn's end. It's probably because of the gout, and the fact that he has to deal with the Sand Snakes.

6. Ramsay Bolton. Now now - I absolutely hate the man, like many others do. But what with Theon's chapters and the letter to Jon... truly a fearsome villain. Of course, I want him dead rather soon.

7. Jon. Actually, I go back and forth on him. Slynt scene was amazing.

8. Barristan Selmy. Not much to say here - self explanatory.

9. Arianne Martell: Because she's described as short.

10. Lady Stoneheart, depending on the mood. Tbh, I can't help but remember the epilogue of ASOS and thinking, "Wow. I can't believe I didn't pay enough attention to Catelyn before now". Of course, with AFFC that conflicted with character number 4, leading in major negative points - but then I remember that she's sending quite a number of Freys to Him of Many Faces and it gets a bit better.

I agree, it's hard to really sit down and think about my actual favorite characters. Most are female. I'm just like that.

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He is honest in a way, I dont think he pretends. He dont need a booming voice, or pretending to be bravest warrior around or be creatively cruel like vargo hoat or his bastard son, he is able to admit fear, yet you still feel that he is a strong person. Also he have no respect for Starks and is far from good but there are still some boundaries from him, for example he wouldn't kill his own son no matter how stupid he is because it would be a kinslaying.

"Honest"?! The man is a liar!

And your reasons are truly terrible for liking a character (not to mention all the horrible things he does...).

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"Honest"?! The man is a liar!

And your reasons are truly terrible for liking a character (not to mention all the horrible things he does...).

He lies to others but not to himself(as so many other people around). Those are probably terrible reasons for liking a person, I wouldn´t like to meet him in real life, but I like him as a character in a book. There is no good story without good villains or in this case characters that are darker shade of gray.

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Roose Bolton might be a cold and cruel man, who have done things that would give most people nightmares for life, but I don't see why that should be a reason to dislike/hate him by itself? Do you only like characters who are morally righteous (from the perspective of our society), and dislike all characters who aren't?

^Personally, I like Lord Bolton because he is a cold (yet perhaps not entirely beyond emotions, as we see when Reek thinks he notices fear in Lord Roose eyes when the game at Winterfell prove more difficult than he had anticipated) and cruel man, with the commanding presence to dominate a room despite his ordinary appearance and soft voice.

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