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The new editor

Errant Bard

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I thought it would be as good a place as any to say this:

The new editor, while looking good from the get go for its wysiwyg approach, is actually crummy for anything involving more than typing words without formatting anything then posting it, which could be already done before the "upgrade"

Some examples:

  • I want to edit the code, I flip the switch. All good and well, except all the buttons are now grayed out. No more select text and surround it with whatever tag you click on. Annoying.*
  • I stay in wysiwyg mode, I select a text for indentation. The trailing end of the post I quote was on the same line as the first line. What does the editor do? Why, put the opening tag of indent before the closing tag of the quote.*
  • Same situation, I just pasted a quote from the books, I asked to indent it. The editor, like the dumb thing it is, finds it amusing to actually put opening and closing indent tag for each line. Harmless, you say? Yeah, that's what I thought, until I saw it messed up on some line breaks, actually adding new empty lines where there were none before*
  • I use the linux clipboard to paste stuff, sometimes. The wysiwyg editor takes anything from me as a blank character. it made me want to punch puppies until I noticed I had to switch to code editor to get what I wanted. Seriously, a different paste behaviour depending on the mode?
  • Word breaks. Apparently now the editor considers that it's cool to break words in the middle if they reach the limit of the input box. A few letters on one line, a few letters on the next, on the other side.

And that's just from the most recent post I made.

Not life-threatening, I admit, but it significantly degrades the experience of the board by adding a little bit of frustration each time. The more I use it, the more I hate it.

*Note this is true for all tags, italics, for example, worked exactly the same way

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Another thing I just noticed: When you quote a post with quotes (and, I imagine any other escape character) and are in "code" editor mode, the quotes get transformed into their html escape code, and not transformed back if you post from the "code" editor.

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