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Is Darkstar forming up to the be the series' main antagonist? All signs point to yes.

Bastard Walder

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The desert is his sandbox

and he uses it like any cat would.

(by urinating hard and repeatedly into it with nearly complete abandon)

hmm, like any Cat.

(which suggests a future alliance between those two, perhaps):

"Will you help me rid the land of vermin, Mr. Star?"

"Well I'm very busy at present. So I must reluctantly..."

"Doing what?"


"What are you so busy doing?"

".... fleeing from justice, for the nonce."

"As are we. So I can count on your ass-istance, then."

"... Well, it might be possible since I see you're putting the emphasis on ASS!"

"It's true. What I've found while dealing with this brotherhood is you can't spell assistance without ass."

"Are there any hazing rituals I should be aware of? Does the Brotherhood like to poke fun at new recruits or junior members? Will I have to shave my neck or my knuckles is what I'm getting at. Because I don't want to go through that prickly short hair regrowth phase all over again just to be disappointed by the Brotherhood experience so that I end up exclaiming "I shaved my neck and knuckles for this????" Also, I'd like to know right now if the local culture includes teabagging or preemptive butt-heimers delivered to unsuspecting innocents, or if people will be sneaking up on me while I sleep with any sort of crotch-based ill intentions? And what's your policy on purple nurples and titty twisters in general? Who would I take my grievances to in the event that I suffer a breach of my rectal sanctity? If, after such a rectalization took place, the singers then started making songs about it so that my loss of rectal dignity became infamous throughout the land, what kind of recourse would I have available to me within your organization to go after these dastardly individuals for any royalties the songs may have generated? Because it's always been my belief that financial recompense is the best way to punish these woeful singers when their subject matter crosses the line. And lastly, Ms. Stoneheart---Catherine, if I may be so bold--I see that you're an after-death sort of person. May I inquire as to how I might obtain a voucher for zombie status myself? An after-death continuation ticket for my own vaunted existence?--as surely you've heard of me--Darkstar: Purloiner of princesses. At your service."

"Ser, in order for you to be as I am, I'd have to tongue you real hard, the way Baelish goes at it with my eldest daughter. Like so..... "

[Cat approaches DarkStar in an aggressive Gene Simmons -esque tongue out manner]

"Hey now! Madam, I must insist you put up your tongue and cease its wagging forthwith! I declare! Holster that incessant thing this instant and return it into your mouth whence it came and into which it should rightfully be housed. For behold, this is exactly the type of unwanted hazing I was just alluding to a moment ago! Why I never.... Ewwwwww!"

Eternal Life is granted Darkstar, and woe is the world. For now no plotline is safe from his half-assed interference, even unto the end of days.

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