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Is Darkstar forming up to the be the series' main antagonist? All signs point to yes.

Bastard Walder

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An excellent question! :bang: Really.

The problem with Darkstar being influental in any capacity for the rest of the series is rather low. I'll make a set of bullet points below.

  • Gerold Dayne has no power or influence. He is of a CADET branch of House Dayne, and as such cannot command large armies or wealth required to become an important antagonist.
  • Gerold isn't dangereous enough on his own to be a danger either. He isn't -that- good a fighter when compared to the best in the series.
  • He isn't smart enough.

I really don't get this facination with Gerold Dayne... I just don't.

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1. For a character such as Darkstar, we are unable to characterize him by looks alone. We must use his speech.

"I am a man of a night."

This brings several (6-7) questions to mind.

Is Darkstar a Night's Watch deserter?

Is he collaborating with the Others? He could be a wight after all.

Is he the Great Other, bane of all life?

But then it hit me. One person could not do all the things done by Darkstar. The answer became clear. Darkstar isn't a person, it's an ideal. There are multiple persons working under the Darkstar name. This is the only explanation of how he could be helping Arianne while simultaneously betraying her and cutting off a child's ear.

Possible canidates for the Darkstar group:

Gerold Dayne

More names will unveil themselves as more information unveils itself.

But I do know one thing. We have not seen the last of Darkstar.

I'm backing this dark horse until the cows come home. I am eagerly awaiting more Darkstar in future installments of GRRM's "A Song of Ice And Fire" series.

I'm starting to think that with Darkstar assuming the role of the Great Other, Daario might actually end up as AA in direct opposition. I'll need to formulate my thoughts on the matter first, but I think his sword hilts are the key.

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I'm New to all this but really what is the fascination with 'Darkstar'? Yeah ok he is a mysterious character and all that but still. He has been in what 10 Pages Maximum and mentioned 5-6 times in 5 Books.

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I'm New to all this but really what is the fascination with 'Darkstar'? Yeah ok he is a mysterious character and all that but still. He has been in what 10 Pages Maximum and mentioned 5-6 times in 5 Books.

What makes Darkstar so fascinating is that despite his very brief appearance in AFFC, Darkstar is described as being "the most dangerous man in Dorne", his allegiance to "The Night" and there is just a general air of mystery around his connections to House Dayne. I think its pretty inevitable that Darkstar has a part to play in the grand scheme of the series,

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If he's not awesome on his own, it's time to start looking for awesomeness kickstarters. Something we could attach to him so that its awesomeness would rub off onto him. We've got some awesome locations we still haven't seen hardly at all in the Reach region, which are just a quick donkey ride north through the western pass in the Dornish mountains. Perhaps he'll make a name for himself by attacking one of these strongholds where he'll employ whirling dervish skills to kill the boss there. Urinating on everything, he'll claim a victory for Dorne like the knight of flowers did for Tyrells, and everyone will wake up to a world where Dorne is making an impact and changing the map.

If you rearrange the letters in Darkstar you get...

RAD STARK. Coincidence? I think not.

This bears repeating.
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Should we find it suspicious that we do not have the Dayne family tree? I mean, not only do we not know how Gerold Dayne is related to the other Daynes in the story, we do not even know the parents of Edric Dayne despite the fact that he is the Lord of Starfall.

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Darkstar is the "Weapons Master." No matter how good you are with whatever weapons you choose. Even hands and feet. Darkstar is better.

No one is witness to any duels he has fought because to keep his true abilities a secret he not only killed the one unfortunate enough to be his opponent but he also killed any witnesses. Man, woman, child, smallfolk and nobles alike. It was a necessary evil...

*edited for grammar & spelling*

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i think he will have some significance within the series but people IMO are over thinking his actual role... just because he has a cool name like Darkstar doesn't mean he will be the main antagonist of the series. However having said that i do like the idea of 'Darkstar' being several different people although, i think it is also very unlikely

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