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Robb Stark or Jon Snow?


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  • 3 months later...

Considering they received essentially the same training from the same teachers, I'd imagine it was pretty close. Personnally, I think the difference in the training yard at Winterfell was a matter of the large and stocky Robb having a strength advantage over Jon.

BTW, I thought the "better sword/better lance" discussion was about Garlan/Loras Tyrell.

You are right and wrong. GRRM actually mentioned it for both characters. Robb was also described as fast and strong while Jon was skilled and quick.

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Jon. He has more rage. Rage always prevails when the opponent is unawares.

I imagine that they both have the berserker rage. (We did not really see Robb use it, but then again he was rarely that angry - and when he was he didn;t have anyone he coulkd take it out on.)

It may be a Stark thing, a warg thing.

Arya nearly knocked a hole in Joffrey's head, ran a stableboy through, broke Lem Lemoncloak's nose, and charged the Hound with a knife, needing grown men to pull her away from him. Her age is not even double digits when this happens.

The gods only know what sort of wildling kung-fu Rickon will have by the time he's grown up.

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  • 2 years later...

I think its really difficult to call. Jon claims to have been a better swordsman early in Game of Thrones but he and Robb would not generally have practised with real steel very often at that time but would have used practise swords. By the time of say before the Red Wedding a couple of  years have passed and Robb is a seasoned General fighting a hard war against the Lannisters and having won a few great victories and Jon has ventured beyond the wall and battled Wildlings etc.  By that stage Robb could be a better Swordsman its very hard to call because they were both boys when Jon left for the Wall. I'd give the edge to the War hardened Robb just.

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I think its really difficult to call. Jon claims to have been a better swordsman early in Game of Thrones but he and Robb would not generally have practised with real steel very often at that time but would have used practise swords. By the time of say before the Red Wedding a couple of  years have passed and Robb is a seasoned General fighting a hard war against the Lannisters and having won a few great victories and Jon has ventured beyond the wall and battled Wildlings etc.  By that stage Robb could be a better Swordsman its very hard to call because they were both boys when Jon left for the Wall. I'd give the edge to the War hardened Robb just.

One big necro
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