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Most horrible person in Westeros


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A thread to discuss the characters that genuinely make your skin creep or you just find plain evil!

We can also make it a competition, because after all being the meanest person in Westeros is quite an accomplisment - 1st place nominations award 3 points, 2nd place awards 2 and 3d place 1!

1) Joseph Mengele - err Qyburn

2) Lyn Corbray - Just about everything is off about this guy. He's very easily riled, exceptionally bloodthirsty, he even threatened that woman accompanying the Proclamation Lords to the Eyrie, he's corrupt (working for Littlefinger) and it's very likely he's a pedophile.

3) Gregor Clegane - Apart from everything else he's done, he fed Vargo Hoat back to him? Wow.

Those guys from Astapor who trained the Unsullied fall just short. I feel I should put them before Ser Gregor but still, feeding a defeated enemy his own flesh? Jezus...

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@ Stannis' sense of humour "Ramsay isn't horrible just misunderstood"


A man who flays his prisoners, sets women loose in the woods and hunts them down with dogs before raping them to death... Misunderstood?

He's a freaking physcopath who I hope dies a bloody and brutal death that he surely deserves.

...So, as you might have guessed, my vote goes for Ramsay as the worst :P

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Gerold Hightower, the White Bull. I mean, if there's a category that i despises A LOT MORE than rapists, that's the category of accomplices of rapists and defenders of rapists. :)

Just so I get this right - you feel the same about Arthur Dayne and Oswell Whent as well then? You might dislike Randyl Tarly as well - remember his speech to Brienne!

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Gregor Clegane, Little Finger, Vargo Hoat, Biter, Rorge, Slavers of Astapor, Boltons and least we for get the Freys ( Walder,Black Walder, Lothar ) and the guilty rest.

Cersei for giving innocent women to Dr. Gregorstein.

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If there's anyone that deserves to eat himself it's gotta be Vargo Hoat... although he was pretty entertaining....

Yeah. Cooking up some roast goat for Lord Vargo is in my opinion the only good thing we've seen Gregor do... except dying that is. True poetic justice.

Ramsay Snow should definately be on the list as well, he is almost unbelievably evil and cruel in his actions. Very few real historical people can match his sadism, and we've all had some bad fucking rulers over the ages. Neither Lyn nor Qyburn are even close.

Littlefinger is definately an evil man as well, with seemingly no regard whatsoever about the hundreds of thousands of people have died in the conflicts caused just by his scheming for power.

If it's true that Varys "disposes" of his birds whenever they grow too old, then he should in my opinion be on the list as well. Jovial appearance and wit nonwithstanding. Buying little kids by the dozens, tearing out their tongues, using them for extremely dangerous labor, and then murdering them and starting on a new batch whenever they get old is just... monstrous.

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1. Littlefinger. Ramsay and Joffrey do what they do because they are psychopaths. Littlefinger caused the death of millions for personal gain.

2. Ramsay Snow. Duh

3. Gregor Clegane. Duh


4. Vargo Hoat

5. Cersei Lannister. What she did to the Lollys Stokeworth was unforgivable.

6. Tywin Lannister/Roose Bolton

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I'm not going to defend Ramsay (hell no!), but the reason I left him off the list was because I don't find him as scary as the others, sickening, rather - It's partially because I'm pretty sure he's a real coward on the inside who's easily broken when he's actually in danger, so I didn't find him sufficiently 'formidable' (in lack of a better word) for the top 3. But I respect everyone who puts the soab in his list, eh eh. We all have different standards for judging them - I tend to go with the people I find most sinister, scary and 'creative' in their evilness.

@ Qorin: good call, Craster does deserve some points for the final tally.

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