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The Others POV


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Tell me why should I love humans. I'll tell you why we should hate them.

Who do you think will have more reasons?

Its not the number of reasons, is the reasons themselves.

If you hate humans so much, why don't you kill yourself? That way we won't be bothering you anymore.

BTW I think we're off topic here...

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In the WOT5K I supported Rob because I thought he was the only one who was fighting for the right reasons

I support Westeros because I think GRRM has made us so fond of the characters we know that I would suffer if I see them come to such a tragic end (Even though that's more likely to happen)

I know what you're saying, but the people I love in Westeros are fewer than the ones I hate.

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In general, I hate humans, though not all of them. That doesn't make me ET you know; just a weird person.

However, this topic is about a POV from the Others.

Yes, of course. But I think SerStinger here is on something else...

OT many of us agree that a POV fron an actual Other, (although it may not happen) would be very interesting.

Besides what best way to get to know more about them?

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Besides what best way to get to know more about them?

A BR POV or some Bran POVs only about them. You know, just an Other won't know about everything they wanna do, maybe their commander or an authority figure (if they have one) knows more, but they don't know all, unlike BR. Though I would be much interested in an Other POV, as BR can't know their private thoughts, and I want to know their thoughts so bad.

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Though I would be much interested in an Other POV, as BR can't know their private thoughts, and I want to know their thoughts so bad.


In one of the last Jon chapters in ADwD he asked Tormund Giantsbane about the Others and he said it was best not to talk about it now. I doubt we'll have a POV from him but some dialog would provide a lot of info on the Others.

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In general, I hate humans, though not all of them. That doesn't make me ET you know; just a weird person.

However, this topic is about a POV from the Others.

It means you are blanketing a whole species with whom you have only met a very small fraction, who hold a variety of different cultural values and norms. Which I would argue does not show intelligence, as someone above suggested, more arrogance.

Anyway on topic, I think that it would be very interesting, but potentially not as interesting as not having one. I think one of the great things about novels is trying to piece together and understand other people's motives. By not giving a point of view we will have to try and work out their motives, instead of being told exactly what they are. It will also leave us with suspense. Therefore, maybe an epilogue could be interesting, but I definitely don't want to see a prologue. In all honesty though, an others POV would seem a bit corny for me, similarly to some of the main manipulators, as they have too much information. I think that the POVs are well chosen, as they are for characters who are learning new things about how their environment actually works. I think Cersei is particularly interesting, as she is now learning what accountability means.

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It means you are blanketing a whole species with whom you have only met a very small fraction, who hold a variety of different cultural values and norms. Which I would argue does not show intelligence, as someone above suggested, more arrogance.

Anyway on topic, I think that it would be very interesting, but potentially not as interesting as not having one. I think one of the great things about novels is trying to piece together and understand other people's motives. By not giving a point of view we will have to try and work out their motives, instead of being told exactly what they are. It will also leave us with suspense. Therefore, maybe an epilogue could be interesting, but I definitely don't want to see a prologue. In all honesty though, an others POV would seem a bit corny for me, similarly to some of the main manipulators, as they have too much information. I think that the POVs are well chosen, as they are for characters who are learning new things about how their environment actually works. I think Cersei is particularly interesting, as she is now learning what accountability means.

No, I don't like the world humans built (which can give you enough reasons to hate them) and I don't like a whole lot of things about humans that are somehow prevalent among them, and I can go on arguing about this for a year, but this is not the place.

Going on topic: an Other doesn't know everything. We don't know the system in which they live in, but if they have authority figures, then a POV from a lesser Other would be very very exciting indeed. This way we will learn many things without knowing too much. Though personally I'd rather know too much. When I first read AGoT, I thought it was too slow-paced, so I went to wiki and read all the major happenings and then I get on with the novels and still enjoyed them. But maybe that's just me.

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Side note, to me they seem to be GRRM's version of the Uruk-hai(he just reversed their coloring). They are alive to kill. They may be eloquent in their making but their purpose is simple.

I know i will probably be bashed for saying it but it's all I have seen of them so far. They are strong and they kill without mercy.

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My personal crackpot theory is that Jon becomes an Other,or at least is taken by them.Crackpot,but I believe it at least as much as R+L=J.

The nefarious exploits of Craster give us clues that Others take life and absorb it into their culture.Not only do we know that Craster gives his live sons to the Others,but that his wives see the Others as Craster's sons returning."They come for the life,babies stink o'life"

The Night's King legend is a tale of an adult being Otherized,but I don't think Jon will be so corrupted.His Targ blood and warging abilities will work in his favour.

You can interpret individual prophecies and dreams how you will,but when there are a heap of them all pointing to the one thing,it's more difficult to ignore.Although the ASOIAF community are doing a good job of it.

Bran,coma vision-"He saw the Wall shining like blue crystal,and his bastard brother Jon sleeping alone in a cold bed,his skin growing pale and hard as the memory of all warmth fled from him".

AGOT,prologue-"Tall,it was,and gaunt and hard as old bones,with flesh pale as milk"

Then there's Jon's own dream where he is atop the Wall "armored in black ice wielding a red sword".

AGOT,prologue-"It's armor seemed to change colour as it moved;here it was white as new fallen snow,there black as shadow"

Dany,HOTU-she saw a "blue eyed king wielding a red sword".

And Rhaeger saying "He is the prince who was promised.His is the song of Ice and Fire".

There are more prophecy/dream hints,but let's return to the overall story.Jon is a bastard of Stark and Targaryen blood.The Stark words are "Winter is coming",the Targ words are "Blood and fire".Winter is coming can be viewed as "The Others will return"."Blood and fire" are the ingredients of fire magic.

Jon is an incarnation of both,the only incarnation of both,the best placed to provide the balance to the song of Ice and Fire.

He is a member of the Night's Watch,now the Lord Commander of the NW,like the Night's King was.He has been stabbed by his peers,which breaks the NW vow and the integrity of the Wall.

Now he is vulnerable to being taken by the Others.In story terms,Tormund might take him North or South of the Wall,it doesn't matter if the Wall has been "broken" by the NW treachery,the Others can get him.

So we may have an Other POV.Jon asks Sam "Who are they,where do they come from,what do they want?"Sam can't answer,Jon might.

I don't expect the Others to be benign,or even "misunderstood" but we will get an explanation for them,I would hope.

Jon's recurring dream of visiting the lower crypts of Winterfell can come to pass too,And I think he will meet Dany.And Tyrion again.

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Last few POVs in Dream of Spring will all be Others. Because the Others will win, and blanket the world with permanent ice, except for a residual human population clustered on the Summer Isles dreaming of a Spring that will never return.

Though redriver's theory above is much more likely.

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My personal crackpot theory is that Jon becomes an Other,or at least is taken by them.Crackpot,but I believe it at least as much as R+L=J.

The nefarious exploits of Craster give us clues that Others take life and absorb it into their culture.Not only do we know that Craster gives his live sons to the Others,but that his wives see the Others as Craster's sons returning."They come for the life,babies stink o'life"

The Night's King legend is a tale of an adult being Otherized,but I don't think Jon will be so corrupted.His Targ blood and warging abilities will work in his favour.

You can interpret individual prophecies and dreams how you will,but when there are a heap of them all pointing to the one thing,it's more difficult to ignore.Although the ASOIAF community are doing a good job of it.

Bran,coma vision-"He saw the Wall shining like blue crystal,and his bastard brother Jon sleeping alone in a cold bed,his skin growing pale and hard as the memory of all warmth fled from him".

AGOT,prologue-"Tall,it was,and gaunt and hard as old bones,with flesh pale as milk"

Then there's Jon's own dream where he is atop the Wall "armored in black ice wielding a red sword".

AGOT,prologue-"It's armor seemed to change colour as it moved;here it was white as new fallen snow,there black as shadow"

Dany,HOTU-she saw a "blue eyed king wielding a red sword".

And Rhaeger saying "He is the prince who was promised.His is the song of Ice and Fire".

There are more prophecy/dream hints,but let's return to the overall story.Jon is a bastard of Stark and Targaryen blood.The Stark words are "Winter is coming",the Targ words are "Blood and fire".Winter is coming can be viewed as "The Others will return"."Blood and fire" are the ingredients of fire magic.

Jon is an incarnation of both,the only incarnation of both,the best placed to provide the balance to the song of Ice and Fire.

He is a member of the Night's Watch,now the Lord Commander of the NW,like the Night's King was.He has been stabbed by his peers,which breaks the NW vow and the integrity of the Wall.

Now he is vulnerable to being taken by the Others.In story terms,Tormund might take him North or South of the Wall,it doesn't matter if the Wall has been "broken" by the NW treachery,the Others can get him.

So we may have an Other POV.Jon asks Sam "Who are they,where do they come from,what do they want?"Sam can't answer,Jon might.

I don't expect the Others to be benign,or even "misunderstood" but we will get an explanation for them,I would hope.

Jon's recurring dream of visiting the lower crypts of Winterfell can come to pass too,And I think he will meet Dany.And Tyrion again.

Great theory!!! At first I thought this was going to be another stupid post from someone who likes to mess things up. But I really like the way you put your mind into it.

About the Night King, he married to an Other right? So this supports the theory that The Others are not necessarily evil.

About Jon, I have never thought of that but if he becomes part of the Others, he may be able to understand their motives just like he did with the wildlings. Although, how will this turn out to be? That's something only GRRM could figure out.

I do believe in the Jon=AA theory, but your theory, although very interesting and plausible, it may not seem so realistic in a way.

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I always got the feeling that the Others were the rivals of the Children of the Forest. They been defeated in the War for the Dawn and since then they became the underdogs. Probably seeing how the humans (andals) started to annihilate the Children of the Forest they started planning a return when their enemy forgot about them.

Are there any records for the Others getting into Essos or anything? Might be they got driven out of Westeros (their land) by the Children and are now just trying to get their land back.

I highly doubt it that GRRM worked 5 books to show that not everything is black and white to show up with a pure evil race now.

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