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ASOIAF Twenty Questions - v.21


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They're murdering Stannis in the elimination game! Please, my fellow supporters of the true king, save him!

Was it Varymer Sixskins warging into a "Snow clawing bird" and getting burnt alive by Meli in the opening sequences of the Battle of Castle Black?

Good one!

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1. It's not an object.

2. It's not a human.

3. It's not a place/location.

4. It's non-physical.

5. It's an event.

6. It happened during the five books.

7. It is connected to specific characters.

8. It is not described by a female POV.

9. It's north of the Neck.

10. The specific event I'm thinking of is just one POV, although something similar occurs in another.

11. It does not happen in Game or Clash.

12. It happened in Storm or Feast.

13. It happens at or beyond the Wall.

14. It happens beyond the Wall.

15. It's described in a Jon chapter.

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