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ASOIAF Twenty Questions - v.21


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1. It's not an object.

2. It's not a human.

3. It's not a place/location.

4. It's non-physical.

5. It's an event.

6. It happened during the five books.

7. It is connected to specific characters.

8. It is not described by a female POV.

I am thinking the un-kiss of SanSan :drunk:

Ooh, that'd be a cool one.

Sometimes the best suggestions come from the guesses :laugh:.

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1. It's not an object.

2. It's not a human.

3. It's not a place/location.

4. It's non-physical.

5. It's an event.

6. It happened during the five books.

7. It is connected to specific characters.

8. It is not described by a female POV.

9. It's north of the Neck.

10. Hmm. The specific event I'm thinking of is just one POV, although something similar occurs in another.

That last answer should answer Buck's question as well (sort of like...swords are common, but Needle is an individual sword).

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