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Our Dirtiest Fantasies - Book Characters Guessing Game 3 part 2


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You know what, Crown is right, I'll give you #2 and #1 together. How will I give the points? Assuming that all those who got #2 right will not change and all those who got it wrong will change it to the right answer, but don't forget that the answer can't be changed more than 2 times.

#2 Arianne Martell

188 points

In 27 out of lists

Chosen by 15 men and 12 women

Highest placing: 1 (7 times)

Lowest placing: 10

Average placing: 4.0

Was there ever a woman with nipples so large or so responsive? He could hardly look at them without wanting to grab them, to suckle them until they were hard and wet and shiny...

So, we have almost reached the end, and #2 is proud to present the heir to Sunspear, Princess Arianne of House Martell. Young, beautiful, gorgeous Arianne Martell takes after her mom Mellario, the hot Norvoshi, rather than her dad Doran, the gouty dornishman. And this is rather clear in her description: olive skin, dark eyes, dark hair.

The highest non-TV character on the list, Arianne has reached this position mainly thanks to that Arys Oakheart chapter, her first appearence. That chapter is in my opinion the best sex scene provided by GRRM, with its descriptions of Arianne's splendid body. And I actually felt as if I was hearing her sexy voice and feeling her sexy touch.

Arianne, beautiful Arianne, was later locked up in a tower after showing us that she is not simply hot but also hot-tempered when she tried to crown Myrcella the new Queen of Westeros. BUT! She also showed that she can take horrible decisions such as trusting the worst douche in Westeros, that guy named Darkstar. God I hate Darkstar. But this is not the topic of the conversation.

(But I do hate him. A lot.)

However, Arianne reappeared halfway through A Dance with Dragons, when Areo Hotah took note of how she was clearly trying to seduce Balon Swann (or at least trying to understand if he could be seduced.). He didn't look like he was going to fall for that. But if she really tried, he would soon enough. Because I'll tell you now, Arianne Martell is officially the Sexiest Woman in the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros.

Because #1 is a man.

Ladies and Gentleman, you all know him, some of you love him, some of you hate him, but what matters is that most of you would gladly f**k him: I am really glad to give you...

#1 Jaime Lannister!!!

196 points!

In 27 out of 33 lists!

Chosen by 13 men! And 14 women!

Highest placing: 1 (6 times!)

Lowest placing: 9!

Average placing: 3.7 (btw, this means that Wyman Manderly had the highest average placing in the male category, and was second only to Dany considering the whole list. I'm serious.)

*cries in joy and faints in happiness*

-Jaime's Wench reaction after reading this

There are no men like me. There's only me.

Apparently, Jaime Lannister was right when he said that. There is no other man in the Seven Kingdoms as sexy as he is - I mean, Oberyn got 40 fewer points an Jon 89: the top 3 is rather clear about who is the winner of the male category.

So, one last time, I ask myself: what's sexy about Jaime Lannister? And I try to answer.

#1: Body. The Kingslayer is fit, noone can deny that: he's a great rider, a great fighter, and his muscles are proof of that. Since he was young he has always been tall, handsome, skilled with a sword... how could he not pop into a few of a girl's fantasies?

#2: Hair. I do believe hair is a very important part of a person's sex-appeal, and Jaime's long golden curls are one of the best you can ever find, with the wind blowing through them as he rides in a summer afternoon, and the sun shining behind them matching their colour... oh those curls...

#3: Wits. Even if until A Storm of Swords it was easy to mistake him for a pretty-but-stupid guy, reading his POVs has definitely changed the fandom's opinion about him. He's smart and funny, not just sexy. He likes joking and his jokes are never trivial, he understands situation and people's mind, he's... amazing.

#4: Recklessness. Wait a second, Jaime, are you flinging a child down out of that window? Nononono stop, you may kill him and/or start a war! Wait wait, you're not going to kill that king, are you? No, stop, come on, you swore you would protect him! Oh, come on, you know you can't have sex with your sister in front of your son's corpse! ... Yeah, well, Jaime Lannister doesn't give a damn. He always does what he thinks must be done, no matter if it may be considered evil or ruthless.

#5: This guy.

#6: His story. Yes, it's true, he was probably the main villain of the story in A Game of Thrones. But now it really looks like he's trying to redeem himself, and you immediately need to sympathize with him, to encourage him, and before you understand it, you're in love with him. It happened with me.

So. Do I think Jaime deserved to win this one? I totally do. He was #2 on my list just because of my weird obsession with Robb Stark, you know that. But he is definitely worthy of the title of King of the Dirtiest Fantasies of the good users of the Forum Games subforum. All hail his grace!

And NOW! Are you ready to find out which of you understands people's mind better than the others? Time to find out with...

The Final Leaderboard!

The Angel's Prophet 71

SnowStorm 69

Valonqar_ 68

Crown 68

AryaSnow 62

Stavos 61

King Stannis Baratheon 59

Julifay Greyiron 56

Lady Kraken 54

Bex-N-Wendy 53

Syseanne 48

Mym 46

Myrish Swamp Thing 45

Ser Laughing Storm 44

hearmeroar92 43

King Euron Greyjoy 40

DaniSnowborn 40

Jaime's Wench 40

St. Arya 38

Headless Jeyne 38

The BlackBear 32

Petyr Baelish the First 30

Chelly 20

KhaleesiDany 14

brAnthelAstgreenseer 12

The Lord's Kiss 11

lunadangelo 11

eddard of the house stark 10

Lord Arryn 9

Liar 5

Killer Cacti 3

Red Lion of Castamere 2

Silver Spearwife 2

Mrs. Manderly 1

Congratulations to the Angel's Prophet, who didn't just win but was the only one who got the top 4 right on first try. I leave the comments to you! :cheers:

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Congratulations AP!

And now we share our lists?

Anyway, this is mine for those interested:

Male, heterosexual, 17.


  1. Sansa Stark (sorry, it's Sophie Turner, I have a total crush on her, I confess)
  2. Arianne Martell
  3. Daenerys Targaryen
  4. Asha Greyjoy
  5. Val
  6. Doreah
  7. Ygritte
  8. Melisandre
  9. Nymeria Sand
  10. Meera Reed

Men (this is difficult...)

  1. Jaime Lannister
  2. Khal Drogo
  3. Jon Snow
  4. Renly Baratheon
  5. Euron Greyjoy
  6. Oberyn Martell
  7. Robb Stark
  8. Beric Dondarrion
  9. Victarion Greyjoy
  10. Gerold Dayne

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Congratulations, Angel's Prophet!

My list, for anyone who is interested:

Ten Female:

10. Roslin Frey

9. Ashara Dayne

8. Margaery Tyrell

7. Arianne Martell

6. Taena Merryweather

5. Val

4. Asha Greyjoy

3. Sansa Stark

2. Cersei Lannister

1. Daenerys Targaryen

Ten Male:

10. Roose Bolton

9. Robert Baratheon - Before he got fat

8. Renly Baratheon

7. Robb Stark

6. Oberyn Martell

5. Loras Tyrell

4. Garlan Tyrell

3. Theon Greyjoy - Pre-Reek

2. Jaime Lannister

1. Euron Greyjoy

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Thank you Franz for running this game for us :) Sorry about the Wyman troubles :lol:

I confessed earlier in this game that I was part of the Wymangate. That #3 spot belonged to Aeron Greyjoy. Franz, was I the only one who included Aeron on their list? I'm intrigued.


  1. Oberyn Martell
  2. Euron Greyjoy
  3. Wyman Manderly
  4. Aeron Greyjoy
  5. Theon Greyjoy
  6. Victarion Greyjoy
  7. Qarl the Maid
  8. TV Robb Stark
  9. Aegon the Conqueror
  10. Aurane Waters


  1. Arianne Martell
  2. Asha Greyjoy
  3. Daenerys Targaryen
  4. Ellaria Sand, Oberyn's paramour
  5. Ygritte
  6. Melisandre
  7. Nymeria Sand
  8. Irri
  9. Jhiqui
  10. Alayaya

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1) Arianne Martell

2) Val

3) Nymeria Sand

4) Doreah

5) Dacey Mormont

6) Irri

7) Ellaria Sand

8) Margaery Tyrell

9) Alayaya

10) Roslin Frey

1) Oberyn Martell

2) Mance Rayder

3) Robb Stark

4) Jaqen H'ghar

5) Ned Stark

6) Sam Tarly

7) Tormund

8) Jaime Lannister

9) Tyrion Lannister

10) Quentyn Martell

Looking back, I would put Dacey and Quentyn higher up

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