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The Stranger vs. Resurrection

Ser Endrew Tarth

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Hey guys, ran across an interesting passage ADWD Tyrion Ch. pg. 286:

Haldon nodded. "Benerro has sent forth the word from Volantis. Her coming is the fulfillment of an ancient prophecy. From smoke and salt was she born to make this world anew. She is Azor Ahai returned... and her triumph over darkness will bring a summer that will never end... death itself will bend its knee, and all those who die fighting in her cause shall be reborn..."

"Do I have to be reborn in the same body?" asked Tyrion...

So this really got me thinking. Forget Dany for a moment and think of what the priest is saying about this prophecy.

Basically the servants of the Lord of Light, fighting on his side, will be resurrected each time they die I assume using the "kiss of fire" and raising thier dead. Now we have two (possibly 3) examples of the kiss of fire so far, Cat and Beric (and un-mel if you subscribe). None of these are very appealing in the sense that they are not living a "real" life but have broken memories, don't eat or sleep much, and may be obsessed with finishing a task from life (ie Cat avenging her son/Beric defeating Clegane or protecting the riverlands).

So that made me think...

If this becomes a battle between the reborn Azor Ahai, the hero of the light, and the WW/Others/wights, then we are basically setting up a hot huge zombie army VS. a cold huge zombie army. Both of which can raise more as they fight.

If a worldwide battle rages in which the dead are always resurrected... The Stranger doesn't get his due.

If we are going to believe that any "God" from ASoIaF actually exists (in the narrative and not just in the character's heads) the I put forth that the Stranger should be that God. As the Kindly Man says He is known by many different names but all know him. He has been most often associated with Death and seems almost to be a Grim Reaper type character. Remember noone lights candles to the stranger for fear that he might take notice of them (save Tyrion... what a ballzy little bastard lol).

My point is that if the Stranger exists, and is a harbinger of death, he may not take kindly to armies of souls in limbo. I would like to hear thoughts or speculation on it. Would the FM as agents of his be conspiring to prevent this somehow? Could it be connected to what Ja'quen seeks at the citadel? Does anyone think the Stranger exists, or would involve himself?

It's not really a fully fleshed out theory just thought it was interesting and the ADwD section has been a bit stale on topics lately.

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It's actually a very well-founded concern. I'd imagine that the followers of the many-faced god would see it as a slight to their religion; restless souls of fallen warriors brought back to fight in some other god's war... when not even death is sacred, the church of black and white would be shaken to the core. Makes me wonder if they'll start equipping the FM with dragonglass to go in and disrupt the status quo...

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Not today.

Are you quoting the CW show Arrow? (it's awesome btw)

It's actually a very well-founded concern. I'd imagine that the followers of the many-faced god would see it as a slight to their religion; restless souls of fallen warriors brought back to fight in some other god's war... when not even death is sacred, the church of black and white would be shaken to the core. Makes me wonder if they'll start equipping the FM with dragonglass to go in and disrupt the status quo...

Lol an interesting thought... I like your wording here "shaken to the core".

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lol, well, it's true. The whole church is founded on the principle that death is a great and holy thing. Not just something that's inevitable, but something that all men are entitled to. They'd find it beyond appalling that people are taking away the gift they work so hard to give.

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I like this idea. I think the Seven are going to pay a bigger role besides having the High Septon dick around with politics. I think when the Andals came to Westeros with the seven pointed star on their chest it was some kind of magic that is now lost. And that's how they beat back the First Men who had warging ect.

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Great input all!

Yeah the carving of the seven pointed stars into thier chests is extreme! Definitely may point to something deeper... It's obvious that though GRRM may not necessarilly reveal the "gods" to us, their influence will play a huge roll in the harsh winter.

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I always wondered if the Stranger wasn't actually the Great Other or a thrall there of, being as how no one seems comfortable praying to him and he is closely related with death. To put it in grade school terms, could be that the Drowned God and the Stranger are the left nut and the right nut, the Great Other is the penis in between us. :D

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